He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 752 God of Volcano and Fangyuan District

Chapter 752 God of Volcano and Fangyuan District

"Come back, everyone!"

At the foot of the Silver Mountain, Xiao Zhi put all his Pokémon back into the Poké Ball, and then carefully put them back into the backpack.

The ten-day special training has ended.

It can't be said that any major breakthroughs have been made, but at least now, it is the peak state of Ash and his Pokémon.

It is worth mentioning that his Fire Rock Rat was about to evolve 10 days ago, but until now, the Fire Rock Rat still maintains its second-stage form.

The level is enough, it is just a little bit short of opportunity, and it is still unable to complete the breakthrough.

"Then go to the game, perhaps the official league conference, can make it a better breakthrough."

Next to Xiao Zhi, he is tall and slender, as Ye Yue, who was a sports candidate, said.

Last night, the two of them didn't know each other, and it was not too early. The latter squeezed with the three of them and spent the last night together.

As for the details of Xiaozhi Pokémon
"A formidable foe."

Even Ye Yue, who had been traveling and adventuring in the Fangyuan area for three years, also did not dare to be careless.

I didn't expect that the random encounter on the road was a ruthless character.

Ye Yue is still very sensitive in this regard, and has already noticed that this young man in a peaked cap may be his biggest enemy on this trip to the city.

Seeing that everyone has packed their luggage, they are about to leave.


The wild female Banquilas let out a high-pitched cry of reluctance.

The stubby forelimbs and claws rubbed in front of him for a while, as if they wanted to say something.

A person has lived alone in Baiyin Mountain for a long time, and now he suddenly sees his child. The result has not lasted for a few days, and he has to separate again.

During this period, Banquilas also asked Shakilas if he wanted to stay, but was categorically refused by the latter.

Silver Mountain can be regarded as a place for retirement in the future, but at least for now, it cannot stay here.

"Banquilas, then you want to go with us?"

So Ash raised his head, looked directly at the mother, Banquilas, and held up his Poké Ball.

Since the separation between mother and son is cruel, it will be over if they go together.

Where is the retirement age, it is better to go to the backyard of the Damu Research Institute, and you can often meet with Shakilas.

Xiaozhi plans to come to Baiyin Mountain to practice in the future, and it will not be too late to return to his hometown.


Hearing this, Banquilas hurriedly nodded vigorously, worrying that he was too embarrassed to take the initiative to say this.

As the short forelegs of Banquilas slapped the Poké Ball, his body turned into a red light and entered the Poké Ball.

The Poké Ball didn't shake for long, and it shuddered directly, indicating that the subjugation was successful.

The subjugation is divided into combat subjugation and active follow. The capture rate of the latter is 100%.

Obtaining a powerful combat power directly, Xiaozhi's face is happy.

Although this guy is more of a pension, he can still be a powerful fighter at critical moments.


This scene made Ye Yue's face more cautious.

Although he has only been in the Chengdu area for more than half a year, he still knows the prestige of Banquilas.

This young man, so easily subdued a quasi-god?
Isn't Pokémon capture a fight?

This is placed in their Fangyuan area, it is a giant golden monster or a blood-winged dragon! ?
"Let's go, Mr. Ye Yue?"

So Xiaozhi looked at the rival next to him and said with a smile.

This smile has a faint look of looking at the prey.

Ye Yue: "."

The three of Xiaozhi and Ye Yue officially set off on the road, heading to the eastern foothills of Baiyin Mountain, a place called Baiyin Town.

Speaking of town, in fact, there is only one league main stadium in the whole place.

Along the way, after knowing that Ye Yue was a foreigner, the three of them couldn't help but ask for information about the Fangyuan area.

"I know there are Rifts in the Fangyuan area, and Groudon, the god of volcanoes."

Xiaozhi blurted out.

"I know Mr. Mickley is the idol of all water attribute trainers!"

Xiaoxia clasped her fists with both hands, her eyes filled with confidence.

Mickley is undoubtedly a powerful trainer who perfectly combines Pokémon fighting and gorgeousness, which makes Xiaoxia extremely admire.

It is said that last year, the handover ceremony of the Fang Yuan League champion was still in progress. Now, it should have officially become the league champion, right?
"I know Mr. Dawu, I really want to have a good collision with his rock will."

Xiaogang rubbed his chin and narrowed his eyes, giving birth to a few expectations.

Hearing the words of several people, Ye Yue just smiled softly and replied quite softly:

"These are all big celebrities in our Fangyuan area. You can't meet them when you meet them. As for Risakuza and Groudon, they have spent countless training sets throughout their lives, and they may not be able to meet each other."

Speaking of this, Ye Yue suddenly paused.

Well, although God of Volcano has been watching for a year.

On the Internet, the God of Volcano is broadcast live 24 hours a day.

On the screen, there is always a boundless sea, and a red-shell armored behemoth, half of its body is suspended on the sea, walking slowly.

The steaming white steam all the way, the water is turbulent.

Ye Yue had just watched the live broadcast the day before yesterday. He remembered that the current Groudon had probably gone to the northern waters of the Hezhong area.

This is the only legendary ancient god that is completely exposed to the public eye today.

It's just a year-long appearance, and it has gradually become commonplace for today's people.

It is worth mentioning that in the Fangyuan area, the lava group with belief in the god of volcanoes as its corporate culture has now been completely acquired and annexed by the adjacent water fleet, and has become a subordinate group.

"There are also many gym trainers in the Fangyuan area, and there are also powerful alliance champions. They are not weaker than your Kanto area and Chengdu area at all~"

Ye Yue was quite proud.

He challenged a total of 3 Fang Yuan conferences, the first time was the top 16 and the second time was the top 4.

Ye Yue, who participated in the competition for the third time, was full of confidence. He secretly thought that he should be able to win the conference this time, right?

As a result, in the final final, he was sniped by a girl named Furong, defeated by the strength of destroying the knuckles, and became the runner-up.

The latter continued to challenge the Champions League with an extremely tough stance, and even defeated the previous King, and successfully became the new King of the Fang Yuan League.

The disheartened Ye Yue did not give up, and turned to the Chengdu area next door, intending to change to another place and start the challenge again.

So there is today's meeting between him and Xiao Zhi.

"So Mr. Ye Yue is so powerful?"

This encounter caused several people to nod their heads.

In other words, does this guy already have the strength to win the conference?

Not to be underestimated.

However, the latter's remarks about the Fangyuan area, said that Xiaozhi was itching in his heart, and wished to put his wings on now and go to the Fangyuan area next door.

Cold knowledge, the name of Fangyuan area, he had heard it on the second day of the trip.

"Then, let's go to the Fangyuan area for an adventure, right?"

Xiao Zhi murmured inwardly.

But now is obviously not the time to think about this, Xiao Zhi shook his head and focused on the upcoming Silver Conference on the opposite hill!

(End of this chapter)

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