Chapter 715
"Oh Nope."

Only then did Hanako react, and subconsciously touched the back of her head and smiled awkwardly.

So Xiaomi looked at the screen again, and his little face gradually showed a sullen look.

"So these people are here to separate me and my parents?!"

Xiaomi is angry.

The fake Arceus, who was a product of desire, also had a deep expression.

Under the influence of the power of thought, Xiaomi, who was wearing a pink dress, floated up and straddled the back of the fake Arceus lightly.

"Then I'm going to drive all these people out!"

Without waiting for Hanako to say anything, Fake Arceus carried Xiaomi like this, ran in one direction, and disappeared after a while.

For a time, only Hanako was left in the hall of Nuoda.

She leaned back against the crystal bed with a bit of boredom, and looked at the projection screen in front of her.

"So, why don't you catch the little devil together?"

"Thank you for your hard work, Tyrannosaurus."

Xiaoxia took back the tyrannical carp dragon, and everyone officially entered the crystal tower.

Since the first floor is completely sealed, everyone can only enter from the second floor through a broken window.

Before they had gone too far, the purple crystals under everyone's feet and around them suddenly glowed together.

In just a few seconds, it has completely transformed into a huge grassland landscape. If there are locals, they will definitely recognize that the second floor of the crystal tower has turned into an endless green field.


There was a sound of landing in front of them, and everyone looked up.

But they saw a white deer beast appearing in front of the three of them.

The figure is more than three meters tall, with a high head, a golden cross ring inlaid around his waist, and a majestic face with a domineering domineering.

"Is this what Arceus looks like?"

Even if they knew that the latter was a fake illusion created by an unknown totem, there was still a strange feeling of wanting to be convinced in the hearts of everyone.

The majesty of the creator god Arceus is unbelievably strong.

On the back of the fake Arceus, there is also a 5 or 6-year-old girl in a blond dress.

"Hey! Xiaomi, I'm Xiao Zhi, do you still recognize me?"

So Xiao Zhi first started with a set of heat.

In the face of bear children, you must be hard but not soft.

Except for the cute little girl, of course.

"Xiao Zhi? I haven't heard of it."

Xiaomi shook his little head into a rattle.

Well, the two really haven't seen each other, Xiaozhi is making up.

Soon, Xiaomi seemed to think of something, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

She jumped off the fake Arceus, and a strange white light covered her body as she fell.


When Xiaomi landed on the ground, she had grown into a big sister in her early 20s, wearing a short skirt with a windbreaker, golden wavy long hair, quite capable.

This seems to be Xiaomi's fantasy about what he will look like when he grows up.

It's that her chest is outrageously flat. Obviously, at the age of 5 or 6, she doesn't know much about this.

The elder sister's version of Xiaomi held his hips on his hips, raised the Poke Ball with the other hand, and declared war provocatively at several people.

"If you want to continue, then beat me first!"

With that said, behind Xiaomi, there was a suspended staircase out of thin air, extending all the way to the upper floor where there is no end in sight.

"Is this an adventure game too much.?"

Xiaogang touched his chin and analyzed it secretly.

Not only is he eager to fight as a trainer, but he also fantasizes about the plot of the hero's adventure.

Thinking of this, Xiaogang stepped forward, his narrowed eyes serious.

"Xiaozhi Xiaoxia, you all continue to go up, and leave it to me here."

"Then leave it to you!"

Without any hesitation, Xiao Zhi immediately patted his good brother on the shoulder with complete trust.

It's just Xiaoxia, with a bit of suspicion between her brows.

"Xiaogang, you are not to big sister."

Xiaogang is an old-fashioned critic, and now Xiaomi has become a beautiful 20-year-old big sister, which is completely the G-spot of the former!

"Xiaoxia, what are you talking about!?"

Xiaogang just said righteously.

Although Xiaomi looks 20 years old now, but his actual age is only 5 years old, he will not be so evil! !

Xiaogang is only interested in comparing his elder sister who is more than 3 years old.

Both physical age and mental age must be met.

Except for Musashi, of course.

Hearing this explanation, Xiaoxia blushed, and it seemed that she had misunderstood Teacher Gang.

"Then leave it to you!"

So the two no longer hesitated, bypassed Xiaomi, and ran quickly towards the stairs above.

Xiaomi, and the fake Arceus behind him, have no intention of blocking.

Even Fake Arceus sat on this phantom lawn so leisurely, watching Xiaomi's battle with anticipation.

"I'll leave it to you, the tree is strange!"

Seeing that his two little friends had completely disappeared at the end of the stairs, Xiaogang just threw the Poké Ball.

The red light flashed, and a brown-black Pokémon with a tree-like shape appeared in front of him.

It is the tree he conquered in the Chengdu area that is strange, and now he is Xiaogang's proud general.

"My baby~ I decided it was you~!"

On the other end, the big sister version of Xiaomi also threw out her Pokémon.

The red light flashed, and a small and cute fox-shaped Pokémon appeared in front of her.

The red and soft fur has six thick big tails behind him, and heat is faintly bubbling around his body.

Six tails.

This is also a fantasy Pokémon.

Even the creator god Arceus can create it, and ordinary Pokémon is naturally no problem.

"Sister Xiaomi, it seems that you don't understand Pokémon battles at all, you don't even know the most basic attribute restraint."

Seeing this, Xiaogang just chuckled lightly.

Six tails are fire-type Pokémon, but their tree is strangely rock-type. Whether it is attacking or resisting, they completely restrain the opponent.

Being able to become a trainer to fight, the elder sister Xiaomi was very excited and took the lead in launching the attack.

"I don't care about this, Six Tails, use jet flame!"


I saw Liuwei's small mouth opened, and after a fox chirping, a fiery flame suddenly spewed out, which was bombarding Shu Caiwei's body.


Strangely, with such an attack, the tree was pushed back several meters, and there was a whimper in his mouth.

When the flames dissipated, there were a few more black marks on the tree's body.

The effect is outstanding!

Xiaogang: "?"

Even the tree blamed the rockfall trick thrown out by the backhand, and hit Liuwei's head severely.


The latter just shook his head and shook off the gravel easily.

General effect.

Xiaogang: "??"

He turned his head quickly and looked at the source of this strange incident.

I saw that not far behind Xiaomi, Fake Arceus had raised his slender head.

In his eyes, a strange light is blooming.

It opened up a space for this battle.

In this space, Xiaomi's Pokémon hits you, and the effect is outstanding.

And no matter how your Pokémon attacks, it's still ineffective.

Xiaogang: "."

So now it's open and hanging, right? !

(End of this chapter)

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