He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 497 Sun Tian · Air Blasting!

Chapter 497 Sun Tian · Air Blasting!

The sea god Lugia, who fell on the ice, was tightly bound into a ball by the cage, but the voices of the humans on the shore could still be clearly heard.


It was laughter.

It wasn't loud, but it was extremely harsh.

This also made the Sea God really angry!

"Roar hiss!!"

The high-frequency screaming roar sounded, containing unprecedented anger, and as Lugia fully opened his wide wings again, relying on terrifying physical strength, he forcibly tore the force field cage into pieces from the inside.

At this moment, Lugia was like a demon, the monstrous anger visible to the naked eye turned into black real energy, and the surface of the silver-white skin was covered with a layer of black energy of mystery.
"Puff puff"

Then something weirder happened.

The black gas seemed to have a dyeing function, and I saw Lugia's silver-white body approached in the direction of black and purple as if it was polluted, and the dark blue shield around the eye sockets also turned into a strange bright white.

Even those eyes turned scarlet.

The breath is also from the pure and mighty sea breath, approaching the direction of evil and darkness
This sudden scene not only made a few people on the cliff bewildered, but even Groudon, who was closest to him, was surprised, and finally blurted out the first sentence of the day.


What the hell is this, does a trash sea god like Lugia also have the ability to blacken?

And this kind of strange breath, Groudon didn't like it.

"Old man, calm down!"

Lugia was still going through this strange black change, but at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his mind. It was the voice of his good brother Dumb King, whose gentle and majestic superpower was even more transformative. Surrounded by a warm current, it is like bathing in a hot spring.

Dumb King is not just a guide who can only move his mouth.

Unlike Meow, the latter exhausted his talent after learning the human language, and he couldn't even use the racial signature skill - Treasure Gathering.

And the fact that the Dumb King can speak human words is purely due to his unparalleled high IQ, plus the blessing of the sea god from his good brother Lugia, this can easily speak human words, which also means that its own ability has not disappeared.

That's right, it's a male nurse.

Or it is a male priest, the super power of Dumb King, has a powerful healing power.

Feeling the strength of the old man's support, Lugia's strange blackening finally slowly stopped, reason regained the high ground, and the blackening process on the surface of the body also stagnated.


It's just that Lugia at this moment urgently needs to vent this blackened power!


Groudon, who was closest to him, sensed the threat, and immediately looked aside, indicating that he was just passing by.

In fact, he did pass by.

If it weren't for the fact that this road was the only way for him to get home, and the sky was full of birds, Groudon wouldn't be too lazy to walk.



In the next moment, Lugia forcibly transferred the blackening energy of this mystery to the mouth, and the energy was compressed to the extreme. The air in a radius of several meters seemed to be completely drained and became extremely dignified.

Even in the surrounding waters of Lugia, several tornadoes of water were formed out of thin air, rising into the sky, showing a monstrous trend, reflecting his strength.

The power of the Sea God was extremely tyrannical.

Finally, Lugia could no longer maintain this power, and the air energy bomb turned into a purple-black laser beam and shot straight out!

Air blast! !
The power is more than several times stronger than the previous aerial blasting. The attack trajectory of the laser pulse, which is devastating, splits the aerial fortress of Jill Lutai several kilometers away from the middle on the spot, completely scrapping it.


Immediately after the blasting attack in the air has not stopped, as Lugia raised her slender head, this terrifying purple-black laser also shot upwards, and it stretched upwards like this, breaking through the sky, as if Split the sky apart.

Day and sky blasting! !
The clouds in the sky were neatly divided into two parts.


This scene also fell in the eyes of everyone, and they couldn't help but be silent for a while.

The energy of the airflow was a violent wind, and after a delay of a few seconds, it began to spread around, and it kept blowing on the faces of everyone.

Pull the crotch to pull the crotch, but every legendary god is not a vegetarian anymore. This day's blow has once again refreshed everyone's vision of the gods.
There is still a sense of awe.
Jill Lutai, a collector on the Isle of Thunder, is now completely dumbfounded.

Such power is not something that high technology can conquer at all.

And as the energy dissipated, Luqian's black and purple skin also turned into an elegant and noble silver-white, and the strange transformation disappeared.

This strange transformation had happened several times before, but he had completely suppressed them, but this time, he almost went off the rails.

It's reasonable that some families inherit mad blood like this.

Even his newly born son was a strange purple-black color when he was first born, and then turned back to silver-white.

Seeing the shocked expressions of the people on the edge of the cliff, Lugia then spread out her wings in satisfaction, and looked back at Groudon in front of him with an aloof posture.

"God of volcanoes, do you want to continue fighting?"

Lugia sent telepathy.

Because of the previous blow from the day and day, now his momentum is flourishing, and his telepathy is also a bit aggressive.


After a while of silence, Groudon still did not transmit telepathy, but his fighting spirit had also dissipated.

Half of the huge body in red armor stood on the sea, and it also conveyed his last will to everyone.


Only a snort.

Although it is true that he admits the wrong person, Groudon will not admit it, because the ancient gods are not wrong.

Let's snort coldly, and let's go!
An epic battle, just like that

A few minutes later, Xiao Zhi rode the Frozen Bird and finally joined the crowd.


He turned over and jumped off the frozen bird, and his movements were dashing and handsome.

The landing was a little unstable, and he stumbled and almost fell. After all, Lugia's previous move, Ritian, Air Blast, shot past him from the next door.

But no problem.

Seeing this, the Dumb King also regained his calm expression. After all, the last blow still earned him enough face, and now he needs it to correct the plot!
You must know that the current disaster is not over yet, the five divine birds are still lying on the ice layer below, and the three original energies are still in disorder.

"Excellent controller~ Please put the three orbs on the corresponding high platform~!"

Dumb Wang looked at Xiao Zhi and stretched his voice like singing, creating an epic atmosphere.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhi hesitated at this time, a flash of thought flashed on his face, and finally tried.

"Well, the Ice Orb was accidentally eaten by my Frozen Bird. Letting the Frozen Bird stand on the high platform directly, should it have an effect?"

Dumb King: "?"

(End of this chapter)

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