He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3020: Each of you has captured a new Pokémon!

Chapter 3020: Each of you has captured a new Pokémon!
The time came to noon.

In the southern part of the jungle adjacent to Route 1, Xiaozhi and his group returned to the entrance where they came in previously.

Because of the Mangkhut incident in the middle, in the second half, Xiaozhi and Liliae's team simply explored with Mao and Suiren team to capture new Pokémon.

It was a close call and there were no further accidents.


Just as they walked out of the jungle, Kachi and Mamane poked their heads out from the dense bushes on the other side.

He was not injured, but his body was dirty and covered with grass leaves, and he looked quite disheveled.

"Oh everyone is safe~!"

Xiaozhi was delighted and relieved. He was worried that something unexpected might happen in the first class.

It's not just that weird Mimicryuu. He always has a feeling that there are even more dangerous things hidden in this seemingly safe and peaceful jungle?
This is what his warrior instinct told him.

However, the expressions on Liliae's and the others' faces were different, some happy, some annoyed, and it was obvious that their gains were different.

So Xiaozhi clapped his hands, asked everyone to form a circle, and gave a morale-boosting suggestion:

"In that case, let's summarize the results, and then we can disperse and have dinner~!"

He would not be like this before, but now that he is a teacher, his focus still has to be on his students.

"Beep! Leave the statistics to me, Loto~!"

Rotom has turned his back and turned on the camera.

So everyone cheered up and respected Xiaozhi, the new teacher.

"Then I'll go first~ Hehe, this is the Sleeping Shroom I captured~! It's a Grass-type Pokémon!"

Mao, who was full of energy, was naturally the first to raise her hand in response, and then released her newly captured Pokémon.

It looks like a slender white mushroom, with dull eyes and appears to have no fighting power.

"Beep! A sleeping mushroom with grass and fairy attributes. It spreads glowing spores to put the opponent to sleep. It likes to stay in humid places and uses its foot-like roots to absorb energy. Loto~!"

Rotom introduced that this is a Pokémon that does not need to be fed. When it is hungry, it can be planted in a flowerpot to absorb nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

"Well done Maou~ Next one!"

Xiaozhi gave Mao a thumbs up, causing the latter to scratch his head with a slightly smug look on his face.

"Well, I'm next!"

Shui Lian had a tense face, looking a little nervous, as if she was about to perform on stage.

The red light fell, and a yellow-green spider Pokémon appeared. It was not big in size, with sharp yellow-green legs, a black body and abdomen, and its head was strangely covered with bubbles.

"Beep! Droplet Spider, water + insect attribute, wears bubbles to breathe and protect its soft head. When in danger, it will also throw the bubbles on its head away. Loto~!"

This Pokémon was captured when the group formed a team and passed by a pond.

The spider with bubbles on its head immediately attracted the attention of Shui Lian's sea lion, and was subdued after a fight.

Both Pokémon like to blow bubbles, but the sea lion uses its nose, while the spider uses its butt. That's right, the end of the abdomen can blow bubbles bigger, and then put them on the head. I wonder if there is any strange smell inside?

"It's my turn, it's my turn. Come out!!"

Mamane raised his chubby little hand and proudly threw a Poké Ball.

The red light fell, revealing a larva Pokémon with sharp jaws.

"Beep! Strongjaw Heron, a bug-type, can use its huge jaws to cut open trees and suck out the sap. It usually lives underground, but in order to avoid being attacked by bird Pokémon, it sometimes gathers in places where Electric-type Pokémon live, Loto~!"

Rotom introduced them one by one.

The Strong-jawed Chicken Queen does not have electrical properties in the larval stage, but after evolution, its body can store high amounts of electricity like a battery. It is not only useful in combat, but also of great benefit to Mamane in daily scientific research projects.

"Oh~ Looks like Mamane has captured a perfect Pokémon!"

Xiaozhi also gave Mamane a thumbs up, then turned his gaze to the remaining two people.

However, Liliae and Kachi had similar expressions. They sighed and lowered their heads in distress.

The two's record is 0.

Kage is a trainer specializing in fire attributes, and his goal is only to capture fire attribute Pokémon, so this time he specifically set his sights on a Pokémon called "Flowerbird".

"Beep, Flower Bird, the first attribute is flying, and the second attribute will change according to the nectar it normally inhales. There are four directions in total: fire, electricity, psychic, and ghost~!"

Although Kachi was not tamed, this did not prevent Rotom from introducing him eloquently.

Flower Dance Birds are widely distributed on the four large islands in the Alola region, and generally, the attributes of Flower Dance Birds living in different areas are different.

Among them, the fire-attributed Flower Dance Bird is also known as the hot-hot style, which is very consistent with the naming style of Alola Island, and is naturally Khaki's target.

It’s just that the nectar in the jungle on Route 1 seemed to be a little off. Kachi spent most of the morning searching but all he found were electric-attribute Flower Dancing Birds, and ultimately failed to achieve his goal of capturing them.

"Hot-hot-style dancing birds? We do have some in our family yard."

As someone with the same record of 0, Liliae felt a little more sympathy for Kachi and couldn't help but speak.

Her home is a huge luxurious manor with a large garden in the front yard, which contains various flowers from the four islands in the Alola region.

In addition, the butler also adopted many flower-dancing Pokémon. These Pokémon that love dancing are also very beautiful as a sight to behold in the courtyard.

Since all four types of nectar are complete, four completely different styles of flower dancing birds can be seen at the same time in Liliae's home.

Kachi: “.”

Is this the world of the rich?
Although his family also has a vast farm, he only raises Kentaro and Milkman as "cash crops"!
"Hehe~ You can come to my house next time. I'll ask the butler to release one of the hot-hot-style flower dancing birds, and then you can fight and capture it, Kachi!"

Liliae said with a warm attitude and a smile.

The Hot-Hot-style Flower Dancer is actually not very suitable as an ornamental Pokémon.

When this type of Pokémon flaps its wings and dances, it will naturally shake off flames, burning flower petals and green plants in minutes. That would be a disaster!
She had heard the housekeeper say before that he wanted to send away all the hot-style flower dancing birds.

Xiaozhi twitched his lips, thinking that he didn't even need to go out of his way to capture Lillie, he could just ask his family to give him another cute Pokémon and be done with it! ?

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