He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3038: The person was shaken but it’s still Jolteon’s toy!

Chapter 3038: Someone has called. But it’s still Jolteon’s toy!

The dominant meerkat inspector let out a loud roar, pounced forward, opened his bloody mouth, and a bright white light flashed from his fangs.

This size is enough to almost swallow Ibrahimovic in one bite.

Angry front teeth!
Combined with the "strong forehead" characteristic of Inspector Mongoose, this bite was terrible, and scared Eevee so much that his ears stood up.

"Eevee, high-speed star!"

At the critical moment, Xiaozhi's calm command voice came from behind, which calmed Eevee down immediately.

Countless energy stars gathered around his body and shot out, attacking the eyes of the meerkat inspector.

Eevee's characteristic is adaptability, and the power of all moves that match its attributes can be further enhanced.

Da da da.!

As a last resort, the Overlord Meerkat Inspector had to stop the attack of his angry fangs, raised his hands to protect his eyes, and let energy stars explode on his wrists one after another.

There's just a huge disparity in power, so high-speed stars have almost no effect.

Relying on Eevee's form, it is impossible to defeat the dominant Pokémon in front of it.

"In that case, then evolve, Eevee!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly raised his arm high, and the electric Z pure crystal was inlaid on the Z bracelet.


Eevee responded with a loud shout, and a bright light began to shine around it. With the sound of electricity flowing, it successfully evolved into Jolteon.

Shui Lian who was watching the battle from behind: “?”


Xiaozhi dropped his arms, secretly delighted.

This was an unexpected discovery he had made before.

It seems that because it has used the Electric Z move once, Eevee is now able to control itself and choose to evolve into Jolteon.

Instead of having to draw lots by chance, or relying on Pikachu next to you to release a thunderbolt, adding an electric field induction effect to your movement.
Of course, for the evolution of other attributes, Ibrahimovic can only rely on chance or the inducement of the environment.

"Sure enough, Pure Z Crystal is effective for Eevee's evolution."

Perhaps there is no need for Eevee's exclusive Z-Crystal to let Eevee perform all the Z-moves in the eight evolutionary directions, and he can completely control his own evolutionary power?
However, taking Jolteon as the starting point at this moment is obviously the best choice.

No wonder Jolteon is fast enough!

On the opposite side, the overlord Inspector Mongoose has already attacked, clenched his fists, and punched with surging and powerful Qi!
The Qi Fist, with the added aura of a dominant force, is powerful enough to split mountains and crack rocks!

However, the evolved Jolteon had sharp eyes, all the hair on its body stood up, and it let out a low growl of unwillingness to admit defeat.

He stepped lightly on the ground, dodged the Qi punch with ease.

"Is this action a high-speed movement?"

Xiaozhi was overjoyed. Jolteon is a super fast Pokémon. It is estimated that it automatically mastered the move of high-speed movement after its evolution.

"If you master it automatically, use Missile Needle!"

He raised his hand and pointed, and the move should have been mastered automatically.

Although he had never commanded a Jolteon to fight, he was very familiar with the three Pokémon of his hometown: Water, Fire, and Jolteon, and was naturally familiar with their specialties.

Sure enough, after landing firmly on the ground, the hair all over Jolteon's body stood up, and countless bright white steel needles flew out!
Unlike the Missile Needle special effect performed by Bricaron, the former directly shoots out a few streams of green light shells, while the Missile Needle of Jolteon is the most classic special effect in the Kanto region.

Da da da! !

The missile needle successfully hit Inspector Mongoose, and his body was covered with densely packed white steel needles, making him look quite tragic.

Fortunately, the front of the mongoose inspector's chest was protected by thick hair like a beard, and no vital parts were hit. "Ahhh!!"

It was also hurt by the needle and immediately roared towards the sky.

The sound continued to echo in the lush cave, and the next moment, a meerkat inspector suddenly jumped out from a small hole high up and landed side by side with the meerkat inspector.

Both Pokémon are obviously Meerkat Inspectors, but one is nearly three meters tall, and the other is barely one meter.

An ordinary meerkat inspector is about the size of the right leg of a dominant meerkat inspector.

"Is this what Dr. Kukui meant by calling a partner?"

Xiaozhi was not surprised, but his expression became more solemn.

The following battle situation also became somewhat unethical——


The newly emerged Common Mongoose Inspector dug his claws directly into the soil, violently lifting up all the sand and dirt.

Mud Throw is a ground-attribute move that is extremely effective against Jolteon, and has the effect of obstructing the target's field of vision.

The Overlord Mongoose Inspector pounced again, opening his bloody mouth and biting at Jolteon.

"One assist and one attack?"

Xiaozhi understood. If it was any other Eevee evolution, it might be difficult to deal with, but now it was the fastest Jolteon, so the pressure was reduced a lot.

"Move at high speed!"

Jolteon once again used his super high speed to dodge the attack of the Overlord Mongoose Inspector that was biting him head on.

Then he bypassed the former and rushed straight towards the direction of the meerkat inspector who was diligently throwing mud behind him.

Kick! Kick!
It leaped up to avoid all the mud, then turned its body over and stomped forwards and backwards with its hind legs.

Double kick!
Outstanding effect!

The meerkat inspector was immediately kicked away by the second kick and hit the rock wall next to him heavily.


After landing on the ground, the hair all over Jolteon's body exploded, and the electric current suddenly spread out, all attacking the Overlord Mongoose Inspector.

Sizzle, boom! !
All the lightning exploded, blasting the dominant Pokémon back.

Although the latter has greatly enhanced his physical abilities with the help of his dominant aura, his speed is very average, and he has completely become a toy toyed with by the high-speed Jolteon.

"The winner is decided, Jolteon!!"

Xiaozhi was not polite at all. He shouted loudly and tapped the electric Z pure crystal on the Z bracelet with his palm, which instantly lit up.

Then, Xiaozhi skillfully performed the Electric Z dance move, and Jolteon stood firm, accepting Xiaozhi's full energy infusion.

Now that I'm an Alola, I feel uncomfortable if I don't use Z-moves for a day!

The next moment, Jolteon's body was surrounded by the same golden energy aura as that of the Overlord Mongoose Inspector.

"Now is the time, Ultimate Volt Thunder Flash!!"

Xiaozhi threw a punch and shouted out a long list of move names.

The same thing happened to Jolteon. He leaped up into the air, and a huge, thick stream of lightning gathered in front of him. As his forelimbs swung out, an exaggerated electric cannonball roared out.

The Overlord Mongoose Inspector had no time to react and could only stare at the Z move approaching quickly.
Boom! !

Instantly, the entire lush cave was filled with the sound of violent electric explosions, and the ground and rock walls began to tremble.

The enormous force of the Ultimate Volt Thunderbolt also blew away the entire body of the three-meter-tall Mongoose Inspector, and it crashed heavily into the rock wall, stirring up a cloud of thick smoke and dust again!

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