He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 666 Really hit someone along the network cable!

Chapter 666 Really hit someone along the network cable!

he almost
No, Ash has completely forgotten about it.

His crystal big rock snake has always been used by Dr. Damu as a crystal decoration on the outer wall of the Damu Research Institute.

And the general big rock snake can complete the evolution by carrying the props such as the metal jacket and then exchanging computer communication.

This is an evolutionary method that was invented in the Joto area and has not yet become widespread in the Kanto area.

In the Kanto region, most trainers still believe that the Big Rock Snake is a Pokémon that cannot evolve.

And ordinary metal jackets are useless to Xiaogang's giant rock snake or his crystal rock snake.

Maybe even his crystal big rock snake did not evolve by relying on a metal coat at all, right?

When Xiaogang worshipped Master Shiba as his teacher, the latter said that he and the owner of the Shallow Onion Gym here were good friends in the early years.

Seeing the face of his eldest disciple who opened the door, you can come here and ask them to find a special huge metal coat to complete the evolution.

Xiaogang touched the specially made heavy ball around his waist, but he always kept it in his heart.

Once this exaggerated big rock snake evolves, its combat power will also be raised to an extremely exaggerated realm
"So my crystal big rock snake can also evolve?"

Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly became expectant.

Then he hurriedly ran to the computer, and excitedly called Dr. Damu, intending to pick up his crystal big rock snake.
"Di Di"

Soon, the call is connected.

Seeing the person coming, Dr. Damu showed the smile of the elder he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Oh, isn't this Ash? I haven't sent Pokémon to me recently. Are you slack in traveling in the city area?"

Wen Yan Xiaozhi waved his hand quickly.

"I've collected 4 badges now, and I'm about to challenge the onion gym here. It's going very smoothly."

Xiaozhi also proudly opened the inner lining of his jacket, revealing the four delicate badges hanging.

"As for Pokémon, I just captured the sixth one recently."

Hearing this, Dr. Damu's face immediately stiffened.

"Xiaozhi, I need Pokémon for research, you need to catch more Pokémon. Like my excellent grandson Xiao Mao, he has already obtained five badges, and he has also caught a new five Ten Pokémon!"

At this time, Xiao Mao was temporarily his excellent grandson.

It's been a long time since he heard from his best friend Xiao Mao, Xiao Zhi also nodded.

Five badges?

As expected of Xiaomao, no matter what aspect, it is still so fast.

"What, that guy Xiaomao may have captured all the Pokémon from the bad street, and all I have captured are the best ones!"

Xiao Zhi quickly defended.

Just before Dr. Damu could say anything, a burst of arrogant Sao Bao sound suddenly came from the microphone.

"Hey, hey, I seem to hear someone smearing my uncle, I can't accept this?!"

This is Xiao Mao's voice.

Even after ten voice changers, Xiao Zhi can recognize this voice.

Open your mouth, the taste is very heavy.

It turned out that at this time, Xiaomao and Dr. Damu were also having a friendly exchange between grandfather and grandson.

Soon, the phone screen screen switches.

The footage of Dr. Omu and Xiao Mao appeared on both sides of the screen respectively.

Xiao Mao is still in the shape of the brown haired spiky head, and he is arrogant.

"Yo, isn't this Ash? Four badges, hehe, I heard that, it made me laugh~"

Across the screen, Xiao Mao started with a taunt.

Squinting his eyes, he still looks like that saucy bag.

Just don't know why, Xiao Zhi suddenly felt that this guy Xiao Mao seems to have become a lot of vicissitudes.?

"Oh, isn't this Xiao Mao? I didn't hear from you for so long. I thought you had ascended to heaven."

Xiao Zhi did not show weakness, and followed with a mockery.

Although after 3 months of meditative cultivation in the Azure Gym, Xiao Mao's heart has already entered the realm of innocence, no matter what he faces, he is calm.
Except, meet Xiao Zhi.

"Yo, I'm so violent, believe it or not, I'll beat you up along the network cable?"

At the other end of the screen, Xiao Mao had already revealed his fist, as if he was about to punch.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi burst into laughter and couldn't help but increase his intensity.

"Dr. Damu, isn't your grandson a brain watter? How can you beat someone along the network cable except to play with your mouth."


Dr. Omu did not answer, and even soaked the bucket of instant noodles with his backhand.

The picture of Xiao Zhi bickering with his grandson is enough for dinner.

next moment.

The phone device in front of Xiao Zhi suddenly made a strange electric sound.

Immediately afterwards, a pink and blue figure suddenly flew out of the electronic screen.

The scene is extremely strange, as if it appeared out of thin air.

The speed is extremely fast, this time Xiao Zhi really didn't react.

This figure directly hit Xiao Zhi's nose.

Then he quickly bounced back to the phone screen, disappearing as if he didn't appear.

Quick turn back.

Ash hp-0.

"Haha, Xiaozhi, have you seen how powerful my 3D dragon is~?"

On the other side of the screen, seeing Xiao Zhi covering his nose, Xiao Mao suddenly laughed proudly.

And on his shoulder, there is an extra pink and blue duck-shaped Pokémon.

It's just the structure of the whole body, as simple as an electronic pixel game.

3D dragon.

Since there were 3D dragons, now whoever dares to play against Xiao Mao on the Internet will have to suffer a blow from the 3D dragon.

Really hit people along the network cable!

This is a profound skill invented by Xiao Mao.

Xiaozhi: "."

3D dragons have the magical ability to lead people through the electronic world, and can also help people complete the establishment and maintenance of circuit networks.

As a result, this guy used it to beat people along the network cable?

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but said, with undisguised contempt in his eyes.

"You're like a clown in a circus."

Xiaomao: "."

Dr. Damu: "."

Since everyone's pupils are facing the camera, Xiao Zhi's sentence has no subject, as if he is also scolding him.
Hanging up the phone and ending the matchup with Grandpa Sun Jiuwei, Xiao Zhi was quite happy.

In his hand, there was an extra pokeball.

Xiao Zhi has brought the crystal big rock snake back on his body, and plans to let the experts there do an inspection when he will challenge the Shallow Onion Gym.

"Ding ~ Ding ~ Ding Ding Ding ~"

And Miss Joy, has also completed the treatment of several of his generals.


Pikachu jumped back on Ash's shoulder with a brisk walk, declaring sovereignty.

Go, Shallow Onion Gym!
(End of this chapter)

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