He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 557 I will help you call the police

Chapter 557 I will help you call the police

After a set of operations, Chenglong's eyes were indeed much softer.

Although there is still no movement, the fierce offensive momentum from before has dissipated.

It is an old Chenglong, no matter how irritable his heart is, he can still hold on to his heart and suppress it.

"Just calm down."

On the storm carp dragon, Xiaoxia also secretly let out a sigh of relief.

Don't look at her fearless appearance on the surface, but she is still a little scared in her heart.

The level of this Chenglong is obviously much stronger than that of her just evolved Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon. In a real fight, he has little chance of winning.

Not to mention the latter also has home field advantage for this cave lake.
Fortunately, she was right!
So Xiaoxia rearranged the words she had thought in her mind before, and said slowly:

"I know that in addition to venting your roar today, you also want to drive in the tourists who come in and litter, but this effect is only temporary, not a long-term solution."

It is true that the violent roar that makes people unable to move can indeed drive most people out.

But then, "Friday's wonderful singing" became "Friday's roar of hell", and with the spread of the power of the Internet, it can also attract countless curious humans to watch.

Human nature is gossip.

As long as there is something novel, no matter good or bad, I want to join in the fun and eat melons.

There will even be a catcher like Chrissy.


In the back, Chris' face turned red.

And most importantly.

This environment will still not change, those plastic bags are not degradable, that is, Chenglong grows to death, it is this dirty environment.


Finally, the Chenglong made a sound, and looked at Xiaoxia with a calm look, with a look of anticipation.

None of this matters.

What matters is how it ends.

Even Xiaozhi and Chris looked at Xiaoxia curiously, wondering what solution she had.

Finally, Xiaoxia nodded and gave a countermeasure.

"I'll help you call the police."

Xiaozhi and several people: "?"

What brain circuit is this?

Chenglong: "?"

Are you calling the police for me?

Seeing that the air became somewhat frozen because of her own words, Xiaoxia hurriedly continued to add:

"Set up paid tickets at the entrance of the cave. Tourists don't remind them of the precautions in the cave after they come in. Even after the tourists leave, they don't organize everything in the cave. According to my understanding, this is an illegal operation!"

Xiaoxia's words are full of confidence.

She was born in Hualan Taoist Hall and Hualan Water Ballet Hall. She still has the most basic understanding of the operation of an enterprise.

It is obvious that someone is taking advantage of the special phenomenon of connecting the cave, and then the popularity of the Internet celebrity punch-in attracts traffic, and finally starts to operate illegally for profit!
In fact, when it comes to environmental protection and greening, the Chengdu area can be said to be the best of all areas.

It's just because the managers don't control it at all, and they don't clean it up. The rubbish all over the floor subconsciously makes tourists not care about whether to throw the rubbish or not, so they just litter it.

This does not mean that the quality of the people in the urban capital area is not good, and what is lacking is only a suitable management system.


In the back, Xiaogang clapped his hands, which he didn't expect.

Today's Xiaoxia's realm is several layers higher than his.

"That's right, it must be an illegal business operation. Why is there a free ticket for 1 meters? Who do you look down on!"

Xiao Zhi, who was beside him, was also generously supporting Xiaoxia, but the latter turned his head and glared at him fiercely.

Needless to say, although the entire management system has serious problems, the only one that is less than 1.5 meters free is not black
"I'm the trainer of Hualan Gym, and I can help you report the alliance to the police!"

Xiaoxia gave the final strategy.

As long as this place is set up as a reasonable scenic spot and the practice is standardized, these polluting garbage will no longer exist.

And Chenglong can still sing here, tourists can still enjoy the beautiful and moving singing, and the alliance can also get a scenic spot, which will benefit the three parties.

"That's right, I'm here to help you call Asu!"

Xiaozhi also made suggestions, and even in a hurry, he took out the illustrated book with his backhand and called Asu, the trainer of Kikyo Gym, to condolence.

Although it's almost 1am now.


After a while of communication, the latter fully understood the situation, hurriedly expressed his willingness to help, and immediately gave feedback to the upper management.

The connecting cave is just south of Kikyo City, and it is his duty as a gym trainer here.

Of course, the first time that Xiaozhi was more than the carving was taken by him, and Xiaozhi's request for Asu also had to be attentive.

"Chenglong, don't worry, there will be official people here tomorrow to clean up everything!"

After getting a positive answer, Xiao Zhi said quickly and loudly.

This sentence also made the violent Chenglong finally return to his normal look.

It still misses the atmosphere of the past and present here, if this can be the case, it is the best ending.

The next morning.

Ash and the others woke up in a thatched hut outside the connecting cave.

At this time, several members wearing the official uniforms of the Pokémon Alliance came from a distance, as well as two Miss Junsha, who quickly took control of the place.

Xiao Zhi immediately went up to help remove the ruler board for that height.


After some tossing, it was only at noon that everything at the entrance of the cave was tidy up, and the old man who charged the ticket fee without authorization was also arrested, but the latter had no money on him.

Apparently just a casual worker.

"Say, who is the superior?"

Miss Junsha shouted lowly.

The partner Katie next to her roared and made a threat, which made the old man's face change greatly, and he had to shyly tell the whole truth.

He was just a local fishing old man.

"A year ago, a man brought his subordinates to remodel the hole, and then asked me to collect the money, and regularly credit the money to an account. After that, I didn't have any contact with him, but his subordinates from time to time. Come back and inspect."

"It was a man with short cyan hair, an obvious upper-class man. He was wearing black clothes and looked uneasy."

"Oh, I still remember, he and his men also had a logo with the letter "R" on the chest"

The old man backhandedly reported everything he knew.

"Team Rocket?"

The three of Xiaozhi were stunned for a moment. The "R" logo obviously refers to the Rockets, right?

It seems that the Rockets are also actively conducting business activities in the Chengdu area?

As for the guy with short blue hair
Is it Apollo?
Was transferred to the Chengdu area to expand territory?
The three of Xiaozhi were stunned, not knowing what happened.

By the way, the three Musashi Kojiro Miao Miao seem to have not seen each other for a long time.

Is my Pikachu not sexy enough?
Although it's a good thing not to be targeted, Xiao Zhi still felt a little lost in his heart, and there was a strange feeling that he was out of breath for a while.

After that, the league official also stated that it was listed as a public scenic spot, and no tickets were charged, and a notice board to protect the environment and prohibit littering was also inserted in the cave.

Even if things are over.

 Thank you for the 100 tip from Little Transparent Bridge!Come to some monthly passes, dear ones.

(End of this chapter)

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