He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 670 Little Lugia

Chapter 670 Little Lugia
Although the descendants of the gods such as Little Lugia, the aptitude is undoubtedly the level of evil spirits.

Just play all day, and in less than three years, you can properly reach the level of the king of the alliance.

It's just that Dr. Nanbo asked for more. If he wants to meet his expectations, he doesn't know that he has to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

"It's this one, and it's not this one."

Dr. Nanbo's riddle made the two people beside him bewildered.

But this little one can be used as bait
"Dr. Xibo, someone is here!"

Dr. Nan Bo, who was still thinking, was suddenly interrupted, and was quite annoyed, and couldn't help but growl.

"Idiot, my name is Dr. Nanbo!!"

Immediately, I looked at the screen again, and I could see two figures, slowly approaching this coast.
Silver Rock Island, beach on the east coast.

This island is the smallest of the four, and there are no special sights or Pokémon.

So it's sparsely populated, and no trainers come here.

Xiao Zhi and the two followed the guidance of the silver feathers and soon came to this coast.

From a distance, you can already see on the sea near the sea, a few playful carp kings and lantern fish, and surrounded by them
A small Lugia, with a slender silver-white neck, sticks out of the water.


"Have you found it so soon?"

The two of Xiaozhi looked at each other. They had seen the Orange Islands and Lugia, the god of the sea, and naturally they would not admit their mistakes.

It's just that this one is more compact and pocket-sized, and its body is even smaller than a bay leaf, and it doesn't exude any strong aura, so it seems a little unremarkable.

Encountering so easily, it even made the two of them have an illusion.

"Isn't Lugia here, a roadside wild dog Pokémon like Pikachu?"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but say.


Pikachu disagreed with these words, and jumped directly to the top of Ash's head, very angry.

You are the wild dog.


Little Rocky Adam, who was afraid of life, was shocked when he noticed a human being approaching.

And the surrounding carp king and lantern fish also scattered away like birds and beasts.

Seeing this, Ash was in a hurry, and hurriedly took out the silver feather and waved it in front of him.

Without any doubt, this little Lugia is the son of the former Sea God.

"Little Lugia, we are good people~~"


Pikachu is still shouting for help.

Sure enough, in less than a while, Little Lugia's slender head protruded out of the sea again.

It didn't just go away.

Of course, at this age, it still can't understand human speech, mainly because of the silver feather in Xiaozhi's hand, which makes it feel familiar.

When it surfaced, it tilted its head and blinked its eyes, staring at the feathers with confusion.


The next moment, Little Lugia's eyes suddenly closed, and her expression became obviously angry.

Even the surrounding air suddenly became a bit dignified.

This is the oppressive characteristic of the latter.

Although it can't be used very well, bluffing can still be done.


what happened?

Xiao Zhi still had a puzzled look on his face, not knowing what was going on, only to see Little Lugia's mouth open.

Zizi! !
A bunch of sharp water arrows spewed out, directly smearing Xiaozhi's face.


Pikachu turned around smoothly and jumped to the shoulder of Xiaoxia next to him, the clouds were flowing, and the fur was not soaked in the slightest.

The power of the water gun is not high, but it only gives Xiao Zhi the strength to wash his face.

"what happened?"

It's just that his surprise didn't last long. This time, Little Lugia jumped out of the water directly, and the wings that looked like wide palms fluttered and landed on the shore.

It doesn't seem to be able to fly smoothly yet.


Little Lugia let out a high-frequency roar of a beast.

The silver-white streamlined body suddenly burst out with a burst of dark blue energy, which turned into an energy coat covering the surface of the body, and gradually turned into a dragon-shaped phantom.

The momentum suddenly became domineering, and the sound of the dragon's roar could be faintly heard in the ears of the two.

The next moment, Little Lugia turned into a dark blue dragon and sprinted.

Dragon's Dive! !
This is a big trick of the dragon attribute, and it is undoubtedly a genetic move that Little Lugia can master at this age.

This time, Xiao Zhi didn't dare to be careless, he immediately raised his palm and bent his horse, his face grim.


His hands easily blocked the dragon's charge.

The soles were still on the soft sand, with a trace backwards.


Soon, the energy of the dragon's dive dissipated.

The latter's momentum was completely exhausted, and Ash hugged the latter like a chicken.

Of course, the latter's body is already half the size of Xiao Zhi, and he is posing in a way of holding a watermelon.

"Wuwu, Wu!"

Little Lugia was struggling frantically in Xiao Zhi's arms.

"Hey! Calm down, I'm not malicious."

Ash just tried to appease the latter, Lugia's wings, like a bird, slapped frantically on his face.

This is obviously because of the problem with that silver feather.

By the way, isn't this a token of Little Lugia's father? Why did he become more irritable when he saw it?
"Could it be that Sea God who abandoned the child, so now that you come here with the token, of course others are angry?"

Xiaoxia couldn't help but guess.

logical judgment.

Looking closer, he found that Lugia's appearance was actually a bit like a big goose.?
So Lugia's circle is actually a big goose?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! !
It's just that one person and one goose are still in a stalemate, and the sea in front of them suddenly begins to roll.


Such a strange movement made Little Lugia temporarily forget about the battle, and turned to look at the sea with the same curiosity as Xiao Zhi.

At this time, a metal capsule, like an elevator, slowly rose.

Wait until it is completely out of the water, and the capsule door will open.

At this moment, two figures are standing on the platform.


Xiao Zhi couldn't help asking subconsciously.

"Oh? Since you asked the question sincerely."

The blonde woman among them put on a handsome pose and said coldly:

"Ordinary people we won't answer~"

The green-headed saucy man next to him also put on a sullen posture and agreed:

"Let's make an exception to answer~"

Xiaozhi Xiaoxia: "?"

This opening statement is a bit familiar.

Well, yes and no.

"To prevent the earth from being destroyed!"

"To protect the peace of the earth!"

"To carry out the evil of love and honesty!"

"Playful and witty villain!"

Speaking of this, a man and a woman back to back, posing the end pose.


"Little Saburo!"

"We are Team Rocket traveling through the universe!"

"Pink, pink tomorrow is waiting for us!"

After listening, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia's faces changed.

Such a change of lines, tasteless ah.

Or the taste of the Rockets trio, a little heavier.
(End of this chapter)

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