Chapter 440 A Dead Egg

The second day after the official conclusion of the Quartz Conference.

Early in the morning, Xiao Zhi had already got up.

He wasn't in a hurry to go home, but Abin and Ahong, the friends he met in the tournament, were leaving, and Xiaozhi had to see them off early in the morning.

Even though they are rivals and friends, these days, they have taken on a small bond with them.

"No, black iron ball, white vanilla, these props will be returned to you."

Abin waved his hand, his bald head looked very dazzling in the early morning sun.

"I'm an old local tyrant, and this prop is not a big problem."

Having said this, Abin smiled again:

"Xiaozhi, I found that you seem to be quite suitable for my game routines. When the time comes, I will communicate with you by phone if I develop any new routines, and I will also give you a copy of new items. Remember to check yours regularly. computer."

Of course, friends are friends, but this is also selfish.

Abin's dream momentum is not to make himself stronger, but to invent the ultimate routine, so that ordinary people can rely on dirty routines to cross the championship, so he needs a helper who can cooperate with him in performing routines, or something.

guinea pig.


Xiaozhi just smiled and agreed.

Not to mention, throwing black iron balls to smash flying Pokémon, or white vanilla combined with breaking shells, are all good routines, guinea pigs are guinea pigs.
Two flowers, both sides benefit.

After sending these rivals away, Ash returned to the Pokémon Hall alone.

Pikachu on his shoulders was still drowsy, and Brother Chi's body was also hanging on the side of his hem, and there was no movement.

The Quartz Conference has completely ended, and the lively scene of the past no longer exists. At this moment, people are sparsely dragging their luggage and backpacks to leave one after another. This makes Xiao Zhi, who has been here for nearly a month, a little uncomfortable.

"Hey, Xiaozhi, you are here, I was looking for you."

At this moment, a hearty voice interrupted his thoughts, and when Xiao Zhi looked up, he saw a familiar figure standing at the door of the Pokémon Center.

Royal masked man.

Although she had put on a white coat at the moment, she still had her chest muscles exposed without a lining. The collocation was very non-mainstream, and it was even possible that she was wearing it to perfunctory planes forbid the naked upper body.

On his head, he still wore a red-black hood that could not see his face clearly.

"Mr. Masked Man, are you leaving?"

Xiaozhi noticed that the masked man was carrying a large satchel on his shoulders at the moment, as if he was about to leave.

"Well, after all, the game is over. I just booked a ticket and I'm leaving soon. I plan to say hello to you before I leave."

The masked man is a foreigner, and he is determined to challenge in the Kanto region. Except for Xiao Zhi, he has not formed any fetters here.

Although the two are quite different in age, they are both similar people, not to mention that the two have a sense of familiarity, as if they were destined to be involved.

At this time, the masked man suddenly thought of something, stretched out his fist towards him, and said with burning eyes:

"Xiao Zhi, in two years, probably in two years, I will establish our own Pokémon alliance in the Alola region, and the first alliance meeting will be held at that time. I hope you can come and participate."

Before he came to the Kanto region, he had no idea whether an alliance could be formed.

But at this moment, the masked man is very firm in his mind and has no distractions. He knows that in two years, he will definitely be able to complete it!

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi also showed a high-spirited smile on the corner of his mouth, and his bright eyes looked at him.

Raise your arms and punch your fists.

"The Alola region in two years' time? I'll go there. Don't blame me for letting me, an out-of-towner, win your first championship."

"Hehe, our trainers in the Alola region are not weak."

Immediately, the eyes of the two were extremely powerful, revealing a strong will to fight. After looking at each other for the last time, the masked man withdrew his fists, no longer nostalgic, and left in the direction of the gate.


Just when the two passed by, a high-frequency sound suddenly appeared in Xiao Zhi's ear, giving him a strange feeling of a drop of water falling into the water and slowly waving away.


Xiao Zhi's surprised voice made the masked man stop, and he turned his head curiously and asked:
"what happened?"

"Uh, Mr. Masked Man, did you hear a strange sound when we passed by just now?"

Hearing that the masked man was even more inexplicable, and couldn't help scratching his head.

"Sound, no."

But at this moment, Xiao Zhi's brows were deeply wrinkled. Not only was there a strange sound in his ear, but also in his mind, there were inexplicably circles of blue energy auras out of thin air, in the shape of ripples, spreading ripples.

Immediately, under the dazed eyes of the masked man, Xiao Zhi subconsciously closed his eyes, his consciousness sank deeply, trying to find that special halo energy.

After a while, he got the result.

"Is someone calling me?"

Seeing Xiaozhi pointing his finger at himself, the masked man was even more confused, when did I call you?
"No, it's your backpack, Mr. Masked Man, something in your backpack seems to be calling me!"

Xiao Zhi hurriedly said, although he didn't know what happened, he just had a strong intuition.

"Backpack? Impossible. My backpack is full of dead objects and no props. It's all clothes."

Before he could finish speaking, the masked man's expression suddenly changed, as if he realized something, he quickly opened the backpack and took out something from it.

A Pokémon egg.

The shell is mostly white with a few dark blue spots.

"Pokémon eggs?!"

Ash's eyes widened a bit, it was the first time he saw a Pokemon egg.

Could it be the egg calling him?
"Impossible, let's not say that the Pokemon egg has no ability to call humans at all, even if it does, it is impossible, because this is one."

The masked man sighed, and then continued:

"It's a dead egg."

He gently held it up, and once again felt that there was no heartbeat and life in the eggshell, and his eyes were a little more sad.

"I only used five Pokémon in this conference, including the island gods, and the sixth one didn't play. That was the partner I conquered when I traveled in the Shenno area, and this Pokémon egg is it. The eggs of the same kind."

"But when I found it, it was already lifeless, so every time I went to a city, I asked the local Miss Joy to check it again, and even went to many breeding houses to find experienced craftsmen Probe, but it's all one result."

Dead egg, can't be alive.

The masked man has also given up. This time he left the Kandong area and planned to go to the Shenao area first and bury the egg in its homeland.

"Impossible! I can feel the call to me!"

Xiao Zhi quickly retorted, in a serious tone, and even reached out, wanting to touch the shell of the egg himself.

The masked man had to carefully hand it to Xiao Zhi, and sighed again.

"Hey, to judge whether a Pokémon egg is life or death, the first is to touch it with your hands to feel whether the heart is still beating, and the second is to feel the breath of life at close range. A living egg will give people an obvious meaning of life."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Zhi had already interrupted him.

"Mr. Masked Man, this egg's heart beats like a drum. Are you deaf?"

In the next second, the Pokémon in Xiaozhi's hand really began to vibrate violently, and his heartbeat was like a drum.

The strong breath of life smeared his face even more.

Masked man: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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