He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 573 Education from Seniors

Chapter 573 Education from Seniors

"Last game, start!"

As the voice of the boy in shorts fell, Abi and Ash said at the same time:

"Flying Mantis, use sword dance!" "Heracross, use bodybuilding!!"

next moment.

On one side, the flying mantis put away the sickle, and the body spun in place for a while, and the energy symbol of the big sword appeared in the sky.

On the other side, Heracross swung his fists to the sides, his body muscles bursting visible to the naked eye.

The extremely aggressive red light appeared on the other side at the same time, and the momentum of both sides instantly became fierce.

"Both are very high-level."

"Well, and the trainer's level is also very high."

Beside, Xiaogang Xiaoxia said.

Don't look at Heracross just caught, but it is already a complete Pokémon, and Ash's own trainer level is also very good.

This will be a wonderful insect attribute duel!
Wait until the augmented skills end at the same time.

The next moment, the two of them ordered again at the same time:
"Heracross, use a random strike!"

"Flying Mantis, use continuous cut!"

On one side, white light appeared from the big horn on the top of the head, and on the other side, the scythe in both hands covered the blue light.

The wings of the two insects shook and rushed towards each other at the same time.




In the middle of the arena, the sound of collisions sounded one after another, sparks shot out, and the big horn and the sickle arm kept slashing on the opponent's hard body.

Strikes and continuous cuts are both continuous tricks.

"Di Di. The characteristics of the flying mantis, the technician, and the low-power trick, the power will be improved."

The picture book prompts in time.

The upgraded version of the Pokédex can even automatically prompt the opponent's Pokémon's characteristic information, at least it is more useful than before.


After a set of operations, the two insects did not discuss any benefits, and each took a few steps back.

Heracross's own strength is stronger, even if the opposite has the blessing of the technician's characteristics, he can still fight evenly.

"Continue to use continuous cut!" Abi shouted.

It's just that the continuous cutting power of the Flying Mantis is no longer the previous power, and when it collides again, Heracross has fallen into a disadvantage.


After the third collision, the scythe and sharp blade of the Flying Mantis directly smashed Heracross's entire body into the air.

"Xiaozhi, continuous cutting is a unique trick that increases in power as the number of battles increases."

A Bi is quite proud, it seems that in this first round, he is the one who has the upper hand.

"Flying Mantis, use the shadow clone!"

When the words fell, five or six flying mantises instantly appeared on the field, surrounding the target.

It was the first time that Heracross encountered such a trick, and he looked around in a panic.

"Calm down, there is only one enemy, don't be deceived by these shadows!"

But it wasn't the first time that Xiao Zhi faced the shadow clone, and he quickly opened his mouth to remind him.


With Ash's figure, Heracross really calmed down a lot.

"Haha, it doesn't seem like a rookie trainer."

Abi chuckled, responding so calmly, it seems that Xiaozhi is also an old fritter, and then he raised his hand and pointed:
"Then try this trick, Flying Mantis, use acrobatics!"

"Cha Sa!"

The six flying mantis shadows fluttered their wings at the same time and flew to the sky several meters high. On the surface of the emerald green body, a light blue energy coat appeared.

Immediately after that, the entire body also became agile and elegant in an instant, and the body shape kept changing its position in mid-air.

In the end, all the shadows flew towards the target together.

Heracross is a fighting and bug-type Pokémon, so the flying-type acrobatics is quadruple restraint!

There were acrobatics attacking from all directions, and Heracross looked flustered, not knowing which one to avoid.

"If you can't escape, then block them all!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were not afraid, and this emotion gradually infected Heracross, and his mind was certain.

"To face the ground under your feet, use the million big horns directly!!"


Heracross immediately focused his eyes and obeyed the command.

The single horn on the top of the head bloomed with a bright white light, and the breath became extremely vigorous and majestic for a while.

Immediately, his head lowered, and the big horn was inserted straight into the ground in front of him. The one-meter-long big horn was almost completely penetrated.


Then he roared, his head lifted, and the surrounding ground began to tremble.

With its bodybuilding enhancement, it is enough to rise from the ground together.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The next moment, as Heracross completely raised his head, the ground several meters in a radius crumbled and disintegrated, and countless gravel fell, engulfing this area.

The figure of Heracross also disappeared in the smoke.


However, the Flying Mantis, which was a little later, fell, penetrating the position where the target had stayed before, but it shot directly into the air.

The impulse was so strong that he even rushed into the smoke.

"It's right now, a million big horns!!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly shouted.

On one side, Heracross once again launched this worm-type big trick, rushing towards the target at a tricky angle.

Bright white light flashed, and the powerful big horn knocked the flying mantis away several meters on the spot.

Fortunately, there is no attribute restraint in this move, but it does not make it lose its fighting ability without a single blow.


The retreating Flying Mantis embedded the sharp blade of the sickle on the ground, making two long marks, and then dissipated the force, stopped on the ground again, and stood up.

"This time, it seems that I have the advantage."

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi chuckled lightly.

Without giving the opponent a chance, he attacked again:
"Heracross, use the million horns again!!"


With a low voice, Heracross bent the big corner of his head, and the white light lit up again. Then his hind limbs slammed on the ground, and the insect wings vibrated with high frequency, rushing towards the target again.

"Are we being underestimated?"

At this time, A Bi revealed a meaningful laugh.

His flying mantis advantage is not in strength.
Facing the million big horns that came straight at him, A Bi suddenly said:

"Flying Mantis, use Quick Return!"

"Cha Sa!"

The wings of the flying mantis trembled, and its body curled up instantly, as if it had turned into a green ball, and its figure popped out instantly.


The speed is as fast as a phantom, and it is extremely cunning. It can even face the million big horns on the opposite side, and it is still stepping on Heracross's defenseless head.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the flying mantis used this reaction force to bounce back quickly and landed in the sky, on a branch extending diagonally in.

The horizontal branches above the arena are not just for the silk spider to use the silk-spinning trick.
Quick return, according to the paper information given by the alliance, you must have a second Pokémon to activate it for quick replacement.

But in reality.

Even if you don't change your Pokémon, you can still quickly turn back if you only have a foothold behind you.


This also made Heracross's million big horns directly empty, and his body was a little stiff.


On the branch in the sky, the Flying Mantis stomped on the branch with its hind limbs, rushing out towards the bottom.

During the process, a light blue energy coat was filled around the body, making the movements more flexible and light.

"Flying Mantis, use acrobatics!!" A Bi shouted.


The next moment, the acrobatic hit Heracross's chest head-on.

The strength is huge, but what is even more terrifying is the power that belongs to the flight attribute, which directly knocks Heracross out a few meters away.

The best of the best!

Quadruple restraint!

When Heracross stood up again, its body had already begun to tremble, and even one foot was half-knelt on the ground, and its eyes were half-pressed, as if it would fall down at any time.

It entered the state of the candle in the wind.

You may even lose consciousness at any time and just fall down like this.

"Heracross, think about that special training two weeks ago!!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, his voice was hurried.


In the haze, a picture flashed through Heracross's mind subconsciously.

It was an education from the seniors
(End of this chapter)

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