Chapter 554

5 minutes are over.

This also means that Friday's Pokémon's three-sing period is over.

But in the past, it was ordinary singing, but this time it was a "big voice" with a violent roar. Who knows if there will be another roar in the future, so Chris still took the soundproof Gu Niuniu by her side.

"Everyone, I'll take a step~"


Saying that, Chris threw the Poke Ball towards the lake, a red light flashed, and a large blue jellyfish floated on the water.

There are a lot of red agate gems on his forehead, his face is a dark ball, his eyes are dark, and there are countless slender tentacles below.

Stinger jellyfish.

This is the Pokémon that Ash has encountered today, but he doesn't need to take out the picture book.


Immediately, Chrissy and Gu Niuniu jumped on the latter's head, as if holding a floating board, and the seat was almost full, and they could no longer ride three people.

The stinger water surface tentacles flicked in the water and slashed towards the previous sound source.

So several people looked at Xiaoxia.

"It's time for your show."

Hearing that, Xiaoxia smiled proudly, walked to the water with her hands on her hips, and took out a Poké Ball from her waist that had been prepared a long time ago, with a blue water drop pattern on the shell.

This is the emblem of the Hualan Road Hall.

Then she threw it towards the water's edge.


Before the red light dissipated, a low roar sounded in this cave lake. Although the sound did not reach the level of trembling rock walls, it was equally powerful.

There is even a bit of deterrence in the voice, which makes people dread, and the movements are full of points.

Looking into it, this Pokémon in the shape of a blue long dragon is huge, with a slender body section by section, covered with thick and hard aqua blue armor, and there are also thorns and thorns on the back.

The head has a fierce expression, a mouth with bold ideas, sharp teeth shining with penetrating light, and three majestic bifurcated horns above the head.

"The tyrannical carp dragon?"

"Xiaoxia, when did you conquer the tyrannical carp dragon?"

Xiaozhi Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, and blurted out.

They had seen this Pokémon before in the Orange Islands. It was the pirate Tyrannosaurus named "Kaido". The Thunder and Lightning Whip had now been stolen by his Pikachu.


Xiaoxia touched her nose, quite proud.

Before the three of them went to the Chengdu area, she also took time to go back to her hometown. It just so happened that in the aquarium of the Hualan Taoist Hall that day, a carp king that provided an exhibition suddenly evolved.

Her three older sisters couldn't control such a ferocious Pokémon, so they had to entrust Xiaoxia with the Poké Ball of the Tyrannosaurus.

It was funny to say that the latter was a water-type trainer, but the only thing he was afraid of was a water-type Pokémon like the Storm Carp Dragon, but Xiaoxia still bit the bullet and took the Poké Ball.

The future master of water attributes, the tyrannical carp dragon must also be conquered!

At this time, the tyrannical carp dragon suddenly lowered its head and leaned in, and the armored head slammed at Xiaoxia for a while, acting like a spoiled child.

"This child is female~ I already have a good relationship with me!"

Xiaoxia rubbed the head of the tyrannical carp dragon and signaled everyone not to panic. There was no fear on her face, and she even loved it.

This is the stereotype of people, thinking that Tyrannosaurus is a ferocious Pokémon, but after actually getting along with it, this Tyrannosaurus still has a soft heart like a carp king.

This allowed Xiaoxia to finally successfully overcome the stereotyped fear of Pokémon like the tyrannosaurus dragon and officially become the trainer of the tyrannical dragon.


Seeing that Kris and Stinger Jellyfish had gone far, Xiaoxia immediately jumped onto the head of the tyrannical carp dragon, holding the horns on the latter's head with both hands, as if at the helm.

The location of the Tyrannosaurus carp dragon's head is a place that only its own trainer is allowed to set foot on.

Immediately, she waved her hand in a bold tone.

"Little ones, it's time for the dragon!"

Hearing that, Xiaozhi Xiaogang also hurriedly jumped on the back of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon. It was the first time they rode this kind of Pokémon.

Just stepping on the steel-like armor scales is not a particularly good touch. Fortunately, there are many protruding spines on the back of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, which can provide a stable handle.


The tyrannical carp dragon let out a low roar, and hurriedly chased after Chris' figure.

Connect to the deep end of the cave lake.

Chris and the stinger jellyfish stopped because there was already a dead end on the rock wall, but they didn't find any special Pokémon.

On the way, there were several carp kings who encountered supersonic bats, and they were all driven away by Chris using the insecticide sprayer prepared in advance.


The Gyarados that the three of Xiaozhi were riding also arrived here 2 minutes behind, looking around curiously.

"Hey Chris, I seem to have found something just now."

Xiaoxia, who was standing on the head of the carp dragon, beckoned to say something, but Chris, who was in front of her, had already thought of a countermeasure and raised her hand.

"Stinger Jellyfish, use ultrasound to sense that Friday Pokémon!"


The stinger jellyfish flicked its head on the water, and immediately spread out a circle of strange ripples, spreading out towards the bottom of the lake.

There are only two types of underwater Pokémon inhabiting this lake: King Carp and Horned Goldfish. If there are any special Pokémon, they can be easily detected by ultrasound.

The stinger jellyfish isn't just for sea riding.

"It's too professional."

Xiao Zhi tutted his tongue in admiration from behind.

It feels like this long-legged girl's Pokémon are all tool people, which is the exact opposite of him.

Xiaozhi concentrated all the elements of the tool man on one body, Bidiao.
"It's all in the urban area, do you want to follow the local customs and get another one?"

Ultrasonic waves turned into bizarre ripples that enveloped the [-]-meter-wide water area.

In less than a while, the stinger jellyfish suddenly stopped releasing ultrasonic waves, her gloomy expression sank, and a warning sound came out.

"come yet?"

Chris's body was shocked, she quickly lowered her body to adjust her center of gravity, and looked in the direction of the stinger jellyfish tentacles.

The three of Ash and the Tyrannosaurus were silently watching from a distance of ten meters.

Now is the time for other trainers to rein in them. According to common sense, they can't get too close to disturb them. This is unethical.


On the other hand, Xiaoxia frowned tightly, with a bit of anxiety, and finally had to pat the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon to open a safe area and watch the battle from a distance.

next moment.


A stream of water suddenly rushed straight from the bottom of the lake, like a stream of water rockets, slammed into the head below the stinger jellyfish, and the strong force pushed it back several meters horizontally on the water, and the spray was also Splash around.

Water jet!

"Good guy!"

Chris clung to the head of the stinger jellyfish to stabilize her figure, so she didn't fall off.


After retreating a few meters, the stinger jellyfish swung its tentacles and finally stopped on the lake, staring at the attacker.

Unlike Xiaozhi's chrysanthemum leaf that has not yet become a complete tank, this stinger jellyfish is a standard tank, and it also has super resistance to water attributes.

 In the future, thank you for the reward and say it in the writer's words!

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  Thanks to the book friend 2020060200* for the 500 coins.

  Thanks to the assembled people for the 163 coins.

  Thanks to Wu Xiaoban for the 1500 coins!
  Thanks to book friends 2019090* for the 100 coins!
  Thanks for the timeless 200 coins!
  Thanks Li Baisan for the 500 coins!
(End of this chapter)

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