He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3044 The True Identity of the Royal Masked Man! ?

Chapter 3044 The True Identity of the Royal Masked Man! ?
"Hey, it looks like chocolate and smells like chocolate too~"

Mao naturally believed in Man Yue's craftsmanship. He was the first to lift the small cup, put it to his nose and smelled it. It had a faint chocolate scent.

Can chocolate relieve the heat?

But when you take a sip, the juice enters your mouth, and you have a mellow taste at first, without any other flavor, just like drinking a sip of highly concentrated chocolate liquid.

But as the "chocolate liquid" entered the throat, it immediately turned into a cool feeling.

After it has completely fallen into the stomach, it will feel like you have drunk a large glass of ice water, and your whole body will feel refreshed and cool!

The texture of chocolate is like a layer of thin ice that will not melt for a long time.
"Ah, it's so cool! A full moon! What is this made of!?"

Mao covered his cheeks and couldn't help screaming.

Hearing this, everyone picked up their small cups and drank them all in one gulp. The next moment, they all felt a chill rising in their internal organs.

And it's not like ice water, which only feels cool for a short time.
After a long while, there was still a slight chill in the body and mouth, as if the heat around the body had been completely dissipated.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Man Yue chuckled:
"This is a secret juice made with chocolate~"

Chocolat is generally used to make chocolate, but in fact this fruit has another name, "fire-resistant fruit".

In battle, if you give it to a Pokémon, it can greatly reduce the damage it takes from powerful Fire-attribute moves.

If this characteristic is used in summer-cooling juice, it may be able to dispel the heat from humans.
Based on this, Man Yue added some extra grass leaves so that the chocolate fruit can achieve the effect of "anti-fire fruit" when eaten.

"Mao, I can teach you the ingredients and techniques later. This kind of juice should be a big hit in your restaurant in this season."

Man Yue looked at Mao, and these words made the latter nod excitedly.

What she is making now is a concentrated liquid, which has a stronger cooling effect. If it is used in a restaurant, it will have to be diluted with several times more ice water to spread the cost.

"But you can't pass it on to others without my permission."

Mao naturally agreed. This summer, their Ena Restaurant will probably launch a new juice product that will be a big hit!
"I see, it's really amazing."

For the first time, Xiaozhi realized the level of Man Yue's fruit. He actually applied the characteristics of the "fire-resistant fruit" to beverages. This made him give Man Yue a thumbs up in praise.


Man Yue raised her eyebrows. She felt a little uncomfortable with Xiaozhi's bright smile and thumbs-up gesture.

Then everyone sat under the shade of the tree and chatted.

It was just during the break between classes. After the intensive training, sitting under the shade of a tree and feeling the cool breeze released by Ice Vulpix was definitely a great experience.

We are all of the same age, so after class there is less of a gap between teacher and students, and we chat casually.

The focus, of course, is the all-out celebration that will be held soon.

"Speaking of Man Yue, do you want to join us in the full-force celebration?"

Mao invited with a smile.

This question immediately made Kachi alert.

He already considered Xiaozhi the strongest opponent at the All-Power Celebration, is there another one coming now?

However, Man Yue decisively raised her hands in front of her chest and crossed them.

"I reject."

Last year, she watched the full-scale celebration in Lili Town, where people lit fires and danced hand in hand.
Having lived in the Alola region for 2 years, Man Yue still finds it difficult to accept the passionate customs of the locals.


Hearing this, Kachi's eyes lit up, while Xiaozhi sighed regretfully.

He also wanted to try his hand at fighting with Man Yue's sniper feather owl. "It is said that the winner of the last All-Power Festival was the Royal Masked Man. I wonder if he will participate this year."

Mamane remembered the scene from last year, her face darkened, and she swallowed in fear.

Last year in the ring, the Royal Masked Man's ace, the Fiery Roaring Tiger, could be said to have kicked every kid to death and won the victory with a crushing momentum. It's scary to think about it now.

The "one kick, one kid" here is not a rhetorical device, but a Pokémon is really kicked away with one kick!

"The Royal Masked Man? I'm really looking forward to fighting him!!"

When he heard the key words, Xiaozhi's eyes instantly brightened.

Back then, he had fought against this royal masked man in the Quartz League. More than 20 years have passed. I wonder how his level has changed compared to his?

However, this royal masked man does not seem to live on Melemele Island and has not been seen yet.

"Well, the identity of the Royal Masked Man is very mysterious. No one knows his true identity."

Shui Lian had a stern face and spoke word by word.

The popularity of this wrestler in the Alola region is definitely second to none.

But he never takes off his mask, and no one knows what he really looks like.

When everyone was talking about this, Man Yue was secretly observing Xiao Zhi's expression and found that the latter looked curious and thoughtful like everyone else.


Man Yue lowered her eyes and showed a strange expression again.

Um, hasn’t this new neighbor already lived in Dr. Kukui’s house for half a month, and hasn’t discovered the identity of the Royal Masked Man yet?

When she was still living in Kukui's house, the latter's royal mask was often thrown casually in the basement, and it didn't seem like he was trying to hide it at all.

And that big sandbag doesn't look like something a Pokémon master should have in his house!

"Hot-blooded, but slow."

This was Man Yue’s first impression of Xiaozhi, her new neighbor.

"By the way, Man Yue isn't a native of Alola, right?"

At this time, everyone suddenly changed the topic.

Even Mao and Liliae nodded. Man Yue's cold and introverted personality doesn't match the style of Alola.

Even Shui Lian, who doesn't like to talk, will enthusiastically call "Alola" when she sees people.

The only thing they knew was that Man Yue suddenly started living in Dr. Kukui's house two years ago, and no other information was known.

Xiaozhi was also somewhat curious about this.

In fact, Man Yue gave him a familiar feeling, as if he was similar to someone he had met before.
Well, who is it?
He lost his memory again.

Man Yue lowered her head and thought for a moment, then replied:

"I'm from the Sinnoh region."

"Sinnoh region?"

Upon hearing the familiar place name, Xiaozhi was the first to perk up.

Not to mention, Man Yue does have the temperament of a Sinnoh person.

As for why he came to the Alola region from the Sinnoh region, and why he lived in Kukui's house before.
Man Yue didn't intend to tell everyone.

Seeing this, everyone did not continue to ask questions, but instead started discussing the Sinnoh region, and then moved on to Xiaozhi's Kanto region.

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