He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 692 VS Red Tyrannosaurus Dragon!

Chapter 692 VS Red Tyrannosaurus Dragon!
Inside the secret base of the greenhouse.

A watermelon-headed doctor, with his hands behind his back, staring at the screen.

With black bangs and watermelon head, with goatee and small eyes, he looks like an evil inventor.

On the screen, there is a lake of anger with stagnant water.

Dr. Cyranu, senior technical advisor to the Rockets.

It was different from Dr. Nanbo, who was mainly studying the absorption and utilization of energy in the Vortex Islands.

Dr. Siranu's research direction is in the evolution of Pokémon, by disrupting the latter's gene sequence and forming mutations, so as to obtain heterogeneous attributes and new power bonuses.

Due to the unstable genetic mutation, most of the mutant evolution will become deformed Pokemon, or useless Pokemon.

This kind of research is officially forbidden in the league, and it is even rejected by public ethics.

Because of this, Xilanu had to give up the Kanto area where the main position was, and turned to the Chengdu area where the Rockets were more stable.

And the large number of carp kings in this lake of wrath are the research subjects of Dr. Shiranu this time.

It's just that the experiment didn't go well.

Until now, there has only been one successful experiment.

That is, the "red tyrannical carp dragon" in the mouth of the two Rockets soldiers before.

Genetic mutations, in addition to causing the latter properties, have undergone dramatic changes.

In terms of appearance, it also caused this carp king to still not lose the red color of the carp king period in the process of evolution.

So after it evolved into a Tyrannosaurus carp dragon, it still maintained its bright red color.

The red carp king looks unremarkable.

But the red tyrannosaurus is undoubtedly domineering from the visual sense.

"It is necessary to catch this experimental body, it is of great benefit to my research!"

Dr. Shiranu pushed the small glasses and said solemnly, with enthusiasm in his eyes.

In this room, there are several Rocket soldiers standing.

In front of Xiao Bing, a tall man in black tights was also staring at the screen with interest.

The back is covered with a black cloak, and long black hair hangs down in the shape of kelp.

Hades, the core cadre of the Rockets!

He, along with Zeus in the Kanto region, and the two gold medalists of the Rockets, both have monster-level strength comparable to the King of the Alliance.

"Don't worry, Doctor, it's just a tyrannical carp dragon. If you have a hand to catch it~"

Hades' voice was equally feminine, and he was quite disdainful of this mission.

"Then please."

Dr. Shiranu nodded, then stepped forward and pressed a button.

Immediately, a sonic radar device on the roof of the secret base aimed its antenna head on the lake and began to release special ultrasonic waves.

It can lure the red tyrannosaur sleeping in the lake to the surface.
Lake of Wrath, Shore.

The three of Xiaozhi are still negotiating furtively.

Pfft! !

Suddenly, there was a burst of water.

I saw a red tyrannical carp dragon breaking out of the water near the shore of the Angry Lake.

Half of the hard shell surface on the back is indeed burgundy, and the triangular fork on the forehead is also dark red.


The red tyrannical carp dragon roared and roared at the three people who were closest to Xiao Zhi, and the dragon eyes were fierce.

In an instant, the fishy smell of the lake came to me.

The three of Xiaozhi: "!?"

Is there really a red tyrannosaurus? !

"So domineering!!"

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

Such a color, paired with the already ferocious body and head of the Tyrannosaurus Carposaurus, increased the domineering value by several percentage points.

"so cool!!"

Xiaoxia couldn't help but exclaimed with heartbroken eyes.

She also has a tyrannical carp dragon, with a blue carapace body that looks more noble.

Red is more cool.

Well, in terms of body size, they are all about the same.

"You two, now is not the time for admiration."

Beside, Xiaogang's eyes were pressed into a black line, and he couldn't help reminding.

Although I don't know why the latter suddenly appeared, but looking at the face, it is obviously in a state of rage.

Well, although the tyrannosaurus was originally an angry face.
Boom boom! !

The next moment, sure enough, the red tyrannical carp dragon opened its mouth wide, and the vigorous blue water column spewed towards the three of them.

High pressure pumps! !
Xiao Zhi was the first to react, and immediately the tiger body was shocked, and he opened his arms to hug the two of them, and threw himself out behind him.

Boom! !

The water flow was half a second behind, acting on the spot, blasting a huge puddle crack on the spot, with great power.

The three escaped by luck and hurried away from the shore.


But the tyrannical carp dragon on the shore of the lake entered a state of rage.

The dragon's mouth opened, and the continuous high-pressure water pump trick radiated randomly towards the surroundings, which was extremely dangerous.

"Damn, what happened?!"

Xiaozhi's brows furrowed, and he couldn't get close to him for a while. .
Da da da.!

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps at the secret base of the greenhouse.

Dr. Cyranu and the black cloak Hades, with three or four Rockets soldiers, slowly walked in front of the three of them.

"Where is the kid~"

Shiranu looked at Xiao Zhi with disdain.

Then he turned his head and looked at the red Tyrannosaurus carp dragon who was venting his power indiscriminately on the lake.

Even the tyrannical carp dragon, which is not good at special tricks, can use such a powerful high-pressure water pump, which makes Dr. Siranu's eyes full of admiration.

You know, this red tyrannical carp dragon has no water attribute!

"But since you want to know, I'll tell you~"

Dr. Shiranu touched the small goatee and turned to look at the three of Ash again.

It seems to be a doctor, born with the attributes of showing off and explaining.

"My evolutionary radio waves can supercharge the target's own energy, and the target's character will also become violent, eager to find a breakthrough to release energy~"

Dr. Shiranu pushed his glasses and explained in a slow and methodical manner.

It seems that the red tyrannosaurus is used as their chat background.

"Hey, Doctor, now is not the time to chat with these brats!"

At this time, Hades, who had been silent by his side, interjected with a feminine tone.

He hates children the most.

"If that's the case, then please, Hades-kun~"

Dr. Shiranu sneered and said.

A core cadre at the king level should still be respected.

But when he perfects this technology, what kind of heaven-defying Pokemon can't be created?
At that time, it will be the day when you thugs and cadres with well-developed limbs and simple minds will go back to the countryside to let the sheep go!

No matter where the Rockets are, the internal members are always intrigued
"I see."

Hearing this, Hades shook his cloak and walked towards the shore alone, ignoring the gazes of Ash and his party.

"Hey wait a minute."

Just as Xiao Zhi wanted to say something, three or four Rockets soldiers had already stopped him and prevented him from approaching Hades.

"Little devil, your opponent is us~"

"Don't disturb Lord Hades!"

(End of this chapter)

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