He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 668 Vortex Islands

Chapter 668 Vortex Islands
"It's such a happy decision. Miss Ami and I will stay here and wait for your good news~!"

Xiaogang pushed the two of them back to the elevator.

"Wait a minute, Teacher Gang, aren't you going?"

Kitty wondered.

"I'll stay and help Miss Ami take care of the electric dragon~"

"No, that"

Xiaogang didn't plan to go with them. Seeing what Xiaozhi wanted to say, he pushed them into the elevator and eagerly pressed the button on the first floor.

"Understood, we have been brothers for so many years, I will remember to tell Miss Ami about your special metal coat of crystal big rock snake~ You remember to go early and return early~"


The elevator door closed, and Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia fell down so quickly.

Xiaogang turned his head and walked back to the hall, revealing his face after the beauty filter again.

By the way, he also released his big milk can.

"Miss Ami, let my big milk tank take care of your electric dragon. I want to discuss with you how the big steel snake can grow stronger."


The big milk tank also forcibly fed the electric dragon.

One cow and one sheep are close relatives.

As for Xiao Zhi, who had returned to the first floor of the Lighthouse of Light, their expressions were a little messy.

What he wanted to ask was if he could give two tickets
Shallow Onion Pier.

Xiaozhi Xiaoxia sat on the wooden cross-board of the pier and looked at the sea in the distance.

From time to time, several carp kings jumped out of the water, and cargo ships and passenger ships were also sailing in an orderly manner.

"Xiaoxia, do you still have money?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but ask.

"It's dead. I'll take it all to buy high-grade water-type feed~"

Xiaoxia spread her hands and replied helplessly.

The two did not have the money to buy a ticket to go to the blue city on the other side of the ocean.

"If that's the case, then we can only use the trainer's way to cross the sea!"

"That's right, that shy guy from the teacher just now!"

The two slapped each other, and it was rare that they did not bicker, but instead agreed to the outside world.

"I looked at the map, Ash, do you want to go to the Whirlpool Islands first? If you rely on Pokémon to sail, it will take about 2 hours to reach that sea area."

Xiaoxia looked at the map and analyzed it carefully.

Usually this job is done by Xiaogang, which makes her a little rusty, and it takes a long time to see the map horizontally and vertically before recognizing the way.

Xiaozhi nodded. Before heading to Zhanlan City, he had to go to the Whirlpool Islands.

The three-month period has come, and it is time for him to pick up his Chenglong into the team.

Three days have passed since the appointed time, and the latter is estimated to be in a hurry.

"If that's the case, it's up to you!"

Saying that, Ash threw a Poke Ball towards the sea ahead.

The next moment, a large crystal rock snake whose whole body was crystal clear and made entirely of transparent crystals floated on the water.

"Rock Roar!!"

After not appearing for a long time, the crystal big rock snake raised its head and roared, full of momentum.

Although the latter is a combination of rock and ice attributes, it is actually very effective when facing water attribute attacks.

However, the characteristic of the Crystal Rock Snake—dry skin, can restore stamina in the face of a water-type attack.

approximately equal to the water storage characteristics.

The water storage characteristics can continuously restore physical strength from the sea water.

This gives the crystal rock snake the ability to travel long distances in the ocean.

Of course, this feature is a little worse than water storage, because in the face of fire attribute attacks, it will cause additional damage.

"Xiaozhi, so please ask your crystal big rock snake for the first 2 hours. When you get to the Whirlpool Islands, you can replace it with my tyrannical carp dragon for sailing."

Xiaoxia said seriously.

Her tyrannosaurus does not have water storage characteristics, and can only sail for short distances.

The reason why there is the word vortex in front of the whirlpool islands is because in that sea area, there are turbulent and dangerous current whirlpools everywhere.

The powerful traction force can even pull huge ships to death.

Therefore, the foreign cruise ships between Shallow City and Zhanlan City actually sail along the right-angled side, first sailing due west, and then sailing south.

Instead of being directly between two points, the straight line is the shortest.

Crystal Rock Snake is not a Water-type Pokémon.

However, her tyrannical carp dragon is still mastering the unique trick that can still safely cross the sea in the strong natural whirlpool, "tide whirl".

"Good understanding!"

The two no longer hesitated and jumped on the back of the crystal big rock snake.

Crystal's body was icy cold, and Xiao Zhi directly climbed onto the head of Big Rock Snake, grabbing the latter's sharp horns, with the spirit of a pirate captain.

"Please, go in the direction of the Vortex Islands, Crystal Rock Snake!"

"Rock Roar!!"

The latter let out a low growl and began to move forward slowly.

The crystal big rock snake's gleaming body under the sunlight directly made people on the entire scallion coastline widen their eyes and doubt life.
"DiDi. The Whirlpool Islands, it is said that this is a whole whirlpool island, but the two countries on the island have been fighting for years for power."

"Poseidon Lugia, as the patron saint of Whirlpool Island, was extremely disappointed, so he dropped lightning and split the entire Whirlpool Island into countless small islands, which is today's Whirlpool Islands."

"Even with the power of ocean currents, countless whirlpools are swept across this sea area all year round. Even after using the unique trick "tidal whirl" to eliminate, the whirlpool will reappear after a period of time."

On the crystal big rock snake, the illustrated book is explaining science to the two of them.


Hearing this, the two couldn't help laughing.

This legend feels like plagiarizing the legend of Yuanzhu Town and the scorched tower.

But Xiaozhi didn't think that the leisurely former sea god Lugia would do such a domineering thing to split the island.
Speaking of which, Lugia also asked him to help him find his heir.

Xiaozhi took out the silver feather from his bosom, and the whole body was silver, shimmering with a deep silver-white luster.

It seems to be approaching the Vortex Islands, and the feathers are still twinkling.

This is really a lair of Lugia.

Two hours later, the two of them officially entered the waters of the Whirlpool Islands.

It can be seen with the naked eye that there is a spiral tidal vortex separated by dozens of meters on the sea, which looks very turbulent.

In the distance, you can still see several small islands in the distance, each of which is very close.

This is different from the Orange Islands, where basically every island is separated by a 2-3 hour flight.

Seeing this, Xiaoxia stepped on the head of a huge water-blue mouth-opening water dragon, holding the bifurcated spur on the latter's forehead with one hand, and raised a finger with the other hand:
"Please, Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, use the Tide Spinning trick to break through all the way!"


The vicious carp dragon roared, his whole body glowing with a strange blue light, and his heavy figure rushed directly into the vortex, turning his head forward steadily.

Ash has traded back his Crystal Rock Snake.

After some operations, the two successfully set foot on the coast of one of the islands.

 Thank you for the 1500 coin reward from Yueluotiancan!
  Thank you Tianxiaren for the 300-coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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