He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3087 If you want to sleep, I suggest turning left to find a tree-pillow bear?

Chapter 3087: I want to sleep. I suggest turning left to find the tree-pillow bear?

"Yan-ao! Yan-ao!"

Looking at Yan Di's handsome rock climbing moves, the rock dog below suddenly howled excitedly.

Following Yan Di's posture, Rock Dog soon started climbing up the nearly vertical cliff, heading towards Yan Di who had already reached the top.

  But its talent is indeed not as good as that of the Litten, or maybe it just hasn’t “gotten” yet?

After climbing five or six steps, he could no longer control his pace and suddenly slid down the slope.


However, when it comes to willpower to become stronger, Rock Dog is not inferior to Litten. He quickly turned over and started practicing his rock climbing skills again.

Standing at the back, Xiaozhi couldn't help but frown when he saw that Rock Dog's learning direction suddenly changed from "rock falling" to "rock climbing".

  That's not to say this move isn't powerful.

It's just a little ominous.

However, he did not intend to interfere with Entei's teaching. Instead, he spent his free time on Owlkey and Eevee.

For Ibrahimovic, the training direction is naturally to master a variety of evolved fighting methods.

Even during the battle, continuous evolution and degeneration operations must be performed.

“It’s not possible right now.”

Xiaozhi shook his head. In fact, now Eevee can only evolve in one direction at most in a battle.

After degeneration, it needs to rest and buffer for a while before it can evolve in another direction.

But after using several Z-moves of different attributes in succession, the buffer rest time was reduced a lot, proving that this ability can be trained!

  In the future, Ibrahimovic will be able to switch his evolutionary form at any time and multiple times during a battle, making it truly impossible for the opponent to defend against him!

As for the last Woody Owl.

The training all around was in full swing, but this wood owl was still lying on the steps of the cabin, sleeping soundly.

Xiaozhi had no good way to deal with this casual little fat bird.

When in sleep mode, the combat prowess of the Wood Owl is truly impeccable, even comparable to that of an evolved Feather Throwing Owl.

However, it often happens that I wake up suddenly while sleeping.

By then, your overall health will have returned to normal, and a moment of panic will give your opponent a chance.

"It would be great if we could make it so that Mumuxiao wouldn't be easily awakened during a battle."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but sit on the steps next to Owlmouse, stroking his chin, lost in thought.

The sleeping state can be said to be the most special abnormal state. It has nothing to do with attributes and can be easily released automatically.

He did know that there were items like the Fire Orb and the Poison Orb that could make the Pokémon they carried fall into abnormal states of "burn" or "poison" as soon as they appeared on the scene.

But he had never heard of the "Sleeping Orb"!

"By the way, go ask Man Yue."

Xiaozhi's eyes were attracted by the small wooden house next to him and suddenly brightened.

The latter has extremely broad knowledge in academic theory and is in no way inferior to academic researchers in professional fields.

  He is also well versed in herbs and fruits, so maybe he has a good idea!

Even yesterday, Man Yue secretly told him about the long-haired dog, saying that she might have other ways to give the long-haired dog a new life.

Of course, Man Yue was not completely sure, so she did not let Xiaozhi tell Litten about this.

However, when Xiaozhi walked towards the cabin next to him, two girls happened to be walking towards him from the other direction of the beach.

  Mao, water lotus!

"Alola~Teacher Xiaozhi!"

Mao was the first to raise his hand and say hello, with his eyes narrowed and full of energy.

"We are here to find Man Yue and train our Pokémon."

Shui Lian whispered beside her.

As she spoke, she glanced at Kachi who was training fiercely not far away, with a bit of envy. As for Akala Island on the weekend, Mao and Shui Lian also wanted to do something big, one aimed at the Shady Jungle Test, and the other aimed at the Rippling Hill Test.

It's just that their current level is a bit risky.

Special training is required!

However, Xiaozhi's private tutoring spot had already been taken by Kachi. They had no choice but to ask Man Yue next door for help.

Although Man Yue is a doctor, his Pokémon battling skills are also outstanding. He defeated Kage last year.

I knocked on the door, and soon Man Yue came out after changing her clothes. She was still wearing the tropical style outfit of an orange vest, with a dark green stinky mud lying beside her legs, and she smelled of herbs.

Shui Lian and Mao had already made an appointment with her before, and Man Yue did not refuse their request.

Then her eyes shifted and fell on Xiaozhi who was smiling beside her, with a little confusion.

However, based on the principle of first come first served, Man Yue decided to deal with the problems of Shui Lian and Mao first.


He released his own starter Pokémon, Owleye, which was obviously much higher level than the other two Pokémon.

"Sui Lian, Mao, you two just need to attack as hard as you can, my sniper tree owl will take it."

Man Yue gave a warning, and the Sniper Tree Owl, wrapped in a feather cloak, did not say a word, but just nodded coldly in understanding.

Soon the two people and the bird arrived at the open space on the beach outside the cabin. Shui Lian and Mao looked at each other and released all their Pokémon.

Sweet Bamboo, Sleeping Mushroom, Ball Sea Lion, Drop Spider...all are first-level baby forms.

This lineup is likely to fail if it is used to challenge the Pilgrimage of the Islands.

"I've started special training with Sweet Bamboo and Sleepy Mushroom. We need to become stronger!!"

Mao shouted loudly, especially Tian Zhuzhu, they must officially complete the evolution before the weekend and obtain two feet and two hands to have formal combat power.

"Ball Sea Lion, Drop Spider, prepare for battle!"

Shui Lian beside him entered the combat state, his expression suddenly became serious, and the desire to become stronger in his eyes was no weaker than Mao's.

Seeing that his special training in sniping Owl Owl was on track and he could remain completely unscathed even when fighting four against one, Man Yue finally felt relieved and turned to look at Xiaozhi beside him.

"Tell me, why did you come to my house so early in the morning?"

Man Yue's expression relaxed, he yawned, and asked lazily.

Generally speaking, when interacting with outsiders, Man Yue pays great attention to her own manners, especially the "indecent gesture" of yawning with her mouth wide open, which she would not do in the presence of outsiders.

But in front of Xiaozhi, these manners don’t seem to matter?

"Oh, that's it, my Mumuxiao"

Xiaozhi quickly stated his problem, asking how to stay asleep during the battle.

Upon hearing this, Man Yue raised her eyebrows. Her herbs did have the effect of putting Pokémon into a deep sleep. However, taking them for a long time was not a good thing.

  The fighting style of that Rowlett is really the same as its trainer, so weird!

"You want to teach Owl to sleep. I suggest you turn left and look for the Tree-Pillow Bear."

After thinking about it, Man Yue gave another suggestion.

When it comes to sleeping in the Alola region, no one knows it better than TreePillow!

"Tree-pillow bear?"

Xiaozhi tilted his head. Turtle is the koala Pokémon that is responsible for ringing the bell in school, right?

Come to think of it, it seems that when we usually see the tree-pillowed bear, it is always fast asleep!

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