He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 651 Onion Duck vs Gengar!

Chapter 651 Onion Duck vs Gengar!


Meng Yao was shot down and fell from the air.


It shook its head, just about to get up from the floor.

It's just that the dream demon who is always in a floating state suddenly feels that his body is covered with a mysterious power today.

This kind of power makes it difficult to fly freely and flexibly, which is very uncomfortable.

Xiaozhi pointed his finger down sharply and growled in a low voice, not letting go of the chance to hit the water dog.

"It's over, young Kiras, use the last bite!"


Young Kiras ran again and opened his mouth to the maximum, showing a phantom of sharp-toothed energy.

I can't help you in the sky, but now it's down
bite you!
gnaw ka! !
This time, young Kiras gnawed at the neck of the dream demon with one blow, and his teeth were even embedded in the latter's flesh and blood.

The effect is outstanding!


The dream demon let out a whimper.

As the gnawing energy phantom exploded, and after a burst of smoke was stirred in the place, Young Kiras released his teeth.


After a few rolls, the petite body fell back in front of Xiao Zhi.

Very handsome.

But there is only a first-order state that can backflip so flexibly.

In the future, the latter, who has evolved to look like Banquilas, may not even be able to jump.

When you gain strength, you are destined to lose something.
Victory and defeat.

Looking at the Meng Yao who had fallen to the ground, his eyes were already spinning, Song Ye raised his hand and took it back.

"This kind of Pokémon really has extraordinary aptitude."

Song Ye did not stingy praise words, and looked at the turquoise little beast in front of him with fiery eyes.

The palm is grasped at the waist, hesitating who to send next.

This gym battle is 2v2, his first Pokémon is just a test, and the level is not high.

The second one, either slightly stronger, or his trump card. Matsuba will adjust according to the opponent's strength.

After all, as a gym owner, the first priority is not to prevent trainers from getting badges.

Instead, give the trainer a moderate-intensity trial.


At this time, Ash, who was opposite, suddenly took Young Kiras back.

"Nice job, Young Kiras."

He rubbed the surface of the Poké Ball as a compliment.

As the first battle of Young Kiras, this battle was enough.

And the latter was hit directly by the Frozen Wind, and the blood skin suddenly dropped by half, and there was no need to continue fighting.

Ash didn't expect to defeat the mighty Matsuba by relying on the newly born young Kiras.

As for the black eye effect just now.
Cold knowledge, although the black eye has the effect of not being able to exchange Pokémon or exit, but this effect has a premise.

As long as the opponent has not released their own Pokémon and there is no one on the field, then the judgment rule of this skill will automatically determine that the battle is over, and the black eye effect will disappear.

When the opponent replaces a new Pokémon, the effect will appear again.

So it is completely possible to steal chickens and take back Pokémon.



Xiao Zhi also has a Gengar, and he understands the trick of black eyes.

Seeing this scene, Song Ye no longer hesitated, and threw the second Poke Ball with his backhand.

The red light flashed, and a purple-black fat Pokémon appeared in front of him.


The fat body, the smiling blood-red eyes, the cracked mouth, and the spiky skin standing up on the back of the body.

This is Ash's old friend!

No matter in the Kanto area or the Joto area, the most famous and powerful ghost Pokémon will always be this one!

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi didn't panic much.

The Gengar in front of him was more slender than the other one.

The lower plate is strong, and the meat of the loin is more solid.

It's just that because of the bonus of the dark cracks around it, the surface of this Gengar's body is also glowing with a purple-black energy glow.

The level is very high, and the ghosts are full of ghosts!
"Then it's up to you, Scallion Duck!"

Ash also threw the second Poke Ball with his backhand.

He had already made preparations, and naturally he had no hesitation.

The next second, the muscular duck carrying the giant onion appeared in everyone's sight.

"Is it a foreign duck?"

Matsuba was slightly shocked.

There are regional differences in morphology, and he, who has the ability to see from the sky, still knows a little bit.

But such a green onion duck is absolutely rare in the urban area.

"The attribute doesn't seem to be the attribute of general and flying."

Matsuba's eyes flickered and he came up with the answer.

Ordinary Pokémon see ghost Pokémon, more or less, will have instinctual fear.

But this one, after seeing Gengar, the eyes became sharper and brighter?

“What a quirky duck”

Soon, the battle begins.

"Duck with green onions, use split tiles!"

At the beginning of the game, Galar Green Onion Duck directly swung the giant onion.

The wings clenched the onion root, made a thorn, and stabbed straight at the target, as if holding a spear.

The tip of the giant green onion also flashed a sharp white light.

It's just that this is a unique skill of fighting attributes, Song Ye raised his eyebrows, and temporarily did not move.

"Geng Geng~"

But Geng Gui grinned, didn't care at all, and even danced and taunted in place.

In ordinary gyms, when faced with common attribute or fighting attribute tricks, Gengar always has a playful look.

Only this time, things were different.


The daring green onion duck, splitting tiles with one blow, stabbed directly into Geng Gui's heart.

The powerful force directly sent the latter's chubby body flying out, and smashed it against the surrounding walls.


When he landed again, Geng Gui kept rubbing his lazi, causing pain and confusion on his face.

This is actually a female Gengar.

Why can you hit me? !

"Oh, so this duck with green onions has the characteristic of guts."

Song Ye nodded, no wonder the latter saw the ghost, but became more interested.

But the damage caused by this blow is not high.

So Xiaozhi narrowed his eyes and attacked again:
"Scallion Duck, use Wild Swing!"


Galar Green Onion Duck nodded, his sharp eyes narrowed, and his two muscle wings grasped the giant green onion again.

Hu. Hu. Hu.!
He exerted his strength on the spot and began to wave the giant onion continuously, turning the entire bluish-white stem into bright red.

Boom! !
After the charging was completed, the green onion duck carried the red green onion and smashed it towards the target.

Crazy swinging is an evil-type trick, and Gengar is a super-thin blood-skinned Pokémon, and it may be killed by a stick!
"Gengar, avoid!"

However, Matsuba just instructed calmly.

"Geng Geng~"

Geng Ghost's fat body was exceptionally flexible when moving.

The little fat leg kicked against the ground, and easily avoided the blow and swung wildly.

Such a large-scale action, without cover, is impossible to hit his Gengar.

Arceus is fair.

Since your bloodskin is super thin, then you must be compensated.

And Geng Gui has thin blood skin, but its speed is one of the best, and it belongs to the extreme output type player.

Having seen the purely physical offensive attributes of this muscular green onion duck, Matsaba chuckled and suddenly instructed:
"Next, use the ghost fire!!"

(End of this chapter)

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