He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 475 My Level is Higher than Yours

Chapter 475 My Level is Higher than Yours


The white sea lion stayed in place for a while. The body shape of the wonderful frog flower should be in the style of a meat shield fort, but you turned into a tank and hit it directly?


Unpredictable, the white sea lion was swept away by the golden light tank, and the terrifying force fell. The body flew out and smashed on the edge wall in an instant. It was even embedded in the inner wall for more than half a meter. .


And the wonderful frog flower just shook her body on the spot, and the counter-injury caused by the sacrifice of her body did not hurt it much.

"Is this the ultimate route of the Frog Flower Clan? I understand."

In the VIP viewing seat, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he immediately chose a new direction for his frog grass.

At the other end, Kona plans to repeat the same trick.

"White sea lion, use the wave of water!" she instructed.

The white sea lion raised his head, spit out a blue water bomb against the sky again, and then skillfully closed his eyes on the spot, meditating in a deep sleep, and his milky white body suddenly filled with a green light, and his injuries were quickly recovering. on.

The next wave of falling water will create a pseudo "heavy rain" state, triggering the wet skin feature of the white sea lion, and it will wake up in the first turn
"Frogflower, use strong whipping."

Chi interrupted on the spot.

Your trick of prostitutes and sleep is really brilliant, but it's just a one-shot trick. If you want to use it successfully for the second time, it's too underestimated.


The next second, I saw the two vine whips sticking out from the back of the frog grass instantly turned into energy whips composed entirely of emerald green energy. They were crystal clear. , the water suddenly fell towards the surroundings.

"Da da da"

Such rain on wet skin would at best wake him from sleep powder, but deep meditation would not be worth it, and the white sea lion slept on its first bout.

Seeing this, his red eyes shrank immediately, and he would not miss this opportunity.

"Continue to use, strong whipping!"

Bai Haishi closed his eyes, but the wonderful frog flower would not be soft-hearted because the latter was cute, and the two energy vine whips immediately slashed towards him.


The effect is outstanding!

The white sea lion in his sleep let out a whimper. This is a great grass-type trick. If he didn't die on the spot, it would be considered a thick bloodskin.


Another two energy whips, while the latter was still sleeping, Miao Froghwa fell again with two powerful whips, landing on the target without hindrance. The damage was really terrifying. .

This scene even made many people close their eyes and couldn't bear to look directly, and even Kona clenched his fists subconsciously.


After three hits, just as the fourth powerful whip was about to hit, the white sea lion finally woke up, raised its tail in a conditioned response, and the cold light metal collided with the falling powerful whip.

Steel tail!


With this impact, the white sea lion's belly slid against the ice surface for a while, and it was able to avoid this deadly attack.



The two confronted each other again, but now the white sea lion was full of scars and his breathing became rapid. It was obviously a candle in the wind. If the previous fourth powerful whip hit, he would be killed on the spot.

"Master Kona, you are too confident, you should let your white sea lion learn the trick of sleep talking."

In the gap, Chi couldn't help but speak.

It is estimated that this trick has not failed, so I have not considered the matter after sleep at all.

But this didactic tone made Ke Na's eyebrows twitch. Now that she is a senior, it is strange that she should be directed like this by a junior.

Although, indeed.
She hadn't met such an opponent for a long time.
However, this wonderful frog flower's attack was outrageous, so fierce that it made people breathless, and Xiao Zhi too, those eyes that seemed to penetrate people's hearts, made Kona very unhappy.

If so, try this trick!
"White sea lions, use water jets!"

This time it was Kona's turn to take the initiative to attack.


In the next second, I saw that the body of the white sea lion had been covered with a layer of blue water, and it turned into a bunch of water arrows and blasted out at an extremely fast speed.

General effect.

The resistance of the grass attribute to the water attribute is not even scraping, but watering the flowers.


But Kona ticked the corner of her mouth. The trick is not to deal damage, but to make the water spray created by the water jet cover the body of the frog, so that she can use the ice and snow field that she is best at.
"Absolute zero."

Kona spat out the words softly.

When the words fell, a chilling chill rose to the sky, and everything within a three-meter radius of the white sea lion was instantly frozen into silent white snow.


This is especially true of the wonderful frog flower in the front. With the spray of water jets, the entire body is instantly frozen into a huge solid ice.

In the ice, the expression on his face didn't even react, he stared blankly with his eyes wide open, like a statue.


In an instant, the whole world seemed to be frozen, becoming extremely quiet, and everyone seemed to be able to hear their own heartbeats.

"It's over, Ash~"

Seeing this, Kona just chuckled with satisfaction. Absolute zero is a trick in the field of rules, and the close-range jet of water ensures its hit rate, so there is only one answer.



It was just at this moment that the ice was shattered.

The figure of the wonderful frog flower reappeared in everyone's sight, her breath was intact, and her raised eyes were still bright.

"how is this possible!?"

Kona's face changed instantly.

"Because there is only one possibility."

This time it was Chi's turn to have a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if everything was still in the script, and then said softly:
"My level is higher than yours."

The plain tone contained an incomparably fierce arrogance.

Although absolute zero is the secret of instant killing in the field of rules, it means that the weakness is also extremely exaggerated, but not only the hit rate is low, once the level cannot suppress the opponent, this move cannot be activated at all.

"It's over, Frog Flower, use the powerful whip!"

Chi's voice fell, and the two beams of energy whippings in front of the wonderful frog flower also fell heavily, and just after launching the big trick, the white sea lion's breath was in chaos at this moment, and he stayed in place for a while, letting the green whipping on himself. His eyes kept expanding.


Under the strong whipping, the white sea lion fell to the ground and finally lost his fighting ability!


All of a sudden, the whole arena was full of turtle noises. You must know that this is the main Pokémon of the Heavenly King, and now it has been defeated by a boy of unknown origin? !

And still in this almost unstoppable stance? !

Even Kona was gasping for breath and froze in disbelief.

She was defeated.?

(End of this chapter)

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