He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 688 Hunting Thunder Lord

Chapter 688 Hunting Thunder Lord
After finishing the experience in Onion City, the three of Ash set foot on the journey again.

Now they want to go east and turn back to Yuanzhu City.

Then continue to travel eastward to Kaji City, where Kaji Gym exists.

It is said that the master of the gym there may be the most difficult gym in the entire city.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi was in high spirits instead, and it was very difficult for the green onion duck to use the flying technique to fly directly to Kaji City.

Today, they came to a rocky field.

The three of Xiaozhi are still walking leisurely.


At this time, Pikachu on Ash's shoulder suddenly twitched his ears, as if he was feeling something.

"What's the matter, Pikachu?"

The three stopped and watched Pikachu's actions curiously.

next moment.

Boom! !

A huge thunderous explosion suddenly exploded not far away, even if they were separated by hundreds of meters, they couldn't help shaking their bodies.

"Is it thunder?"

"It should be a Pokémon trick, right?"

"Hey, this is stronger than Pikachu's electric shock, right?"

The three looked at each other.

Looking up at the sky, it was still a clear sky before, but as the thunder fell, the entire sky suddenly became dark.

The dense dark clouds were closed, and there was a faint sound of thunder, and it seemed that a heavy rainstorm could fall at any time.

"What happened?"

The three looked bewildered, but it was definitely related to the violent lightning strike just now.

The three of Xiaozhi looked at each other and ran in that direction immediately.

Did something good happen?
Soon, the three of them lied down in the bushes to hide their figures, and quietly stuck out their heads.

Dozens of meters away, you can already see what a group of people are doing from a distance.

There was still a rough patch of rock.

The three or four figures are all gangsters in clothes similar to racing drivers, with a lot of iron chain decorations hanging on them, and there are also a few unruly thorns on the clothes.

Beside him, there were also several motorcycles spitting black smoke and roaring engines, which were quite rough.

The backs of the tigers are strong, the faces are full of flesh and blood, all kinds of bells and whistles, and the punk taste is very strong.

It seems that it should be the dress of the locomotive beasts.

And at the center of their siege, this rocky plateau.

A beast-shaped Pokémon nearly one person tall was standing on it, majestic, completely different from ordinary Pokémon.

The limbs stepped on the ground, and the yellow body was covered with black stripes, with a curved tail that looked like lightning.

The head of the tiger head, with two fangs standing on both sides of the mouth, has a silver hard shell that looks like a beard.

The back was covered with dense purple clouds, and there was a faint sound of thunder and lightning.

The legendary Pokémon, Rai Gong! !
"Hey, is this Rai Gong? What about the legendary Pokémon?"

"Rare, but I ran into me today!"

This group of motorcyclists was obviously not good, and they didn't plan to play friendly with Lei Gong, but approached step by step with a smirk.


Lei Gonghu mooed, his expression extraordinary.

Around the body, there was a crackling sound of electric current, and the threat was self-evident.

Today's it is just a daily tour of the world, and it is suddenly surrounded by this group of idiots.

Really let the tiger bad luck.

"Hey, don't struggle anymore, you'll be subdued by us, right?"

Saying that, a locomotive grinned, took out a large net from his arms, and took two steps forward.


This time, Lei Gong couldn't bear it any longer and let out a roar in the sky.

Tigers don't show their power, do they really take it as meow? !

Zizizi! !

The tiger's back arched, and the golden current spread out, turning into dense and powerful lightning, and attacked several people at the same time.


This is an aoe trick.

"Quack quack! Stop it!"

However, one of the locomotives just gave instructions in a calm manner.


The next moment, a brown upright Pokémon suddenly jumped to the front.

He wears white bones on his head, his limbs are short and lean, and he holds a huge bone rod on his strong arms.

Boom! !
The electric current split all the way on Gala Gala's body, and in the end, it broke open and exploded directly, without any effect.

"Haha, the electricity attribute trick is invalid for the ground attribute of Gala Gala~!"

A runaway rider laughed wildly.

There was another person next to him, who took the opportunity to fly forward, even with the big net in his hand, and covered it towards Lei Gong.

This time, Lei Gong was completely angry.

Boom boom! !

The whole body erupted with strong thunder and lightning energy, even stronger than the lightning strikes in the sky, and the big net was smashed directly.


The power is several times stronger than the previous discharge!
The terrifying disparity of power, regardless of attribute restraint or attribute immunity, can also blow up the ground-type gallah directly into coke.

Only at this time, a locomotive suddenly shouted loudly:

"Right now, Qilin Qi, use petrochemical power!!"

Beside him, there was a Pokémon in the shape of a giraffe.

Half of the body is brown and half black, and the tail seems to have a second small head, which is very strange.

I saw Qi Linqi's eyes lit up with a burst of blue light, and then fell on Lei Gong.

The next moment, with the effect of unknown energy, the traces of violent thunder and lightning on Lei Gong's body dissipated in an instant.


Lei Gong shook his head, wondering why he was suddenly unable to discharge?

And the big net was finally covered.


Unprepared, Lei Gong's entire body was directly caught in the big net, and the net was strong.

"Hehe! No one can escape my big net!"

The driver of the net caster laughed wildly, and then his arm forcefully pulled forward.

His strength was not bad, and he even dragged Duke Lei's body from the high rock platform, and the soil flew up.

"Ow. Oooo!!"

Restricted by petrochemical power, he could not discharge electricity temporarily, which made Lei Gong only rely on the instinct of beasts to constantly struggle with his body in the big net.

Seeing this, the locomotive driver was not polite, and slammed his foot towards Lei Gong's abdomen.

"Be honest with me!!"


As soon as he fell, he was as strong as Lei Gong, and he couldn't help but let out a cat-like whine.

Tiger Pokémon's snow-white fur abdomen is undoubtedly the softest and most fragile part of the body.

The sliding shovel attacking the abdomen is definitely an effective blow to the tiger, not on paper.


"Is this Lei Gong?"

Several locomotives began to laugh wildly.

"Hey! You guys, hurry up and let go of Lei Gong!!"

"It's so bad!!"

Finally, the three of Ash jumped out of the bushes and shouted sharply.

Originally, the three of them didn't know what happened, so they observed it secretly.

But seeing that this is a big net again, and a kick against the abdomen.

It's an extrajudicial fanatic of illegal poaching!

Rockets Behavior!
"What kid? Don't disturb the adults' activities!"

"Believe it or not, I'll beat the three of you together?"

A few big locomotive guys just looked at the three people who came out out of nowhere in such a threatening manner, full of disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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