He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3027 A bad feeling about the Ether Foundation? !

Go up the stairs and turn left on the second floor. The first house is Liliae's room.

Liliae was very generous about this and immediately opened the door. She didn't think there was anything wrong with a boy walking into her room.

"This is my room~!"

It was still a very spacious room, estimated to be nearly 80 square meters. On the left were Liliae's princess bed and wardrobe, and in the middle were some display cabinets with Pokémon dolls of all sizes piled on them.

Dragonite and Pixar are all cute Pokémon that instantly make the room pink.

On the right side are functional furniture such as sofas, desks, TVs and computers. Outside is an independent balcony, from which one can have a good view of the scenery behind the manor.

"Is that the battle site?!"

The first thing Kachi did was to go to the balcony. Outside he could see a standard battle field, and the butler James was busy with something downstairs.

I guess he will fight there later.

Xiaozhi was also looking around Liliae's room, and there seemed to be a family photo on the table next to it.

He took a few steps closer and found it was a photo of four people.

Liliae was standing in the lower left corner, she looked to be only 4 or 5 years old, holding a little Yorkie in her hands.

Standing next to him was a sunny and handsome little boy, probably about a year older, with short golden hair. He was also happily holding up a cute little puppy.

Is this Liliae's brother?
Behind them are two adults——

On the left is a middle-aged man with short blond hair and glasses. He looks honest and is wearing overalls and a shirt, dressed like an outdoor researcher.

On the right is a beautiful lady with long loose golden hair that covers half of her eyes. She also has a smiling look on her face.

"This is.?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but ask curiously, the whole family has blonde hair.

"These are my parents and my brother!"

Liliae quickly sat up straight and answered, feeling as if she was answering a question from a visiting teacher.

"Oh, so Liliae has a brother. This is the first time I've heard of this."

Xiaozhi nodded, his hair also half covering his eyes. It seemed that this brother was also a rebellious and immature boy.

I haven't seen him in school, could he be a graduate of the school?
"Yes, but my brother is away now and my mother doesn't come back often. As for my father."

Seeing that Liliae's voice suddenly lowered as she spoke, Xiaozhi did not continue to ask.

He couldn't understand the world of the rich.

"By the way, Liliae was able to get in touch with Pokémon when she was a child."

However, Xiaozhi noticed the blind spot. In the photo, 5-year-old Liliae was holding little York tightly in her arms. It was obvious that she was also a person who loved Pokémon.

Why am I afraid to interact with Pokémon now?

"Well, when I was a kid, my mom and I went on vacation to a newly bought island, and then something happened."

Liliae answered incoherently.

It’s not that she didn’t want to tell Xiaozhi, but she herself couldn’t remember it clearly.

She was probably only 5 or 6 years old at that time, and she seemed to have encountered something on that uninhabited island. After that, she had a psychological fear of the Pokémon Liliae.

It's only now that things are slowly getting better.

That uninhabited island has now become the base of the Ether Foundation and is called Ether Paradise.

"Ether Paradise? I've heard of it! By the way, Liliae's mother is the chairman of the Ether Foundation, right?" At this time, Kachi also came over and couldn't help but say excitedly.

"The Ether Foundation?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head. As a foreigner, these things were unfamiliar to him.

"The Aether Foundation is an organization dedicated to protecting injured Pokémon, but later it also expanded into various research activities, trying to make the Alola region a better place. It is the greatest scientific research organization here~!"

Kachi explained with a smile.

There is no official organization like the Pokémon League in the Alola region. It can be said that the Aether Foundation is the largest organization here.

Liliae's mother is said to be the real ruler of the Aether Foundation, and can be said to be the person with the highest status in the Alola region!
Listening to Kachi's introduction, Liliae's face flushed and she looked quite proud.

"My mother is very busy at work and rarely comes home. Most of the time, it's just me and Mr. James living here."

Liliae spoke up.

Therefore, the empty villa is home to quite a few Pokémon, and many rooms and facilities have been built for the Pokémon to play and rest.

"I see."

Xiaozhi nodded, and he had a preliminary understanding of the Aether Foundation.

However, the combination of "the largest local scientific research organization" and "rescuing Pokémon" always gave him a bad sense of déjà vu.

Why does it look a bit like Team Plasma and Team Flare?

However, the leader is the beautiful lady in the group photo, and she smiles very sweetly, so there shouldn't be any problem.
Quiches and Vladali never laugh!

"Mr. Kachi, the venue is ready, you can go down. Miss Liliae and Mr. Xiaozhi can also go down and watch the game."

After a while, the butler James came up and said politely.

Kachi's nostrils suddenly snorted, and he walked down the stairs with heavy steps, as powerful as a volcano about to erupt.

Xiaozhi and Liliae looked at each other and followed him downstairs.

"Just right, let's see how good Kachi is."

Xiaozhi thought to himself, after all, the latter was also a trainer who mastered Z-moves, and several previous battles had been disrupted.

Only by fully understanding the students' actual level can we impart knowledge better!
Soon, they arrived at the battle field behind the villa. Xiaozhi and Liliae were sitting in the spectator seats nearby, and their seats had been prepared long ago.

Kachi was already standing at the command seat on one side, while butler James was standing on the other side.

In front of him, a flower-dancing bird in the hot-hot style raised its wings and half-closed its eyes, ready to fight.

"Hey, isn't it Kachi's direct battle? Why is Mr. James also going up there?"

Xiaozhi looked doubtful.

"Don't worry, that Flower Bird is wild, but I asked Mr. James to help command it. Mr. James used to be a powerful trainer~!"

Liliae said with a smile.

Kawhi's face darkened. No matter whether it was a direct battle or a battle with a trainer, there was only one thing he had to do now.

"Use the hottest flames to melt your opponent! Go, Exploding Tortoise!!"

Kachi directly sent out his ace, Flame Turtlemon.

The Exploding Flame Turtle Beast, which has the dragon attribute, has a huge advantage in this fire attribute civil war! ——
(Thanks to the book friend Legend of the Golden Dragon King for the reward! I will add another chapter later, but it will be later.!) (End of this chapter)

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