He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3040 Night Attack, Alola Slime! ?

Chapter 3040 Night Attack, Alola Slime! ?
Before he knew it, Xiaozhi had been in the Alola region for nearly half a month.

Since I have to go to Pokémon School almost every day and get together with a bunch of people my age, my life is quite fulfilling.

For example, Xiaozhi asked Rotom to help with teaching and skipped classes to do personal things. In total, Xiaozhi only did these things four times, which is not a lot.

Late that night, he was lying on the sofa, getting ready to go to sleep.

Xiaozhi put his hands under the back of his head and looked up at the ceiling of the small attic. There was a porthole there, through which he could directly see the night sky outside.

"So this is what Professor Oak meant?"

He couldn't help but remember Professor Oak's intriguing words before he left. Traveling in the Alola region is indeed different from previous trips to other regions.

Life here is more suitable for this leisurely lifestyle, rather than rushing purposefully to the next town every day.

"So far, I have only got Electric Z and Normal Z. As for Pokémon, I only have Pikachu, Eevee, and Rowlet."

Xiaozhi thought quickly in his mind. Whether it was collecting Z-Crystals or conquering a new team from Alola, it was just the beginning.

Then he covered his head with the quilt without thinking any more, because tomorrow would be another new day.



At the end of the bed, Pikachu, who is never emo, has already fallen asleep with his legs up in the air.

After half a month in the Alola region, Eevee gradually relaxed its restraints. It no longer curled up in a ball even when sleeping, and its sleeping posture gradually became similar to that of Senior Pikachu.

As for Dr. Kukui.
The latter has an irregular lifestyle and often works in the basement late at night.

This wooden house is located above the ground, and the second floor where Xiaozhi is located is the daily living area. In the basement, there is also an office area that Kukui uses specifically for research, which is almost as big as the entire house.

There are even quite a few fitness equipment in the basement, and Xiaozhi even saw a large sandbag hanging there.

Although Kukui is a Pokémon doctor, he is also exceptionally physical.

Most of his body was covered by a loose white coat, but the chest and abdominal muscles exposed from the front showed that Dr. Kukui was an exceptionally muscular man, not just a sturdy man like Kachi.

But so far, Xiaozhi has not seen Kukui boxing.

Since he was working in the basement, Xiaozhi didn't have to worry about being disturbed. The space in the small attic was very quiet, and he fell asleep quickly.
I don't know how much time had passed, but on the sofa bed, Xiaozhi and Pikachu had already fallen asleep in sync.

They all slept in a messy position with their stomachs open, heads tilted, and one leg raised. Even the quilts were kicked to the floor.

At this moment, Xiaozhi suddenly felt his stomach was cold, as if something soft was rubbing against it.

And it kept pressing on his stomach, which was a bit uncomfortable.

"Pikachu, stop it!"

He subconsciously reached out and pushed the "Pikachu" off his stomach.

But after actually touching it, Xiaozhi, who was half asleep, frowned.

It's soft, like plasticine, and my palm even sinks halfway into it when I push it out. It doesn't feel like Pikachu at all.

He even seemed to smell a strange bitter taste.
Is it a bit like the hard-to-swallow taste of Chinese herbal medicine?

Xiaozhi suddenly woke up and sat up straight.

The creature that was originally lying on his stomach had already escaped to the window sill next to him. When he looked closely, he saw that it was a stinky mud.

But it was not the dark purple, sticky, smelly mud from his hometown.
The stinky mud in Alola is dark green in color, and there is a bright yellow circle at the corner of the mouth. I don't know if it is the saliva on the lips. There seem to be two teeth on the upper jaw? "The stinky mud in the Alola region?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows. Although they were all Pokémon that looked like a puddle of slime, the Alola slime did not have any unpleasant sewer smell. Instead, it smelled like Chinese herbal medicine?
If you look closely, it seems that this stinky mud is holding a small crystal in its soft mud palm.

Just lying on myself
Xiaozhi quickly lowered his head to check, and sure enough, the normal Z that was originally embedded in the Z bracelet had disappeared!
"Wait a minute, that's my Z-pure crystal"

Before Xiaozhi could stop him, the stinky mud had already climbed out the window and escaped, landing directly on the beach beside the house.

Then the body began to squirm on the beach and fled into the distance.

Xiaozhi frowned, wondering if the guys from Team Skull took advantage of the darkness to come and retaliate?

"Wait a minute, this guy!"

He was still wearing shorts and pajamas. He immediately climbed over the window and jumped down from the second floor, chasing in the direction of Alola Mud barefoot.


As for the house, Pikachu was still sleeping soundly.

With Xiaozhi's skills, there is no need for it to take any action, so just continue sleeping.


Eevee woke up and looked up for a moment. It was about to go forward to help, but when it saw that Pikachu was still sleeping soundly, it simply continued to sleep.

In all our actions, follow the example of our predecessors!

Only Rotom flipped open the stand, levitated sleepily, and mechanically floated in the direction of Xiaozhi.

This Alola slime moved very quickly on the sand, and when it saw the human behind it jumping down from a two-story height, it was frightened and quickened its pace to escape.

The direction was actually towards the adjacent cabin.


Xiaozhi was curious and chased barefoot along the beach until he came to the wooden house.


This Alola slime was familiar with the route and went straight in through the gap in a window on the side of the house.

The gap was only about two inches wide, barely enough to fit a fist. But for the stinky mud, whose body was completely made of soft mud, the two-inch wide space was more than enough.

This forced Xiaozhi to stop in front of the house and look inside cautiously.

Look at how skilled this slime is, is it the Pokémon of this owner?
However, the doors and windows of this wooden house were still closed, and it was quiet inside, as if the owner had not returned yet.

Even the windows were tightly covered with curtains, so you couldn't see what was going on inside at all.

"The power of waveguide!"

Xiaozhi's pupils shrank, and the power of the wave immediately penetrated the wall of the wooden house, sensing the situation inside.

Indeed, there was no human waveguide. The only living creature's waveguide was the stinky mud from before, which seemed to be lying in the living room.

It was just that it was the middle of the night, and I was barefoot and wearing shorts and a short-sleeved shirt, which was a bit awkward.
"Um, there are others?!"

Just when Xiaozhi was about to disperse his own wave power, he suddenly felt two more wave auras appearing dozens of meters behind him? !

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