He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3150: The first generation machine, the silver companion war beast!

Chapter 3150: The first generation machine, the silver companion war beast!

Hearing this, Gladion was stunned at first.

But on second thought, the Silver Companion Beast has the power comparable to that of a mythical beast, and can also change 18 attributes at will with the characteristics of the AR system.
This is almost the exclusive power of Arceus, the god of creation!

It's normal for Xiaozhi to be interested in catching turtles.

After the crowd around them gradually dispersed, the three of them said goodbye to Hala and left the town of Lili.

As they were going down the mountain, Gladion answered Xiaozhi's question seriously:
"The Ether Foundation created a total of two Silver Companion War Beasts, one of which is mine, which just evolved from the Attribute: Air."

Gladion will remove the skull shackles, considering it a form of evolution.

"And the other one, within the Ether Foundation, is called the first generation machine, and it has long evolved into a silver companion war beast."

Xiaozhi nodded, and there were indeed more than one.

After all, a creature like Genesect, the world-destroying insect, even developed a team!
But after hearing the word "first generation machine", Liliae's face changed and she became panicked in an instant.

She subconsciously buried her head in Xiaozhi's chest, as if she recalled some horrible memories.

"What's going on?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, his face full of confusion.

However, Lilia seemed very scared at the moment, so he couldn't just push her away, so he simply put his hands on Lilia's shoulders to comfort her.

Gladion: “.”

Normally when a little sister is scared, shouldn't she lie on her brother's chest? !

He frowned and looked at Xiaozhi with some dissatisfaction.

Ash's Pokémon battling skills are naturally impeccable, and he is easy-going and enthusiastic, which has earned him the respect of Gladion.

But lifestyle?
After all, he had just seen Man Yue jumping out of his window in disheveled clothes this morning!

Seeing Liliae burying her head and trembling uncontrollably, Xiaozhi couldn't help but say:

"Come to think of it, it was the same thing last time at the Space Research Institute."

These words immediately perked up Gladion.

Remind your sister to be careful of Huangmao and talk about this later.

He quickly asked:

"Teacher Xiaozhi, please tell me in detail what happened at the Space Research Institute at that time!"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes. Both the brother and sister were acting weird.

Lilia was still lying on top of him, so she could only make it short:

"At that time, an Ultra Cave suddenly appeared, and three Ultra Beasts ran out, although they were later repelled by Senior Pikachu."

Hearing the keyword "Ultimate Beast", Liliae stuck closer.

Gladion looked horrified, and then his eyes were fixed on the Pikachu on Ash's shoulder.

This Pikachu can beat three Ultra Beasts back to the Ultra Cave! ?
Isn't that even more powerful than that terrifying Flame Emperor? !
By the way, why does Xiaozhi add the suffix "senior" when he calls his Pikachu?

Afterwards, Xiaozhi comforted Liliae for a while.

After the latter recovered, he seemed a little depressed and planned to go to Man Yue to see if there was any tree fruit medicine that could work on fear.

In front of the Kukui family's wooden house.

After watching Liliae leave, Gladion looked at Xiaozhi with a serious look in his eyes.

"Teacher Xiaozhi, after thinking it over, I think it is necessary to tell you about Liliae."

"The reason why she was afraid of coming into contact with Pokémon before and felt extremely terrified when she saw Ultra Beasts is actually because of only one reason." Upon hearing this, Xiaozhi also put on a serious face.

As a teacher, it is also important to understand the root causes of students' mental illnesses.

"It all started when Liliae was five years old. Our mother took us to the Ether Paradise for vacation."

Gladion sighed. He was a year older than Liliae and remembered things from his childhood more clearly.

"One day, Liliae accidentally entered a base room in the Aether Paradise. Coincidentally, an Ultimate Hole opened above her head."

Speaking of this, Gladion still feels a lingering fear.

He was right next to Liliae at the time, and although he was equally scared, he immediately protected his sister behind him.

But he was only six years old at the time, and faced with the existence that emerged from the Ultimate Cave, he had no ability to fight back.

"Has an Ultimate Beast appeared?!"

Xiaozhi was also attracted and asked.

Although he had only seen them from afar at the Space Research Institute last time, he could feel those bizarre-shaped Ultra Beasts, almost every one of which had power comparable to that of a Legendary Pokémon.

Of course, it’s just the worst among the legendary Pokémon.

It's probably like the one of the three sacred beasts of Johto, Thunder God, who was easily caught by a Pokémon hunter in a big net and kicked hard in the stomach.

"Yes, it appeared. I will never forget that scene in my life."

Gladion nodded, his face deep and solemn.

At that time, a strange Pokémon that looked like a jellyfish came out of the Ultra Cave.

It had no face or torso, and there were many tentacles hanging down on both sides, trying to entangle him and Liliae.

Gladion suddenly changed the subject and said:
"At the critical moment, a silver companion war beast jumped out and protected us."

Xiaozhi immediately understood that the Silver Companion Warmon that appeared when he was a child should be the so-called "first generation machine", right?
"That Silver Companion repelled the Jellyfish Ultramon and beat it back into the Ultra Cave."

"And Liliae was still young, and her judgment was not good enough. She subconsciously thought that the Silver Companion War Beast that saved us was an Ultra Beast that was going to attack us."

Gladion sighed:

"Since then, Liliae has never dared to touch any Pokémon again. Until now, the situation has gradually improved."

Xiaozhi nodded. It turned out that this was the root of everything.

Seeing that Liliae's heart knot was gradually untied, Gladion also showed Liliae his own attribute: Empty, so that the latter could slowly adapt.

Now, Liliae didn't have much reaction to the appearance of the Silver Companion Beast.

But when he heard the words "first generation machine", he still became frightened out of stress.

This made Gladion hesitate to tell Lillie the truth about what happened in the Aether Paradise that year, for fear of causing other more dangerous psychological problems.

"Well, you have the right idea."

Xiaozhi patted Gladion's shoulder with a look of appreciation and admiration in his eyes.

What a great brother.

"But now Liliae has grown up, and avoiding the problem won't solve it."

Xiaozhi gave his own thoughts:

"I suggest you find a time to talk to Man Yue about the root cause of this incident. She seems to be very professional in psychotherapy and should be able to prescribe the right medicine for you."

Gladion raised his eyebrows. Was it the woman who jumped out of the window this morning?!

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