He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 717 The respective battles!

Chapter 717 The respective battles!
The first floor of the crystal tower, in the phantom green field.

The battle between Xiaogang and his elder sister, Xiaomi, is still going on.

"It's the tree that's weird, use the sacrifice charge!"

The tree blamed a golden light erupting from its body, and the lower limbs of the tree root ran, sprinting towards the target.

However, the tree strangely slammed into the body, and after hitting Liuwei, there was a sound similar to the collision of metals.


Six tails took a few steps back and shook his head. Now it has the resistance of the steel attribute, and the effect is average.

"Damn, this alpaca"

Xiaogang glanced at Arceus, who was lying beside him, and the latter's eyes were staring like copper bells.

No matter what kind of attack, the opponent's six tails can perfectly resist it.

Boom! !
Liuwei's mouth opened, and the fiery flames spewed out again, just bombarding Shu Caiwei's body.

The flames burst, and this time, the tree strangely even knelt on the ground with half of its legs and entered the wind.

The effect is outstanding!

"Humph~! I won this game!"

The big sister Xiaomi has been completely hilarious. Although she looks in her early 20s, her tone is like that of a child.

"Liuwei, use the last big character to explode!!"

When the words fell, Liuwei opened his mouth.

The fiery flame energy spewed out of the mouth, and along the way, the flames condensed and turned into a "big" character, which was full of power.

Seeing this, Xiaogang's eyes narrowed and he suddenly said:

"The tree is strange, use the imitation trick!"

So the tree strangely assumed a strange posture.

In the next instant, in front of Shu Caiwei, a group of large-character explosive flames also condensed and roared out.

Boom! !

The two groups of big characters exploded, and they collided and stalemate in the center of the arena, and finally completely burst, turning into countless smoke and dissipating
"how is this possible?!"

The big sister Xiaomi on the other end, apparently seeing such a scene for the first time, was in a panic.

And Xiaogang just raised the corner of his mouth.

Since no matter what move it is, it is restrained by you, so use the same move as you to resist.

"Next, use the brute force trick!!"

Xiaogang's attack was like fire, pressing step by step.

The strange figure rushed out again, and the body filled with brown energy light slammed into Liuwei.


After landing again, the six tails shook their head a little uncomfortable, looking like they were shaky.

Recklessly, forcibly weakening the opponent's HP status to be the same as his own.

At this moment, the two of them are also in the state of a candle in the wind.

"It's over, use Falling Rock!!"

So Xiaogang growled loudly.

Obviously, this is a set of punches.

On the branch arm of the strange tree, a spherical rock has been added, which is thrown straight, and the movement is fast and smooth.

Boom! !
The falling rock hit Liuwei's forehead and burst open.


This time, Liuwei finally couldn't bear the pressure, and fell to the spot with a weak figure.

"Six tails!!"

Big sister Xiaomi didn't react yet, so she subconsciously made a loud noise, and hurriedly stepped forward and hugged the dizzy Six-Tails.

Originally, his situation was infinitely superior, so why did he suddenly lose?

However, Xiaogang just squinted his eyes and took back the tree.

"As a trainer, the first piece of knowledge is to understand the importance of attribute restraint."

He walked slowly to Xiaomi's side and said in a low voice.

"Then the second piece of knowledge is to understand that attribute restraint is not a panacea."

This point is still Xiaogang of Xiaozhi Church.

Big sister Xiaomi obviously couldn't understand what the latter meant, and stayed in place.

call out.!
In the end, her figure was connected to the six tails, and it turned into a strange white light that gradually disappeared in place.


In the same way, the fake Arceus who cheated and cheated beside him also turned into a white light and disappeared on the first floor of the crystal tower.

After doing all this, Xiaogang took a deep breath and continued to run towards the upward stairs.
The second floor of the crystal tower, the underwater world.

When the little boy came in, he was taken aback.

Did you cross the seabed by yourself?
Soon, after realizing that these sea waters were just virtual illusions, Xiaogang also came back to his senses.

From a distance, he also noticed two people who were also fighting.

"Baby Bear, use Crazy Scratch!!"

The girl millet snorted.

I saw Baby Bear pop out its sharp claws, constantly swinging towards the target, bringing out all the scars.

call out!huh! huh!
Jewel Starfish was imprisoned by inexplicable energy, unable to move at all, and could only endure frantically grabbing.

After a few rounds, the bloody skin of the gem starfish has also bottomed out.

"Humph~! I won this game!"

The girl Xiaomi gave a silver bell-like laughter, very proud.

"Oh~? Really?"

However, at this time, Xiaoxia also showed a sly smile.

In the face of Baby Bear's splitting attack, Xiaoxia immediately instructed:

"Gem starfish, use the protection trick!"

The next moment, a green barrier appeared out of thin air around the Jewel Starfish's body.

This move does not require moving the body. It relies on the super power of the gem starfish. Even if the body is bound, it can still be released successfully.

The bear claw attacked the bear claw aggressively and slashed on the green barrier, but it was only thrown out by the bullet, and it didn't play any role.

"Next, use self-regeneration!"

As Xiaoxia's voice fell, the surface of the imprisoned gem starfish suddenly lit up with a pale yellow light.

Chun Chun!

Its physical strength and strength are also constantly recovering.

When she realized that the recovery had reached a sufficient level, Xiaoxia's eyes lit up and she said in a low voice:
"Right now, use high-speed rotation!!"


The next moment, the figure of the gem starfish began to spin rapidly in place, and it was easy to break the strange restraint force around the body.

High-speed rotation, special restraint restraint tricks.

Whether it is the entanglement of parasitic seeds or this inexplicable energy, it is the effect of a crit.

So Xiaoxia raised her finger, raised a confident arc at the corner of her mouth, and roared loudly:

"It's over, use the last high pressure water pump!!"

Boom boom! !

The jewel in the chest of the jewel starfish, the terrifying water energy spurted out, smashing hard on the baby bear.

The power of this blow can even crack gold and crack stones, directly stun Baby Bear.

"Bear baby~!!"

The girl Xiaomi hurried forward and hugged her phantom Pokémon.

"As long as you and your Pokémon have enough fighting spirit, no matter what the predicament is, you can solve it~!"

Xiaoxia showed a smile, but said to Xiaomi so softly.

When the words fell, the girl Xiaomi and the baby bear in front of him, and the fake Arceus behind him, just like the scene on the first floor, turned into white light and dispersed.
"Xiaoxia! Well done!"

Hearing the familiar sound next to her, Xiaoxia turned her head and saw Xiaogang not far away.

"As expected of Teacher Gang, did you solve it so quickly?"

Xiaoxia took back the gem starfish, slapped her hand, and said in surprise.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and then without delay, they ran towards the stairs to the upper floor.
(End of this chapter)

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