He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 406 3 Ultimate Balls

Chapter 406 Three Ultimate Balls

"Brother Qinglu, where are you going? Are you going back to Zhenxin Town to raise pigs?"

Xiaomao asked weakly.

These remarks are the calm blue and green in the past, and his mentality almost broke the defense directly, and almost raised his hand to kill Xiao Mao.

After thinking for a while, he slowly gave the answer.

"Go to the Chengdu area, a place where I once practiced"

Although I don't know if this world will be different from the electronic world that I once and now, but Xiaomao has been shopping around for a long time in the Kanto area, it is better to go to a new place to see the world.

In that place, Xiao Mao's will will get a new exercise.

"Urban area.?"

What else Xiaomao wanted to say, Qinglu had already interrupted him directly, with a tough attitude that was beyond doubt.

"We will leave tomorrow morning. This quartz conference has nothing to do with you."

If he loses, he loses, and there is nothing to tangle. If he loses to someone in some way, there will be no entanglement.

Hmph, the Quartz Conference, the game of a group of trash fish, nothing to be concerned about.

"Little Luzi, you are going to play in the Chengdu area~ Would you like to join me~?"

At this time, a brisk female voice like a royal sister forcefully inserted into the conversation between the two. It was Bi Lan's voice. When the three were close to each other, the soul space would also be connected, so she had been eavesdropping.

In fact, Xiaolan has been very lost these days. After all, in the first round, the unlucky old man was eliminated three times by the masked man, and his name even remained on the historical strategy forever.

But now that Xiaomao has also been educated, she is happy, the misunderstanding with the masked man is resolved, and she even wants to invite the latter for a drink.

Rabbit is dead and fox is sad, it doesn't exist.

"The masked man, kill him fiercely!"

In the process of watching the game, Xiao Lan actually wanted to shout this sentence all the time, but then she thought that she was from the same town after all.

And she was happy, and Bi Lan was also very happy.

Because the former's small head Guazi has completely forgotten the bad incident of being put pigeons by him, the two have once again become close and good Jimei.

Now the Quartz Conference has nothing to do with them. Xiaolan has only been paddling water and cutting down trees recently, but she can go to the Chengdu area for a walk.

"Hmph, woman."

Hearing this, Qinglu just snorted coldly, with a clear attitude, and simply refused.

On the road to becoming a strong man, there is no need for a woman, this will only become a shackle!
"Ow~Then the three of us touch each other tomorrow morning, I have a gift for the two of you~"

In the soul space, the blue eyes narrowed into a slit, looking thiefly, looking at the blue and green sitting on the ergonomic chair, and then looking at the other side, sitting on the old-age teacher's chair, closed his eyes and rested.

Chi, of course, is also eavesdropping.


Qinglu didn't speak, and just exited the soul space, and Xiaomao was also full, dragged Dr. Damu to the back and whispered, explaining that he would not return to Zhenxin Town, and he took off again in another place.

Dr. Damu didn't object to anything, young people should rush everywhere, but he still said with a stern tone, and said cautiously:
"Why don't you go to the Golden City with me first. I have already asked you to make an appointment with the best psychiatrist. This doctor was the chief doctor of Nazi, the owner of the Golden Temple two years ago."

Xiaomao: "?"

The next day, early in the morning.

Xiaozhi, Xiaolan, and Xiaomao, the three of them have already stood at the gate of the center of the elf, and the three forces are looking at each other.

At this moment, Xiaomao is ready to dress up, and his expression lacks some of the exaggeration of the past. He wears simple clothes and a pair of hiking boots for mountain men. He is also carrying only a backpack similar to an ascetic, which is tied with a sling and held in his hands.

He's going to start over.

"Hey Xiaozhi, I'm going to practice in the Chengdu area for 3 months, and then I'll start to challenge the Silver Conference there again, hum, I really hope I can personally knock you out this time."

He opened his mouth and said, this is both provocation and truth.

