He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 589 Ancestral Legend, Surprisingly 1 Hit!

Chapter 589 Ancestral Legend, a Surprising Strike!
At this time, Sakagi suddenly noticed something, and his body approached Ah Yin again and again.

"Hey! What are you trying to do! Don't come near me!"

Ah Yin subconsciously took out the Poké Ball, holding it like this made him feel more confident.

"Poké Ball? It's a luxury."

Sakagi's eyes suddenly turned green and he licked his lips.

Looking at Ah Yin's expression, it was as if he was sizing up his prey.

The unicorn beside him also showed a dangerous look.

In the world 25 years ago, the Poké Ball was not yet popular. This convenient tool was only available to the rich, or the children of rich families.

Sakagi swept over Ah Yin's clothes.

The fabric is gorgeous and looks like a rich second generation.

There are even six Poke Balls around the waist! ?

"What kind of stupid upstart is this, so stupid, so stupid to bring six Poke Balls to his son, and want him to be robbed?"

Having said that, Sakagi smiled.

Since this red-haired boy is going to be robbed sooner or later, let me shoot the first shot first.
Although he is only 10 years old, at this moment, Sakagi's greedy and rich character has already revealed a lot.


Seeing this, Ah Yin snorted suddenly.

This batch is likely to be his own father.

And now, he is going to be robbed by his own father?


Ah Yin subconsciously pressed the button on the Poké Ball in his hand, intending to release his Nula to resist.

For a long time, the Poké Ball did not respond.

out of order.

Perhaps it is the elves that have traveled through time and space, and they cannot be released.

This is Ah Yin's guess.

Seeing Sakagi approaching a few steps again, he hurriedly put down the Poke Ball and raised his hand to signal the person and worm in front of him not to act rashly.

"Well, we may be related." Ah Yin probed.

"Relationship? Haha, am I your father?"

Sakagi just laughed so arrogantly.

"Boy, I've fallen in love with your Poké Ball. It's your honor to be possessed by me, Sakagi!"

The words fall.

Suddenly, a yellow lightning flashed out from a hidden bush behind Ah Yin.

Ah Yin: "!"

He reacted.

But he didn't have the skills of Xiao Zhi, and the lightning stabbed, hitting Ah Yin's lower back.

Surprising blow!

Ah Yin was hit from the front, and the intense pain from his waist made him groan for a while.

The body is half kneeling on the ground, one hand rubs the lower back, as if the kidney has been stabbed through.

This posture is a bit like the posture Shirabi made after being attacked by him in the Tonglin Forest.

"Ah, it hurts."

Ah Yin looked up tremblingly.

However, at the moment, beside Sakagi, in addition to a unicorn, at some point, a yellow cat-shaped Pokémon appeared.

Da Pie had a sinister expression on his face, and a large gold coin stood on his forehead.

Meow strange!
"Well done, meow meow!"

Sakagi proudly stroked the back of Meow Meow's head, the soft fur.

Let your meow lurking around you, wait until the enemy relaxes his vigilance and perform a "surprising blow" sneak attack.

It's Sakagi's old trick.

Ah Yin: "."

There were doubts before, but now he was sure.

It's personal!

At this moment, Miaomiao's hand is still holding a Poke Ball.

Not only did it perform a "surprising blow", but at that moment, it also performed a "thief" trick.

Performing two evil-type tricks at the same time, this Miaomiao's aptitude is not bad.

In terms of combat, the meow that is going to hang up the Rockets trio
"Hey, this uncle will only rob you of a Pokeball today. Remember, don't pretend to show off your wealth on the road next time, haha!"

Sakagi was quite proud of just taking the Poké Ball in Miaomiao's hands.

Immediately, he waved his hand, indicating that Unicorn and Miaomiao left.

Seeing that the target was about to leave, Ah Yin determined that this person was his father. Although his deeds were too bad, he still wanted to know more information.

"Hey! Tell me, your name!"

Ah Yin forcibly propped up the painful lower back, stood up, and asked in a deep voice.

"Oh? Are you trying to get revenge on me?"

Hearing this, Sakagi akimbo, not afraid, full of confidence.

"Then I'll tell you! I'm the strongest man in the Viking Forest, so is Mr. Sakagi! You can take revenge on me at any time!!"

Joban's strongest insect-catcher!

Ah Yin: "."

Knowing the answer, Ah Yin did not have the initial anger, but instead became a little relieved and smiled.

He knew the name Sakagi, the boss of the Rockets group.

It was also the middle-aged short-headed man who hanged him up and beat him inexplicably a few months ago.

"Ah Yin, I am your father"

He recalled what Sakagi had said to him earlier in his mind.

At that time, Ah Yin didn't understand, and his retort was "I am your father".

Thinking about it now, he was filial.

"It turns out that my father came to find me long ago.?"

"I'm not an orphan."

The knot of heart was untied, and Ah Yin's violent and anxious face in the past gradually became more relaxed and comfortable.

Looking at the despicable and shameless young insect-catcher in front of him, Ah Yin's anger and humiliation disappeared, and instead he brought a smile.

A few months ago, his Nura stabbed Sakagi in the waist.

Now that I travel back to 25 years ago, I was stabbed in the waist by the other party's Miaomiao.

Tat for tat, fate, what a wonderful thing
Watching Sakagi leave.

At this moment.

Ah Yin noticed that not far away, a young girl, about the same age as them, suddenly ran out.

Wearing a small flower dress, she looks generous and luxurious, looking like a little princess from a wealthy family.

This kind of dress appeared in the Vibrant Forest, which seemed a bit inconsistent.

"Sakagi-kun! You are bullying people again!!"

The girl put her arms on her hips and shouted tenderly.

"Hey, you are so annoying!"

Sakagi frowned and said impatiently, the two clearly knew each other.

"Hurry up and give me the pokeball you robbed, robbery is uncivilized!"

Ignoring Sakagi's expression, the girl in the dress snatched the Poke Ball from his hand, trotted all the way to Ah Yin, and handed the Poke Ball to him again.

"I'm sorry~ Sakagi-kun is rude, not a bad person~"

This is a very delicate and beautiful girl, Ah Yin took the Poké Ball in a daze.

After finishing it, the girl in the dress saw that Sakagi had walked several dozen meters, and hurriedly picked up her small skirt again and trotted all the way to catch up.

"Wait for me!"

"Hey, you are so annoying, just a stupid rich second generation on the side of the road, what's there to care about?"

The two were side by side, Sakagi just said so impatiently.

A little princess in a dress, a sloppy insect-catcher, this combination seems a bit mismatched.

"Speaking of which, it's strange. That kid's hair color is as good-looking as yours. Didn't you say that the redheads are not locals?"

"Oh, you just said my red hair looks good? Hee hee, say it again~"

The girl in the dress said with a smile.

Like Ah Yin, she also had long fiery red hair that fell to the back of her head.


Sakagi lowered his head, his face flushed, and he quickly accelerated his pace.

"What! Hurry up and say it again~"

Ah Yin: "."

That red-haired girl, is that my mother?

"Well, wait a minute."

Before Ah Yin finished speaking, a green light suddenly descended from the horizon, completely covering the former.


When Sakagi and the red-haired girl subconsciously turned their heads to look back, the green light had disappeared.

Similarly, Ah Yin's figure disappeared out of thin air.

(End of this chapter)

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