He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 656 Teaching the Dance of God

Chapter 656 Teaching the Dance of God
Compared to Mama Sang's, I don't quite believe it.

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia still have full confidence in Xiaozhi.

The miracles that have happened to the latter are so many that they are almost boring.

"So how can we help?"

Xiaoxia couldn't help but ask.

Xiaozhi rolled his eyes, and after thinking about it, he soon came up with a strategy.

"Let those five young ladies dance the dance of the gods again on the Twin Towers!"

Saying that, Xiao Zhi also took out two feathers from his arms.

A rainbow-colored feather exudes a colorful light, and a silver feather is filled with a deep streamer.

It also shines with divine brilliance, but the people here are now unknown.

Ash still remembers that 350 years ago, as soon as he pulled out his feathers, he instantly became the brightest boy in the audience.

Now, the eyes of the people around are only looking at the expressions of ordinary treasures.

Since there is a misunderstanding with the gods, then summon it again.

Explain clearly and clear up misunderstandings.

"That. What is the dance of the gods?"

At this time, a young lady in a kimono asked weakly.

The dance on the stage came to an end. At this moment, the five young ladies had all come to the table of the three of them.

If there is really any way to save the Yuanzhu Dance Hall, they don't want to go to the countryside to herd the sheep.

"Don't you know about the dance of the gods? The dance that your family has passed down from generation to generation from Ho-oh and Lugia requires the cooperation of humans and Pokémon."

Xiao Zhi can only explain to a few people like this.

"Oh~ is that useless dance my mother taught us to learn when we were young?"

"But what's the use of this kind of dance?"

"And this dance, in the part of the Pokémon dance steps, has now been completely lost."

Several young ladies answered one by one.

Speaking of which, there seems to be a legend about it.

On the Twin Towers, the hero of the gods waved the feathers of the gods, the girls danced the dance of the gods, which symbolized the friendship between humans and Pokémon, and the gods followed.

But they had never seen any feathers of the gods.

Even that ancient dance has only the human part.

"No Pokémon dance?"

Xiaozhi was stunned.

It seems that in these hundreds of years, part of the dance has been lost?

But speaking of it, 350 years ago, that mother, Sang Mingming, had hatred for the gods, yet she still passed down this dance.?
"It's okay, my Pikachu masters the dance of the gods, let it teach you Pokémon to dance."

Soon, Xiao Zhi waved his hand and had a new strategy.

So the purpose of his appearance here today is to return this complete dance of the gods to them again?

Tsk, isn't it still the process of "fate"?
Pikachu: "?"

Pikachu, who was still eating melon seeds next to him, heard someone calling his name suddenly, his ears twitched, and he turned his head.

Did you eat melon on yourself?
"Pickup pickup?"

And when will it be the dance of the gods?
"I taught you before, the dance that enhances the momentum in battle"

Pikachu was not there at the time, and only Ash was the only one who saw the dance of the gods completely.

Afterwards, Xiao Zhi was afraid that he would forget the details. As soon as he traveled back, he gave all the actions of the Pokémon to Pikachu.

According to Brother Chi, this is a top-level ultimate path, and if you fully master it, it is enough to achieve the ultimate peak.
Speaking of this, Xiao Zhi stood up and looked at the five young ladies next to him.


Just looking at Xiaogang, who was showing the ladies and sisters one by one, Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows and pulled the corner of the latter's clothes without a trace.

Then, Xiao Zhi took the five kimono girls to the lawn outside the Yuanzhu Dance Hall.

Although there is no light here, there is no cover of high-rise buildings.

The bright moonlight can directly illuminate the earth, which is quite bright.

In the crowd of onlookers, Xiao Zhi has already opposed the five young ladies.

To teach the dance of the gods, it is really in the way of teaching dancing, and Ash doesn't understand this.

There was only one thing he could think of.


"Come together, the five of you. During the battle, I will let Pikachu give you all the dance of the gods that he knows!"

Xiao Zhi shouted with a fiery gaze.


In the same way, Pikachu also jumped onto the field at a brisk pace, in the posture of a four-legged beast, with an aggressive aura.

I ate too much melon seeds, now it's time to digest it.

Hearing that, although the five young ladies looked weird, they quickly turned their gazes towards Xiao Zhi.

They don't know why Ash is holding the lost part of their ancestral dance.

I don't know if I really jumped out of the dance of God, what's the point?
But no matter what, it's much better than going back to the countryside to herd sheep after a week!
"Five, can Xiao Zhi be able to handle it?"

Xiaoxia, who was watching the match, couldn't help worrying about Xiaozhi.

"If he can't stand it, I can help him share four"

Xiaogang's eyes were deeply wrinkled, and he replied slowly.

Xiaoxia: "."

Is this guy infected by Ash's Gengar?

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Soon, five crisp voices sounded, and five beast-shaped Pokémon with different shapes appeared in front of Xiao Zhi at the same time.

As Xiao Zhi guessed before, it is still the evolutionary form of the five Ibrahimovic, Huo Ibrahimovic, Shui Ibrahimovic, Lei Ibrahimovic, Sun Ibrahimovic, and Moon Ibrahimovic.

"Xiao Zhi, you can't stand the five of you, do you want to come one by one~"

Xiaoxia next to her couldn't help but ask.

"No problem, five is still a long way off."

Xiaozhi's eyes narrowed, he pressed his hat a little, and looked at the five Ibrahimovic evolutions in front of him fiery.

The grades of these five are not high.

This is the same as Xiaoxia's three sisters, the focus is on the management of the aquarium, and a batch of Pokémon battles to serve food.

If the battle-hardened Pikachu can't even beat one-on-five, Xiao Zhi really wants to kill his relatives righteously and personally report Pikachu's fake match.

"Five, you can attack with all your strength, and Pikachu and I can catch it!"

Hearing that, the five kimono ladies nodded and shouted at the same time:
"Fire Ibrahimovic, it's using jet flames!"

"Water Ibrahimovic, use Surf!"

"Reib, use discharge!"

"Yue Yibu, use the shadow ball!"

"Sun Eevee, use Psychic Shock!"

The next moment, five unique moves with different color attributes attacked Pikachu together from several angles.


Seeing this, Pikachu just licked his tongue and pressed his small eyeballs in disdain.

The hind legs slammed out of the ground.


Pikachu's figure turned into yellow lightning, flashing back and forth in this clearing like a ghost.

call out.!

call out.!

Whether it was a fire or a discharge, the latter easily dodged it without even touching it.


After showing off the speed, Pikachu turned his head to look at Xiao Zhi quite proudly and raised his head.

Do you think the rat is arrogant?

However, Xiao Zhi just frowned and couldn't help but said:

"Stupid Pikachu, I asked you to fight with the dance of the gods, I didn't let you show off your fancy speed.!"


(End of this chapter)

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