He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 569 Juniper Gym, vs Abi!

Chapter 569 Juniper Gym, vs Abi!

Hinoki Gym.

Push open the door of the gymnasium and enter it.

It's not so much a gym, but a place similar to an indoor botanical garden.

There is a main road in front of the eyes, and there are various jungle bushes on both sides, full of original game.

The roof is made of large transparent glass, and the sun can shine down from the sky without hindrance, illuminating the entire Hinoki Gym.


From time to time, a few butterflies flew up, and the "Mimi" was called endlessly, full of worm-like anger.

"Gan! I regret coming in."

There were worms everywhere, Xiaoxia's face turned black, and she was about to retreat immediately.

Just as I was about to exit, I don't know when there was a large stinger bee at the door, lying there sleeping.

With the dazzling thorns, the whole Xiaoxia had to bite the bullet and follow Xiaozhi and the others to move on.
Wait until a few people come to the center of the Hinoki Gym.

Pulling aside the bushes, I found that there was a fairly open rocky ground arena hidden in it.

At a height of about four or five meters, the surrounding branches appeared horizontally above the arena, but they were not dense enough to allow direct sunlight from the top.

A figure also appeared in front of everyone.

This is a teenager dressed in an outdoor inspection outfit, army green shorts with short sleeves, and a bug-catching net slanted on his shoulders.

The Insect Catcher, the limited edition of the city.

The purple low-hanging short and medium hair is somewhat similar to Kojiro's, and the facial features are also very delicate and handsome.

"Hello, I'm Hinoki Gym trainer, Abi!"

A Bi introduced to several people, looking like a hot-blooded teenager, but his voice was not very feminine at all.

"I'm Ash from Zhenxin Town! I'm the trainer who came to challenge the Hinoki Gym!"

Xiao Zhi's eyes narrowed, and he immediately reported his identity.

The two looked at each other, they were both hot-blooded teenagers, and their fighting spirit was quickly ignited.

"So that guy is the guy who slept with Aso."

"It does look as cute as a girl, no wonder Asu is considered by the juniors to be playing glass."

And Xiaogang and Xiaoxia were whispering in the back.

They have already found a place next to no bugs, and skillfully sit down to eat melons and watch the show
"It's chrysanthemum leaves again."

"Don't talk nonsense."


Xiaozhi and Abi have already stood at opposite ends of this jungle arena, ready to go.

"The competition rules of the Hippi Gym are 3v3. All Pokémon on one side lose their fighting ability, that is, the winner is determined. That, the gym trainer is forbidden to exchange Pokémon, and that, it is forbidden to use illegal props."

A little boy wearing a straw hat, white undershirt, shorts and flip-flops stood between the two as the referee of the game.

His tone was rather tense and stiff, and he seemed to be a rookie referee.

Insect Catcher · Universal version.

But what he was holding in his hand was not a bug net, but a red fire extinguisher.

After all, there are trees all around, even if the edge of the field has been set up with fire barriers, but you still need to be careful.

"I see."

Xiaozhi nodded, the challenge rules of the gym are similar to ordinary gyms.

So the two looked at each other for the last time, and then threw the Poke Ball forward together.



Two red lights flashed.

Appearing in front of Ah Bi was a small green spider with a small red jaw, six colorful spider legs in yellow and black on the side, and a few black spots on the back, as if it was a simple grimace graffiti.

"Didi. Silk spider, spider Pokémon, has insect and poison attributes, and is good at using the sinister grimace on its back to deter prey, and then take the opportunity to attack the enemy to complete predation and hunting."

The map suggests.

Xiaozhi nodded, this was the first time he had encountered this little spider.

Hmm, something doesn't seem right?

What appeared in front of Xiaozhi was a big fat turquoise radish, growing from the roots to one side, extending out small limbs and body, and on Mengmeng's head, there was a huge wind-inspiring leaf.

chrysanthemum leaves.


As soon as Chrysanthemum Leaf appeared, he immediately turned back and kissed Xiao Zhi's trouser legs.

"Haha don't play, it's battle time!"

Xiao Zhi raised his hand and pointed his finger in a straight color, and then Chrysanthemum Leaf jumped back to the arena, staring at the spider in front of him with big eyes.

"Grass-type Pokémon? Asu actually gave a rookie badge of this level?"

A Bi was taken aback for a moment, he had already checked Xiao Zhi's identity before, and he was wearing A Su's flying wing badge.

Obviously challenging the insect-type gym, and sending out grass-type chrysanthemum leaves is undoubtedly an extremely stupid strategy.


At this time, a crisp applause sounded.

That is the position of Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, and the two of them are quite happy.

Abi: "?"

He was even more confused.
"Game start!"

As the voice of the insect-catcher fell, Abi ruthlessly took the lead in attacking:

"Silk spider, use the spider web!"

Since he doesn't even understand attribute restraint, he, the gym trainer, wants to educate such a reckless newcomer!


I saw the round silk spider lift its body slightly, its mouthparts split open, and shoot out a bunch of white spider silk, which smeared the chrysanthemum leaves with a very fast speed.


Chrysanthemum Leaf didn't react, and quickly looked down at his body.

It's just that the spider silk that was visible and palpable before melted and disappeared like a stream of water, causing the chrysanthemum leaves to spin around inexplicably.

"DiDi. Cobweb, attacking the target, no damage, but it will make it impossible to escape or swap with Pokémon, the effect is equivalent to black eyes."

The picture book prompts in a timely manner.

Xiaozhi nodded, this trick seems to have been encountered somewhere before.
But his expression didn't change.

"I'm not going to run away at all!"


Abi chuckled lightly, the Orb Spider with Poison Attribute + Insect Attribute, but Chrysanthemum Leaf that restrains Grass Attribute in all aspects.

Thinking of this, he decisively attacked twice:

"Silk spider, use poison needles!"


When the words fell, the silk spider lifted its head, and several thin needles of energy flashing with dangerous purple intent flew out.

"Chrysanthemum leaves, block it, use the light wall!" Xiaozhi ordered quickly.


The chrysanthemum leaves shook his head, and the wind-inducing leaves also fluttered in front of him, and a transparent wall of air immediately appeared in front of him.


The poison needle slammed into the wall of light, exploded directly, and disappeared as tiny energy.

"The light wall is a rare combination of chrysanthemum leaves."

Thinking of this, Abi attacked again, this time raising his finger and pointing upwards, his tone was quite proud.

"Then give them some of our unique skills, the silk spider, and use the silk to the top."


The silk spider raised its head and shot white silk against the sky, the end of which stuck to a horizontal branch extending from the surrounding jungle to the middle.

Then the mouthparts closed, and some of the spider silk was retracted, and the small body also took off.

"Swing up!"

Following Abi's instructions, the silk spider kept changing the sticky point of spinning, and its body flew back and forth on the arena.

 Thanks for the normal 1415 100 coins reward~
(End of this chapter)

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