He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3050 A bear in black suddenly appears!!

"Hey, don't come over here!!!"

Before Kojiro could wail and dodge, the Good Star popped out of the Poké Ball and pounced directly at Kojiro, and the piercing tentacles around its body even wrapped up Kojiro's entire head.


By the time Kojiro pulled it out forcibly, his face had turned purple, his eyes were drooping, and he was already somewhat unconscious.


The bad star, however, landed on Kojiro's shoulder, squinting his eyes and rubbing the former's deep purple face.

Xiaozhi: "."

Why does this scene seem familiar?
Beside him, Man Yue looked at Kojiro with envy.

I can actually be liked so much by such a cute good-bad star!
Although the Good and Bad Star looks quite dangerous and weird, it is the cutest Pokémon in the world in Man Yue's eyes, and there is no concealment of the deep love in her eyes.

Xiaozhi: "?"

This woman's aesthetic taste is indeed problematic.

Without waiting for Kojiro's command, this bad guy caught a glimpse of Satoshi and the other man, and immediately glared at them, and jumped in front of Kojiro to protect him.

"so cute"

Seeing Man Yue still muttering to herself beside him, Xiaozhi even saw her look so happy for the first time, and he felt helpless at once.

This person cannot be relied upon for the time being.

As expected, there is still a battle between us and Team Rocket.

"Owloon, Leafeon!"

Ash shouted, and the two Pokémon immediately came over.

The previous battle caused Owl to suffer serious injuries. Although Leafeon was not injured, the consecutive powerful Sunlight Blades also consumed a large amount of its physical strength.

"Venom. Impact!"

Kojiro, who was in a state of severe poison, gave intermittent commands.

This bad guy immediately revealed a ferocious look, turned his tentacles over his head, and sprayed out several balls of thick and poisonous liquid.

The attack was extremely effective against Grass attributes, causing Owleye and Leafeon to hastily dodge.

Seeing that Man Yue was still staring at Good and Bad Star infatuatedly, it seemed that the Good and Bad Star who was launching his moves became even more charming in her eyes.

But the venom that was sprayed out was about to hit Man Yue.


Xiaozhi quickly threw Man Yue to the ground to avoid being accidentally injured by the venom.

Damn it, I thought Man Yue was very reliable, but when I saw a poison-type Pokémon, I became completely obsessed with it!
Xiaozhi couldn't help but remember Man Yue's attitude towards her Alola slime, which was also quite outrageous.

The Good and Bad Star that can spray venom at will is not easy to deal with. In addition, Owleye and Leafeon are tired. Xiaozhi frowned and finally decided to call Pikachu to end the situation.

"Pikachu, use the electric net and catch them all!"

Pikachu understood and appeared with a big belly. It turned out that it had to be the one to end everything!

Then Pikachu flicked its tail and threw out a large lightning net, which was about to catch Good and Bad Star, as well as several members of Team Rocket behind him.

In an instant, Musashi, Meowth, and Kojiro who was in a state of severe poisoning all woke up.

They all recalled the terrifying power that Pikachu had over them in the past.
The next moment, a small Pokémon suddenly jumped out from the bushes nearby, accompanied by a strange ghostly cry.

Before he could see who was coming, a shadow claw had already formed and completely tore apart the lightning net that was covering him!
After seeing who was coming, Musashi and the other two hugged each other and instantly felt confident.

"It's Mimikyu!!"

"The one who was able to fight Pikachu last time!"

"Is it fighting for our Team Rocket, meow~!"

Previously, they had been using a surveillance system to detect the hiding place of the Mimicry, but every time they tried to get close, the alert Mimicry escaped.

It’s impossible to get close!

After landing, the two small holes on Mimikyu's chest lit up with a dazzling murderous light, eerie whispers continued to be heard, and a fierce ghostly aura permeated the entire body.

All hostility was directed towards Pikachu.


Pikachu scratched his head helplessly, then turned to look at Xiaozhi like Owloch.

It’s this troublesome guy again. We are really not familiar with each other!

"You want to kill Pikachu too, Mimikyu, let's work together!"

Musashi has come behind Mimikyuu, as if to support Mimikyuu, and then raised his hand and pointed:
"Now come on, kill Pikachu!"

Like Rango, Musashi also used pure automatic command for this Mimikyuu.

And this Mimikyu actually unexpectedly cooperated with Musashi, and immediately leaped towards Pikachu. The wooden tail behind it instantly expanded several times and swung out horizontally with great force!

Helplessly, Pikachu could only fight back, swinging out his steel tail to block the wooden hammer.

Although the latter is small in size, it is quite powerful. Xiaozhi thinks that the latter's level is definitely not low.

The moves collided, but Pikachu was stronger and forced Mimikyu back.

"Right now, 100,000 volts!!"

Putting away the iron tail, Pikachu backhandedly blasted out a hundred thousand volt electric current, and the surging electric current fell on Mimikyu, causing a thunder and lightning explosion!
"Jie Jie"

As the smoke and dust cleared, Mimikyu was found to be unharmed, but its head, which had been slightly tilted, suddenly dropped 90 degrees, creating a horrifying scene.

"Sure enough, it's the characteristic of Painted Skin."

Xiaozhi was not too surprised. This was his second time fighting against Mimikyu. He naturally knew about this peculiar characteristic of the opponent.

The best way to deal with the Painted Skin feature is to keep your distance and use 100,000 volts to trigger it.

If it is a melee move to break the Painted Skin, the opponent will probably counterattack with a Shadow Claw, which will give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage.


Man Yue, who was pressed to the ground by Xiao Zhi the whole time, frowned and stared at Xiao Zhi in front of him with great dissatisfaction.

Seeing that if he didn't say anything, Xiaozhi seemed to intend to maintain this posture throughout the whole process and think about how to continue fighting Mimikyu.

Man Yue still pushed Xiaozhi's chest and reminded him:
"How long are you going to keep me pinned down?"

Xiaozhi came back to his senses, looked at the dark eyes in front of him staring at him, and quickly stood up angrily.

Previously, in order to help Man Yue avoid the venom attack, he accidentally knocked the latter down.

However, the battle situation changed rapidly and he forgot for a moment that he and Man Yue were still on the ground.

"Sorry, sorry."

After Xiaozhi stood up, Man Yue also got up from the ground with a pout, and brushed off the dust on her body. The scene seemed a little awkward.

This caused Pikachu, who was suddenly out of command, to slow down.

clap clap clap!
Pikachu was also slapped five or six times in a row by Mimikyu's backhand trick.

Just as Xiaozhi was about to rejoin the fight against Team Rocket, a sound of flying suddenly came from deep in the jungle.

The small jungle on Route 1 seems to be hiding a lot of things.?

dong dong dong! !

The sound was huge, not only the sound of powerful trampling, but also the sound that the trees along the way seemed to be broken in half by brute force.


Finally, there was a sharp cry, and a pink Pokémon that looked like a teddy bear suddenly leaped up and landed steadily in the middle of the two groups of people! (End of this chapter)

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