He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3098 debuts, Overlord Weak Dingyu!

Chapter 3098 debuts, Overlord Weak Dingyu!

"Haha, you finally got what you deserve!"

Seeing Magikarp uncle fall into a state of poisoning, his whole body limp on the ground, his skin turning dark purple, Kojiro couldn't help but laugh.

He raised his hand and was about to catch the Good or Bad Star that jumped back at him.


However, the Good and Bad Star, who was already impressed by Kojiro's masculine charm at this moment, did not fall on the former's arm, but directly opened her poisonous tentacles and hugged Kojiro's head.

It's about giving the man you love a big hug!

The next moment, Kojiro was hit hard on the head, his face turned purple like the Magikarp uncle, and he fell to his knees on the ground with his whole body limp.

Musashi, meow: “.”

The scene seemed a bit weird.

"Wait, that's not it!?"

Musashi's eyes fell on the bait ball that rolled out beside the Magikarp uncle, and his eyes suddenly curved insidiously, because the bait ball contained a precious Clownfish.

Just as she was about to walk over to pick up the bait ball, a strange noise suddenly came from the pond next to her.

call out.!

call out.!

It seemed as if countless fish Pokémon were flying quickly underwater and gathering towards the water near the shore.

I couldn't see what Pokémon it was, I could only see the shadows of small barracudas.

"Is it a weakling?!"

Shui Lian exclaimed in surprise, and more and more mullets gathered by the pond, as if all the mullets in the entire Chanchan Hill had come over, and the number even exceeded a hundred.

"What the hell?!"

Musashi stared blankly and even forgot to pick up the bait ball.

In less than a moment, groups of weaklings gathered together underwater and gradually formed a huge figure.

  Wow! !

Finally, an extremely huge black and blue fish suddenly jumped out of the water, revealing its entire body to everyone.

  The length of this giant fish is even more than 8 meters, which is completely the size of the legendary Pokémon!

The overall body of the fish is long and strip-shaped like a mullet, with a dark blue head that gradually changes to black-blue at the tail. Even at the tail, you can see new mullets constantly gathering, extending into a more complete and wider fish tail.

"This is the Overlord Pokémon!?"

Shui Lian stood there in a daze, stunned by the size of the huge monster fish.

The latter also exudes a golden energy aura, which is the hallmark of a hegemon.

"So the dominant Pokémon of Murmuring Hill is the gathering of the Squidwards."

Beside him, Mao also opened his mouth wide. It was the first time he knew of such a bizarre phenomenon.

The originally weak minnow always had tearful eyes. However, at this moment, the dominant minnow, which looked like a school of fish, opened its bloody mouth, and there were no more tears in its eyes. Its aura became extremely fierce and violent.

At first glance, I noticed the two "purple men" kneeling next to each other on the shore.

It seemed as if he didn't take me seriously at all, and he didn't even look towards the pond from beginning to end.

The dominant fish immediately opened its mouth and spurted out a thick stream of water.

Originally, the weaklings could only barely use the small trick of "water gun", but at this moment, hundreds of weaklings gathered together, directly upgrading the weak "water gun" to the powerful power of "water cannon".

Wow, boom!

The water cannon, powerful enough to break through rocks, took the brunt of the attack and blew away Kojiro and Magikarp, who were unable to move.

  Also, there are Musashi and Meowth who are approaching!

The force of the water was so strong that it directly swept them all up into the sky! Fortunately, Shui Lian and Mao were still some distance away from the shore, and only had their faces washed by the aftermath of the splashing water.

  The water splashing on his face also made Mao sober up all of a sudden, and he immediately shouted:

"Sleepy Mushroom! Use the Whip!"

The Sleepy Mushroom understood, and the mushroom on its head stretched out two vines, which quickly grabbed the bait ball that was swept by the water current.

Once you follow the water back to the gurgling hill, it will be very difficult to find it again.


The vine whip of the Sleeping Mushroom successfully caught the target, and the bait ball followed the vine whip and fell back into Mao's hands.

  Shui Lian immediately looked at Mao with gratitude!

As for Musashi and Meowth who were washed up into the sky, they had a calm look on their faces, squinting their eyes and started to play badly in the air.

  Sure enough, is it the same ending again?

But it’s okay, I haven’t experienced the “very annoying feeling” for a long time.

The man and the cat smiled with relief.


However, the next moment, a sharp and piercing roar came from the highest point of the Gulping Hill Waterfall, which instantly changed Musashi and Meowth's expressions.

  This voice, so familiar?!

Next, a big pink bear leaped up, its speed even catching up with the people flying into the sky. It bent its paws and clamped all three members of Team Rocket against its chest.

"Ah, is it the same even on Akala Island?!"

"You're wearing a bear-sama and you can even fly, meow?!"

Musashi and Meowth were once again pinched by the bear's paws until their faces turned blue and they were almost suffocated.


But soon, the bear found that there was a stranger in his arms today.

Conveniently, it also held Magikarp in its arms.


The bear in the suit frowned, looking a little unhappy, as if some dirty things were mixed into his favorite toy, and he immediately threw Magikarp out in mid-air.

"Ah, no"

Kojiro wanted to stop it, but the combination of the poisoned state and the powerful attack from the bear made it difficult for him to even lift his hands.

  He had only given the liar a poisonous blow, and hadn't tortured him properly yet! !

In the end, Kojiro could only watch Magikarp being thrown to who knows where with reluctance and indignation, and he also fainted completely.

Below, Shui Lian and Mao looked at the bear in black clothes soaring into the sky like a rocket and gradually disappearing into the clouds, both with confused expressions.


But soon, the sound like the growling of a wild beast in front of them brought them back to their senses and they looked towards the direction of the pond again.

"Come on, Shui Lian!"

After taking the bait ball, Shui Lian took a deep breath, and with Mao's encouragement, took a few steps forward to face the huge monster fish.

  Although the previous plot is a mess, the next step is her test!

"My name is Shui Lian, and I'm here to challenge the test of Chanchan Hill!"

Shui Lian directly stated her purpose.

The dominant Pokémon can all communicate, and they all have their own missions guarding the test grounds, so it is still necessary to make it clear before the battle.

Sure enough, after venting its anger, this dominant weakling fish did not continue to attack Shui Lian and Mao.

Most of its body is suspended above the water, with only the lower part of its tail still connected to the water surface, so that it can be replenished with a steady supply of weaklings.


Seeing Shui Lian's determined expression, the Overlord Ruo Dingyu immediately let out a beast-like growl, and a strong aura of dominance rose around him.

"Ball Sea Lion, Drop Spider! Get ready for battle!"

Shui Lian also immediately released the dripping spider, intending to fight two against one to pass the test here!

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