He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3065: Full Celebration Finals, 3-player melee!

Chapter 3065: Full Celebration Finals, Three-way Fight! (Part )

Finally, the finals officially began.

Xiaozhi, Ilima, and Hao walked onto the ring at the same time and formed a triangle at the edge of the ring.

According to the rules, the final will be a three-way melee. It depends on the three players' own choices as to whether two people will join forces to attack one, or whether they will fight one after another.

In short, whoever can stay on the stage in the end will be the winner of the full-force celebration!

In the dark night, the torches around provided light for the arena, and the shadows of the three people were stretched out to be long and slanted.

boom! boom! boom!
Under the expectation of many spectators, the three of them threw their Poké Balls at the same time.

Ash's starting lineup is Rowlett, Hau is the second-stage Rowlett, and Ilimal is the Marmoset that can only use mega evolution.

The three Pokémon were facing each other in a triangle, and none of them chose to attack at the first opportunity.

And in terms of momentum, it is obvious that Ilima's marsupial beast is of the highest level and more oppressive.

"Well, are all the Pokémon he uses newly captured?"

Ilima focused his attention on Xiaozhi. If he used that electric mouse, they would all be doomed. But if he only used low-level Pokémon, he would have a great chance of winning today!
And Xiaozhi winked at Hao.

The strongest one on the ring right now is undoubtedly this marsupial. How about we join forces first to kill the strongest one, and then both of us come to the Imperial City to PK?

"OK!! I understand what you mean!"

Haou instantly understood what Xiaozhi meant and became excited all of a sudden.

"Tou Yu Xiao, Fei Ye Kuai Dao!!"

Then the owl in front of him spread its wings and took off, instantly shooting out countless sharp flying leaves, aiming directly at the wooden owl!
He understood what Xiaozhi meant. He wanted to decide the winner between the two of them first, and then the winner would fight the stronger Marmoset in a fair fight! ?
Xiaozhi: "."

Is this guy a complete fool? !

"Mumu Xiao, Flying Leaf Sharp Knife!!"

Xiaozhi could only deal with it with a gloomy face. Owltooth quickly flapped its wings, but it had not evolved, nor had it entered a sleeping state, and was clearly a level below Owltooth in terms of strength.

Whoosh whoosh!

The flying leaf knives on his side were instantly dispersed, and sharp leaves followed one after another, scaring Mumuxiao so much that he quickly flew into the air to dodge.

"it's not finished yet!!"

Hao's eyes lit up, and he saw that the Feather Owl quickly pulled out two blade feathers from the inside of its wings and shot them out at high speed.

call out!
The blade feather hit Mumuxiao directly, knocking it down from the air.

Hao's idea is very simple. Since the marsupial looks stronger, he should kill the weak one first.

Because whether it's Xiaozhi or Ilima, he wants to challenge them all by himself!
"Uh, this guy has no tactics at all?"

Ilima wiped the sweat from his forehead. Hao was too straightforward and couldn't hide anything on his mind.

However, he didn't mind Hao's tactics, so he and the marsupial beast simply took a few steps back, leaving the battlefield entirely to Mumu Owl and Touyu Owl, and watched the battle.

"Damn it, come back first, Mumuxiao!"

Xiaozhi could only take Rowlet back first. He was suppressed for a period of time, and his attributes were the same, making it too difficult to defeat the opponent.

"And then you, Eevee!"

Then he replaced Ibrahimovic and looked around. It was about 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening. The sky was already black, and the bright full moon was hanging in the sky.

This is a very suitable environment for Moon Eevee!
"Just evolve, Umbreon!"

Xiaozhi didn't delay and shouted loudly. Eevee took advantage of the situation and exerted his strength. The originally brown fur turned into short black fur in an instant, and the chubby body became thin and well-proportioned.

With bloodshot eyes and yellow circles on its jet-black fur, Umbreon's aura suddenly became fierce! If you want to defeat two opponents at the same time, Umbreon, who is fighting a long-lasting battle, is obviously more suitable for the stage.

"Evolved again?!"

Hao was confused, but now was not the time to ask questions, so he decisively launched an attack:
"Flying Leaf Quick Knife!"

Tou Yu Xiao looked down from above and swung out countless sharp leaf blades again.

"Get out of the way, Shadow Clone!"

After evolving into Umbreon, Ash's pressure was reduced a lot. He no longer had to use a lot of strength to use his baby to defeat strong enemies like he did when commanding Rowlet.

Moon Eevee leaped up on the ring, its dark figure flashing, and in an instant seven or eight shadows appeared at various positions on the ring at the same time, making it difficult to distinguish the real from the fake.

The Flying Leaf Knife naturally missed completely.

However, Xiaozhi's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly launched a sneak attack:

"Right now, extremely poisonous!!"

As soon as the words fell, Moon Eevee's eyes flashed with ferocity, and all the shadows gathered a ball of poisonous energy around their mouths.

However, the next moment, Moon Eevee did not attack Owlwing.

Instead, it was a "Moon Eevee Shadow" behind the Marmoset, which was actually its real body. It directly smashed the poisonous ball at the mouth out.


Ilima and the marsupial were watching the game with great interest, but unexpectedly, the marsupial's back was hit by a deadly poison. The venom burst out and flowed, covering the marsupial's entire body.

This scene made Hao and many audience members in the audience look confused.

Huh?! Why did the opponent suddenly change?!
"Did you intend to attack the marsupial from the beginning?"

Kukui showed a look of praise. After all, even if Xiaozhi defeated Haou, his physical strength would be greatly consumed, and it would be difficult for him to fight against Ilima's Marmoset next.

Therefore, Ilima, who was watching the game, had to be dragged into the water!
The shadow clones that seemed to be scattered before were intended to attack Owloo, but the real body of Umbreon was quietly approaching the Tasmanian Beast.

From the perspective of Ilima and Bandicoot who were watching the scene enthusiastically, they didn't even notice the shadow of a Moon Eevee next to them. What was the problem?


The marsupial let out a low growl, its nose turned purple, and it fell into a state of poisoning.

Now it's Xiaozhi's turn to relax.

He just smiled with a bit of cunningness:

"Moon Eevee, don't attack for now! Just use your shadow clone to dodge whoever hits you!"

The continuous loss of blood in each round means that Ilimarco can no longer watch calmly, but must join the melee and speed up the progress of the game!

His Moon Eevee is specialized in protracted battles, and now it is their turn to watch the battle leisurely.

"Moon cloth."

Moon Eevee nodded and leaped lightly to a corner of the arena. Its blood-red eyes looked at both the Biceps and the Owl at the same time, and it was in no hurry to attack.

The yellow circular patterns all around its body emit a faint glow under the moonlight. In the dark night, Umbreon's condition will only get better and better.

"Tsk, we really can't be careless at all."

Ilima sighed, because he had let down his guard because Xiaozhi used low-level Pokémon.

In this case, we must take action now!
On one side is the well-rested Moon Eevee, dodging with Shadow Clone's moves, while on the other side is the somewhat clumsy Owlwing.

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