He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 495 God of Volcano vs God of Sea!

Chapter 495 God of Volcano vs God of Sea!


Fortunately, when he was 10 meters away from the sea, Lugia came back to his senses, spread out his huge silver-white wings, and relied on his own powerful physical strength to forcibly carry the gravity trick, so that he had no face to touch the ground.

"Hmph, I am the noble and powerful God of the Sea, do you want to use this boring method to let me down?"

Lugia just flew condescendingly and smiled disdainfully.

Gravity can also have an effect on ordinary divine birds, and it can be unexpected for a first-level divine bird of the same status to die.

What's more, the gravity trick is a super power attribute, and his sea god is good at super power, and he wants to smash him down with such a super power level, which is simply a dream!

Lugia was still sneering and disdainful in her mind.


Suddenly, a terrifying sound of movement came from below, and the thunder rolled, which made him raise his head suddenly.

I saw that Groudon was uncharacteristically, the whole person moved on the sea, the huge and heavy body dragged countless seawater and ice layers, constantly approaching him, and the ground shook.


It was like a flying red hill, and the visual impact was more explosive than any picture. For a time, even the well-informed Lugia was dumbfounded.

And Groudon quickly rushed directly under Lugia, and then his tank-like body jumped up to the surface.


With a vigorous jump, he jumped out of the water for a long distance. In addition to his height of more than eight meters, with his two-meter arms raised high, he actually reached a terrifying height of ten meters!
At this moment, the sea god Lugia had just been pulled to a low-altitude position by the gravity trick, just ten meters away.
"Solid roar!!"

Since ranged magic can't make you fall, go back to your roots and use physical gravity!

shoot down! !

Unpredictable, Lugia was slammed by Groudon's claws, and suddenly a terrifying giant force hit the sea.

"Solid roar!!"

However, Groudon's offensive was still not over yet, because there was a low roar in the process of falling gravity, and the claws and fists slammed into the sea in front of him.


In the next instant, a bunch of golden-red, five- or six-meter-high giant lava spikes suddenly pierced up under Lugia's body, hitting Lugia's back.

The sword of the cliff! !
Gravity and Cliff Sword is a combination punch that Groudon created recently, but shooting down with Cliff Sword is a memory engraved in the bones and soul!

The position of Lugia's waist slammed upwards with the spur, protruding to an extremely curious and exaggerated extent.


Then the energy of the sword of the cliff exploded instantly, the lava spikes turned into countless rubble and exploded, and a terrible air flow rose into the sky, raging in this sea area.

Several people on the cliffs of Asia Island were stunned by this scene, and some even covered their eyes when they couldn't bear to look directly.

Sure enough, Poseidon never disappoints when it comes to disappointing.
"Turtle, is the Sea God's back broken?"

"I do seem to hear the sound of a broken bone"

Just now, there was a "click" sound from the center of the sea area, obviously it couldn't be the "boom" of the explosion, or the "kengkeng" of the energy shock.

It could only be the sound of cracking bones.

"Well, let me change my beliefs."

Flora's brows were also deeply wrinkled, and she could feel that she didn't have a drop of faith now.

God of the sea, you might as well not come out!

Dumb King: "."

A few minutes later, in the center of the sea, as the explosion smoke dissipated, a silver-white giant bird rushed into the sky again.

This is the figure of Lugia. Among the many gods, its offensiveness is average, but the defense is the top one. A sword of the cliff is not a problem.


Even so, Lugia still sucked in a breath of cold air because of the pain, and wanted to stretch out his wings and rub his lower back. He could feel that his spine bones were indeed cracked.

That's right, the sword of the cliff hit him.
But as a great god, he must maintain a high stance, so that no one can see that he has been fractured!


Thinking of this, Lugia's eyes narrowed, and the anger in his heart also ignited, and a high-frequency roar like a bird and a beast came out of his mouth, and the momentum of the whole body also increased and condensed violently.
At this moment, it is no longer the category of myths and legends. Since your volcano god wants to fight, then my great sea god will not hesitate! !


Soon, a layer of blue-blue storm lingered around Lugia's silver-white body, surrounding in a spiral shape, and finally compressed and condensed in his mouth, and a high-frequency sharp sound sounded.

In an instant, the air in the surrounding sea area seemed to have been drained, becoming extremely silent, and it became difficult to breathe.

"Appeared, it's the air blasting trick of the God of the Sea!!"

Dumb King on the edge of the cliff began to explain in high spirits, trying to finally try to pull back the face of the God of the Sea.

Aerial blasting, also known as cyclone attack, is a flying attribute trick, and it is also Lugia's signature trick.

By draining the surrounding air and compressing it to form an air energy bomb, it spews out in the form of a cyclone at one time, and its power can shatter everything.


The next moment, the terrifying air energy bomb rushed out in the form of a blue-blue rotating cyclone. It looked like a cyclone, but the trajectory was more like a beam of energy laser cannon. The attack was extremely fast, and the entire sea area and sky began to roll with it. stand up.

"Solid roar."

Seeing this, Groudon immediately fell to the ground and buried the part of his head, stomach and abdomen under the sea, exposing only the top of his head and the part of his back body covered with the molten shell.


The air blast bombarded Groudon head-on, the cyclone energy burst instantly, and the terrifying air flow spread around, and a circle of tens of meters of vacuum layer was exaggerated around Groudon's body. After half a second Only then did the current start to tip over again.

The battle of the gods can move mountains and reclaim the sea.


It's just that Groudon quickly raised his head again from under the sea, with smoke rising from his face, and the water falling on the hot skin was instantly evaporated.

The expression in his eyes remained the same, apparently only causing minor injuries.

"Solid roar!!"

Immediately, Groudon also roared towards the sky, and the two giant claws shook to the sides, and suddenly there were sharp-edged rocks around the huge body.

Rock blade! !
If ordinary Pokémon use the rocks of the rock blade, it is only tens of centimeters, but at this moment, the size of each rock of the Groudon rock blade has reached an exaggerated level of three or four meters.

Every shot of the rock has the power of a normal Pokémon to use the rock cannon with all its strength! !

"Turtle, the god of volcanoes actually understands attribute restraint?!"

Xiaogang was even more surprised by the Sea God, who knew how to use the rock attribute to attack the flying attribute.

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

Dozens of terrifying rock cannons shot out into the air at the same time, with extremely terrifying power. Even Lugia, the self-proclaimed god of meat shields, did not dare to block hard, and quickly waved his wings to dodge in the gaps of the heavy cannons.

"call out"

Fortunately, the biggest weakness of the rock blade - the hit rate is not good, even in the gods, it has been reserved. It seems dangerous, but they are all avoided by Lugia.


After dodging and accepting the move, Lugia was also unceremonious. Immediately, he raised his neck and opened his mouth, and a bunch of high-pressure water jets with a width of more than ten meters spurted out. , was just bombarding Groudon's head.

The latter's huge body was even pushed out dozens of meters by this terrifying high-pressure impact.
The effect is outstanding!

Groudon is an old tortoise, and the speed is not very fast. The previous shooting down can move so fast, that is explosive force, not its own speed.

Occupying the commanding heights, it can be said that the former is a live target that will not move.

"Solid roar."

The water flow dissipated, Groudon had retreated a long distance, and the water flow that fell on the surface of the body turned into high-temperature steam and filled the air, and then a low roar roared towards the sky.


Lugia, who was high in the sky, was not at all cowardly, and also fluttered and roared, followed by a high-frequency scream.

Two powerful gods, separated by a distance of more than [-] meters, faced each other in an empty space.
(End of this chapter)

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