Qinglu had already told him that this was not a simple practice of a few days, but a brutal four-month training to prepare him.

"Silver Conference?"

Xiao Zhi was stunned for a moment, this was what he didn't expect.

The Silver Tournament is similar in nature to the current Quartz Tournament in that it challenges eight gyms to qualify for eight badges, and then challenges a regional tournament.

And next year's competition will officially start four months later, for a period of one year, this is also Qinglu's plan, just to seamlessly connect Xiaomao's cultivation.

"If that's the case, I'll go and beat you at the Silver Conference!"

Hearing that, Xiaozhi's eyes also showed the flames of war, and he has always been eager to have a dignified duel with Xiaomao under everyone's attention.

He has already decided that, four months later, he will also go to this urban area.

As for the middle four months, there is no plan for now. Xiaomao has a problem with his mentality and needs to receive treatment in advance. There is no need for him to go so early.
And the three big men in the soul space are naturally looking at each other, and the atmosphere is dignified.

Chi couldn't help breaking the deadlock first, and suggested:

"One thing to say, if you want to hone your mind, you can go to the top of Baiyin Mountain. I'm familiar with it."

Wen Yan Qinglu just showed a disdainful coldness, went to Baiyin Mountain to practice, from autism to autism?

Immediately after the two men looked at each other for a while, they looked at Bi Lan in the middle at the same time, and opened their palms to her.

What about gifts?
"Hee hee~ The gift is with Lan girl, I'll let her bring it to you~"

Bi Lan said with a smile, but in reality Xiao Lan understood and slowly took out three Poke Balls from her arms.

"This is also a Poké Ball?"

Seeing the object clearly, Ash and Xiao Mao blurted out at the same time, because it was definitely the strangest-shaped Pokeball they had ever seen.

The upper part of the Poke Ball is dark blue, and the lower half is a magical purple, with light blue mesh stripes on it, and four yellow stripes protruding from the four sides of the Poke Ball. The whole pokeball looks full of technology.

"Oh~ Sister Bilan said that this kind of Poke Ball is called the Ultimate Ball, and she exchanged it with a kind person back then~"

Xiao Lan explained with a smile.

When they saw the appearance of the ultimate ball, Chi and Qinglu also suddenly realized, and gradually remembered that memory.

When the three of them went on a trip to Alola, the two fighting madmen, Chi and Qinglu, naturally challenged the local battle tree in an attempt to snipe the first-generation champion of Alola.

And Bilan didn't dare to be interested in fighting, so she directly performed traditional arts and slipped into the richest organization in the area. She saw the three Poke Balls in the deepest laboratory, so she took it away.

"Can I exchange my baby for these three ordinary Poké Balls? No one answered, I should agree~"

This is not stealing, Xiaolan asked at least three times on the spot, but no one came out to stop or object.

Although at that time she turned her Variegated Monster into the appearance of the indigenous god of Alola, so the entire Ether Foundation ran out to watch and worship the indigenous god, but it was not a big problem.

Moreover, Bilan also left three grapefruit fruits on the table, which are equivalent exchanges, and it is only a small loss to hold the Ether Foundation to death.

Then the three of them converged, each with an ultimate ball.

After finally making a trip to Alola, the three of them naturally couldn't come for nothing, so they turned around, beat up the four local indigenous island gods, and then went to the Ultimate Cave for two days for sightseeing.

During the period, the three of them each captured a Pokémon called "Ultimate Beast" by the locals.

When I got home, the biggest problem came.

"Ultimate balls and extreme beasts can't get out of the customs."

So the two deposited their ultimate ball with Bilan, and the latter used the devil's means to steal the day and successfully take the ultimate ball out of the Alola area.

But both of them forgot their ultimate ball until now.
"Hey~ This is the big brother Chi, this is the big green green~"

Xiaolan smiled and handed two of the ultimate balls to the two of them.
(No prize quiz, the ultimate beast.

Red brother's.



(End of this chapter)

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