He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3108 The Overlord Who Lost His Memory, Galagala! ?

Chapter 3108 The Overlord Who Lost His Memory, Galagala! ?

After walking for about half an hour, Xiaozhi and Kachi finally climbed to the top of the Wela Volcano.

This is different from the top of the volcano that Xiaozhi knew before. Other volcanoes basically only have footholds around the edges. The center is hollow, and you can go directly to the center of the earth, where you can see the magma bubbling and flowing at the bottom.

If you are lucky, you may encounter a volcanic eruption and a Groudon may appear randomly.

However, the top of the Wela volcano is a solid flat land.

Since the high-temperature steam is ejected from the cracks and holes on the mountainside, there is not so much white smoke and steam at the top of the mountain.

The ground wasn't very hot, which showed that the rock layer under our feet was very thick and would not collapse halfway under an earthquake.

There is even a rock stadium protruding from the ground in the center of the mountain top, which seems to be a place specially used for island pilgrimage battles.

But when Xiaozhi and Kachi walked to the front of the stadium, they were stunned.

At this moment, Man Yue and Liliae were sitting on the stone benches next to the stadium, with a cup of fragrant tea brewed with volcanic spring water next to them.

But the most eye-catching one is a giant Galagala that is more than two meters tall!

This Galagala has dark brown skin, a head covered with a sharp white skull, and brown flame markings on the forehead.

A huge two-meter-long bone stick was placed casually on the ground.

It knelt obediently next to Man Yue and Liliae, holding a rough ceramic teacup in its hands.

The three of them were drinking tea leisurely facing the moon in a relaxed atmosphere.

Kachi: “???”

  Why did the temper of this overlord Galagala change? !

The last time he came here, he was beaten down with a stick. How could he be so polite today and drink tea with Man Yue and the others? !

Could it be that she hates men?!

If it weren't for its exaggerated, dominant size, Kachi would have suspected that it had been replaced.

"Is this the Overlord Galagala?"

Following beside him, Xiaozhi narrowed his eyes and looked him up and down.

I always feel that it is inexplicably familiar?

But he had never been to the Alola region before, so he probably had never seen Alola-like Pokémon.

Soon, the overlord Galagala saw Kachi and the other man approaching, and his originally peaceful expression of drinking tea suddenly changed, and his eyes became sharp.

Well, this black guy on the left, it remembers that he was knocked down by itself a year ago.

As for the guy wearing a hat on the right, he looks a little strangely familiar.

This made Gara Gara frown his eyes, he felt inexplicably angry and glared at Xiaozhi!

Xiaozhi: "?"

"Ah, Mr. Xiaozhi, Kachi, you are finally here!"

Liliae stood up in surprise, easing the atmosphere.

Knowing that the two were going to challenge Mount Vera in the evening, she came with Man Yue to watch the battle.

Man Yue also nodded at the two of them without saying anything. Her temperament seemed even colder under the moonlight.

"Good evening, Liliae, it's a full moon~"

After Xiaozhi greeted them, he sat down on the chair next to the two girls without any hesitation.

Today they all came to watch, and the protagonist is Kachi.

Kachi took a deep breath, knowing that it was his time to show off.

He walked forward, bowed solemnly to Galagala, and said:

"I'm Kachi. Please fight me. I want to pass the test of Mount Vera!"

The overlord Galagala glanced at Kachi and nodded slightly.

It looked stronger than last year. Then it put down the teacup, picked up the bone stick on the ground, and rubbed it on its skull.


Suddenly, a blue-green flame ignited at one end of the bone stick, swaying and flickering like a ghost fire, which was creepy.

Then the overlord Galagala grabbed the bone stick with both hands and kept spinning it, and the flame ignited the other end of the bone stick.

“Gal! Gal!”

His body kept dancing left and right on the ground, and he kept repeating the same words.

Dancing with torches waving, this seems to be some kind of ritual dance on Akala Island?

  Xiaozhi and the other two were watching the dance in a daze, especially the former. He always felt that this Galagala seemed to be staring at him vaguely?

Is this the first time they meet?

While the other party was dancing, Xiaozhi carefully turned his head and asked Xiang Man Yue:

"You two seem to be very familiar with each other. What's the situation with this Overlord Gala Gala?"

Liliae also nodded, curious about the answer.

According to her understanding, the overlord of the Vera volcano had a bad temper, but when the two of them came up just now, he did not attack them.

He even greeted the full moon and asked it to help fetch nutritious volcanic spring water.

  Could it be that Man Yue also did something for this overlord?

“That was a year ago.”

Man Yue put down the teacup, but did not refuse to answer:

"Didn't Dr. Kukui and I rescue the distressed Yanyan dog on the beach a year ago?"

Xiaozhi nodded, now he was his beloved dog.

"But before that, Professor Kukui and I actually rescued another Pokémon, this Garagara."

Man Yue glanced at Gala Gala who was dancing and lowered her voice a little.

One day a year ago, she saw a gala lying on the beach outside the door.

  And unlike the rock dog, which was covered in wounds, it was obviously caused by fighting with people.

There were no scars on Galagala's body, he was simply drowned.

"A drowning Pokémon?"

Lilia nodded. People who live by the sea can sometimes see Pokémon that have drowned and been washed ashore.

However, Man Yue shook her head and continued:

"not only that."

When she and Kukui rushed it to the nearest Pokémon Center, Miss Joy checked it out and found that the Garagara's skin was almost peelable.

This means that the latter has been soaked in sea water for a long period of time.

Logically speaking, the four Alola islands are not that far away, so even if someone drowned, it would be impossible for them to stay in the water for so long.

"Moreover, drowning for a long time caused the brain to lack oxygen. This gala gala's brain seems to be broken."

Man Yue lowered her voice again. It was not good for the person involved to hear such a thing.

"Fortunately, it is a ghost-type Pokémon, and its survivability is extremely strong, so its life is not in danger."

"But as a sequela, this Gala Gala has lost its memory and has no memory of anything that happened in the past."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and Liliae looked at each other in surprise.

I've only seen scenes like amnesia on TV, and they're usually caused by car accidents.

"Drowning for a long time leads to amnesia."

Xiaozhi subconsciously looked at the overlord Galagala and lowered his head to recite silently.

Do you always feel like you have forgotten something?

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