He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3068 The Ultimate Investigation Team? !

The full-force celebration battle is over, and the final part is naturally the award ceremony.

"Then this is the prize for winning the All-Power Festival. I give it to you, Mr. Xiaozhi!"

As the award presenter, the island king Hala walked to the center of the ring and handed the Z bracelet in his hand to Xiaozhi.

It is also inlaid with a Z-pure crystal of fighting attribute.

Xiaozhi already has a Z-Bracelet, which means he has acquired responsibilities similar to those of the King of the Island and can transfer them to other trainers.

"Thanks, Mr. Halla!"

Xiaozhi took the Z bracelet and his eyes showed joy.

Of course, the focus is not on the Z bracelet, but on the fighting Z pure crystal on it, which has a small fist pattern on the surface.

"Fighting Z moves?"

Xiaozhi thought about it and realized that no matter whether it is Rowlett or Eevee, or even Pikachu, which has a flying press move, they can all use this Z move!

"And this is the dance move from Fighting Z!"

Hala beside him also took the opportunity to teach him a new set of fighting Z-moves dance, which was a set of continuous punching movements, quite fierce.

Xiaozhi secretly kept it in mind and decided to try it out when he got home in the evening!

Warm cheers and applause rang out again around the ring, congratulating Xiaozhi.

Even among the towering and dense treetops surrounding the town of Lili, Tapu Chirp showed half of his face, staring straight at Satoshi in the center of the town.


It's a full-scale celebration, and it's watching the whole process.

At this moment, I saw that the winner of this celebration held in memory of me was the human who had defeated me head-on not long ago.
Tapu Mingming felt mixed emotions.

On the stage, Xiaozhi walked off the stage at just the right time. The final part of the celebration was when everyone danced around the bonfire to celebrate.

Mao, Kachi and the others have dragged Xiaozhi to the center, and are dancing around holding hands.

"I reject!"

Xiaozhi even wanted to pull Man Yue to dance with him, but Man Yue immediately raised her hand to refuse and stepped back a long distance.

"I'm coming, I'm coming~!"

Ha Wu was very familiar with the school and joined the school's small group directly, singing and dancing with a smile on his face.

The full-scale celebration officially came to an end, and the lively atmosphere of Lili Town began to gradually dissipate. Most of the tourists dispersed and left, leaving only some locals and staff to clean up the mess.

Of course, Xiaozhi and everyone from the Pokémon School also stayed to help clean up.

During the process, Xiaozhi's sharp ears enabled him to hear Hau next to him making a request to Hala to challenge the latter and complete the great test of Melemele Island.

No matter how he challenged him in the past, he was no match for his grandfather. This time when he returned to Melemele Island, in addition to participating in the full-force celebration, Hao's primary goal was to challenge his grandfather again.

"Well, I also want to see your current level, Hawu~!"

Hala smiled and agreed immediately.


Next to him, Xiaozhi, who was bending over to pick up an empty bottle, straightened up suddenly and looked at Hala with a question mark in his eyes.

Didn’t you say you don’t have time?
Do you have time and inside information to treat your own grandson?
"Cough cough."

After Hara said this, he noticed Xiaozhi's questioning gaze and coughed a few times, feeling a little embarrassed:
"I remembered it wrongly. I can't accept your challenge recently. Haou, go to the next island to train for a few months."


This time it was Hao's turn to scratch his head, looking puzzled.

By the time the cleanup was finished and it was getting dark, people gradually started to leave.

"Teacher Xiaozhi, when you go to Akala Island to challenge Mr. Shadow Tiger one day, please be sure to notify me. I want to watch the game!" Ilima asked Xiaozhi seriously, and they exchanged contact information.

Of course, the latter is the key point, he finally got Xiaozhi's contact information!

Although it cannot be seen from the outside, Ilima's inner admiration for Xiaozhi at this moment is even higher than that for Kachi.

Xiaozhi naturally agreed, after all, it was Ilima who told him this information.

After seeing off Ilima, who looked very happy, Hau came up next.

"Teacher Xiaozhi, you are really amazing. I hope we can have another showdown next time~!"

As a young and inexperienced person from Alola, Haou cheerfully invited a strong opponent to join him.


Xiaozhi nodded. He didn't know why, but the dark-skinned boy in front of him made him feel as if he was seeing himself at the beginning of his journey.

Hearing this, Haou ran towards Hala with joy.

It's a rare opportunity to return to Melemele Island, so I'll stay at home and help grandpa with some work these days~
The last person to come forward to say goodbye surprised Xiaozhi.

"Alola, Ash~!"

Two strangely dressed men and women in protective suits came up. They were Amama and Dals, the opponents from the previous full-strength celebration.

"Oh, it's you guys."

Xiaozhi came to his senses. He had judged these two people as "not from this world". He just didn't know why they appeared in the Alola region and participated in the Full Power Festival.

"We are not locals, but we are very interested in the ecological nature, cultural landscape, and Pokémon that inhabit the Alola region."

Dars put his hands behind his back and said seriously:

"If you want to call us that, you can call us the Ultimate Investigation Team."

"Hehe, I really liked the celebration dance just now~ Alola is really interesting~!"

Beside her, Amamo said with a smile, her tone forming a sharp contrast with Dal's.

"The Ultimate Investigation Team?"

Xiaozhi blinked. This was the first time he heard of the name of this organization. It sounded very impressive.

However, Dals did not say much about his identity.

"Thank you. Today we have seen what a 'powerful trainer' is. Pokémon battles are not an easy road after all."

Finally, he nodded to Xiaozhi, his face straightened, and he prepared to say goodbye and leave.

"We should meet again in the future. I look forward to seeing your wonderful performance in the future."

"Hehe, bye Xiaozhi~!"

Amamo waved from the side, and the two mysterious men turned and walked away.

"What a strange person."

Xiaozhi watched the two men's backs with a strange look on his face.

Ultimate Investigation Team, so what are they investigating?

At this moment, a cold and alert voice came from beside me.

“I don’t feel like a good person.”

Xiaozhi turned his head and found that Man Yue had walked towards him at some point. This surprised him a little, as he thought the latter had slipped away while dancing just now.

However, Xiaozhi did not comment on Man Yue's judgment.

I guess this cold-blooded woman's evaluation of all strangers is "I don't think they are good people."? (End of this chapter)

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