He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3116: The Great Adventure in the Ultimate World! ?

Chapter 3116: The Great Adventure in the Ultimate World! ?

Soon, people on the street saw Xiaozhi climbing up the air conditioner outdoor unit rack nimbly like a throwing monkey.

Then he grabbed the balcony railing on the second floor and climbed up, finally giving a sudden leap.

The figure has already stood on the edge of the rooftop of the Space Research Institute.

Kukui: “.”

Even as a royal masked man, he feels inferior to such skills!

The three ultimate beasts have jumped back into the ultimate cave, ready to avenge their previous humiliation.

After climbing up to the rooftop and observing closely, Xiaozhi discovered that the other side of the Ultra Hole was not actually directly connected to the Ultra World.

It is more like a time tunnel, as if there are countless spaces connected around it, and the end straight ahead is the ultimate space where Brother Chi is.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

He also heard several heavy hitting sounds. It should be that the three guys who went back in were hit hard by a few more rounds of the steel tail?

"In that case, Emperor Yan, let me ride for a while."

Xiaozhi pretended to release Entei and prepared to jump in to take a look.

But before the Poké Ball was taken out, the Ultimate Hole in the air that was collapsing inwards suddenly shrank rapidly towards the center.


In the blink of an eye, the ultimate hole that was more than one meter wide had become the size of a pomelo, and even Emperor Yan’s head could not fit in it.

After a moment, the Ultimate Hole completely disappeared and the sky returned to normal, as if nothing unusual had ever happened.


This made Xiaozhi stunned in the brick and tile ruins. He scratched his head hard and could only stare blankly.

  Why did it suddenly disappear?!

Should we call out Lugia, wave its claws at the spot just now, and see if we can tear another hole open?

On the other side, the ultimate world.

This is a city ruin, surrounded by dilapidated high-rise buildings with yellowed walls or floors collapsed in the middle.

The streets were littered with broken walls, steel bars protruding from the concrete floors, and the air was filled with dim yellow dust.

At this moment, Qinglu and Chi stood back to back on this broken street, covering each other.

Surrounding it are many Pokémon that have strange, hunter-like looks but all look extremely ferocious.

Or maybe it's not Pokémon.

  In addition to the Explosive Mosquito, Electric Beam Wood, and Bang Head Clown who were previously sent to the real world.

There is also Kaguya, a giant, towering, spiky Pokémon that's like a rocket.

On the street next to it, there was a giant Pokémon with a bloody mouth and two black hands with sharp teeth sticking out of its mouth.

As it surrounded the two people, its two strange hands were still grabbing the surrounding rubble, buildings, steel bars and cement.

Without sorting, he just stuffed everything into his mouth.


Hard stone and even metal only make a crackling sound.

The Food King is an ultimate beast that only knows how to eat. Just one of them is enough to turn an entire city into ruins!

Surrounded by many ultimate beasts, Qinglu is only wearing a simple brown leather jacket and gray trousers. He has a handsome and cool face and a unique painting style.

"Tsk, more and more of these ultimate beasts are approaching."

Although he said that, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he looked relaxed, as if he was on vacation.


In front of him stood a tall Blastoise, with the double cannons on its shoulders ready to fire powerful water shells at any time.

Behind him, Chi was wearing casual short-sleeved shirt and long pants, and a hat, with a calm expression.

He didn't look like someone on vacation. He looked more like a big brother who was out to buy some soy sauce because his family just ran out of soy sauce.

In front of him, the round-faced Pikachu was standing on all fours, with electric arcs running down its cheeks, looking threatening.


Pikachu let out a low growl, and immediately the three Explosive Grazes that had been blown away were frightened and took a few steps back.

  Their faces were covered with burn marks from electric shocks or from blunt force wounds from Iron Tail.

Already honest!

The messy battlefield around proved that the fighting had been going on for quite a while.

These ultimate beasts have already realized that these two humans are not easy to deal with, so they only dare to surround them from a distance and do not dare to take the initiative to attack.

"How about we catch them all? We took away so many Ultra Balls before, right?"

Qinglu couldn't help but speak, holding five or six shrunken ultimate balls in his hands at the same time.

On that day, he and Red came to the Alola region for vacation, and then he sneaked into the Aether Foundation with ease.

They had done this in the original world, but they didn't expect that the layout of the Ether Foundation in this world would be similar.

So they took a part of the Ultimate Sphere with them, and with the help of the equipment of the Aether Foundation, they successfully arrived at the Ultimate World.


Chi did not answer and remained silent.

He looked around and found that these ultimate beasts were not rare in the ultimate world.

  Of course, they are not as rampant as stray dogs on the street.

As long as you walk in areas outside of human activities, you will always find it.

His strength is extremely outstanding, not inferior to that of a second-level god. Of course, his physical strength and endurance are not as strong as that of a second-level god.

Rounding it off, he's a pseudo-second-level god with only power?

However, these guys are extremely rare in the real world, and each one can stand on its own.


Chi suddenly raised his eyebrows. When the Ultimate Hole opened just now, he felt a familiar breath.

He was also extremely familiar with the wave force that scanned his body.

"Was Xiaozhi outside just now?"

His red eyes flickered and his facial expression showed some excitement. It seemed that he hadn't seen this boy for a long time.

  Xiaozhi should be stronger now, right?

But let’s not rush yet.

Let’s clear out the ultimate beasts around first.

"Volt attack."

The round-faced Pikachu understood, and an exaggerated thunderstorm spread around his body. Even the sky became overcast and thunder rumbled.

Boom! !

The next moment, Pikachu turned into a thick electric shock wave, instantly knocking the nearest Explosive Fly flying backwards.

  Sizzle! Sizzle!

The offensive was not over yet, Volt launched a second attack, and with the help of Pikachu's agility, he knocked two electric beams and two bang-headed clowns away one after another, and the electric arcs on his body gradually dissipated.

If Xiaozhi was watching nearby, he would be extremely shocked.

Its strength far exceeds that of a Level 2 God, and in particular, it can attack continuously like a "flash of lightning", which is a level that its Pikachu has not yet reached!

Chi took advantage of the situation and threw out the sci-fi ultimate ball, easily subduing several ultimate beasts in front of him.

"Blastoise, Water Cannon!!"

On the other side, Qinglu also commanded his Blastoise, which pressed down its cannon and blasted out a huge energy water ball on each side. Dangerous arcs of light lingered on the surface, and the power was amazing!

(End of this chapter)

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