He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 755 The first qualifier, start!

Chapter 755 The first qualifier, start!
Two days later.

In the four corners of Baiyin Town, there are dozens of competition venues surrounded by huge iron nets, which are neatly arranged.

Many trainers and spectators walked in the gaps, staying from time to time, stopping to watch outside the arena that they were curious about.

The occasional sound of destruction in the arena can always cause bursts of climaxing shouts, and the scene is lively.

The Silver Conference Qualifiers have officially started!
At this moment, Xiao Zhi is already inside the iron fence, standing at one end of the arena, with high fighting spirit.

At the other end, stood a faceless Trainer Armor.

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia were watching a show outside the iron fence.

"The first round of the Silver Tournament qualifiers. The rules of the game are 1v1. If one Pokémon cannot fight, the winner will be decided. Now, please send two players to send your Pokémon!"

Under the signal of the central referee, at both ends of the arena, the two raised the Poke Ball at the same time.

A red light flashed, and Trainer A sent a pale yellow rat-type Pokémon with brown markings.

The short limbs are hidden under the hair and are almost invisible. The head, body, and tail are connected together, and the whole body is in a cylindrical shape.

"Does the big tail stand?"

Xiaozhi's expression condensed slightly.

This can be said to be the most common Pokémon in the Joto area, and its status is equivalent to that of Dara in the Kanto area.

"In that case, Pikachu, it's decided to be you!!"

Ash backhand sent his signature general.

Since it's the first Pokemon game, it's natural to let your Pikachu show up!


Pikachu jumped on all fours, landed on the field, and stood facing Tai Tai.

Both Pokémon are the same Rat Pokémon.

With the referee raising his hand, the game officially begins!
"Pikachu, use Lightning Flash!!"

"Otachi, we also use a flash of electric light!"

At the beginning of the game, the two chose the same move.

As the two mice slammed against the ground with their footsteps, they rushed towards the other side at the same time.

Wearing a white streamer, the speed is difficult to penetrate with the naked eye, and it will collide in the center of the arena in less than a few breaths.

"Tail force~!"

Daweili's eyes narrowed, and he caught the flaw.

Occupying the commanding heights of the height, coupled with the difference in weight, Dawei stood diagonally above and quickly fell towards Pikachu.

call out.!
However, after this shot down, Otachi just penetrated Pikachu's phantom and hit the air.


And the real position of Pikachu, it appeared in the rear side of the big tail.

He even turned towards the latter, showing a sinister smile.

Whoosh! !
In the next instant, a flash of electric light slammed into the belly of Daweili, sending him flying out.

In terms of speed and weight, Otachi is weaker than Pikachu.

"Pikachu, just like this, use [-] volts to solve it at once!!"

As soon as Xiao Zhi's voice fell, Trainer A said first:
"Daweili, use the digging trick!!"

I saw the big tail standing, still in a backward state in mid-air.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

As soon as it landed, the short forelimbs were digging against the ground for a while, and it was completely hidden under the ground in less than a while.

Although the big tail is a general attribute, it is actually a half-earth mouse, and digging holes is an old craft.

"Have a hand"

Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up, and the movement of Daweili was extremely silky.

It seems that the trainers who can participate in the Silver Tournament have two brushes.

"But even so, I'm not going to lose."

Ash pointed his fingers to the ground beneath his feet.

"Pikachu, then let him see your earthquake!"

Trainer A: "!?"

Electric mice also have earthquake tricks? !

Xiao Zhi's words obviously startled the latter.


Pikachu's eyes brightened in the arena, his body jumped high, and after spinning several laps in mid-air, it descended with the gravity of the earth.

At this moment, the stepped tail has a metallic cold light that penetrates people.


Pikachu let out a low voice, and the steel tail slammed into the ground.

The next moment, the entire ground began to shake violently.

Countless rubble cracked and scattered, floating in the air, and the huge movement was not inferior to the real earthquake trick.

The trainer's house opposite was suffocated on the spot.

Is this the power that electric mice can exert? !

"Tail force~"

And the big tail stand was also forcibly shaken out from the ground because of the violent vibration, accompanied by countless cracks in the gravel.

This scene also made Ash and Pikachu show their fiery eyes at the same time.

"The battle is over, Pikachu, use [-] volts!!"

Ash growled loudly.


Accompanied by a burst of dazzling golden light lightning, it shot out.

The high-voltage current broke through the countless hidden gravels around it, and slashed directly on the body of the big tail.

The uncontrollable current turned into a huge beam of lightning in the end, rising into the sky from the ground.

Such exaggerated movements have attracted the curiosity of many surrounding audiences, who have leaned over and pointed.

"What a powerful electric mouse!"

"I remember that trainer. It seems that he also participated in the Quartz Conference next door."

"The winner is decided so quickly. As expected of an old player, it's stable!"

Before you know it, Xiao Zhi's name is already well-known in the trainer world.
"Tail force."

As the electric light dissipated, Dawei Li fell to the ground with his whole body charred, his eyes twitching, and his hind limbs were still twitching in the air.

"Otachi can't fight, Pikachu wins!"

"Athlete Xiaozhi, win the first qualifier!"

The referee immediately pronounced the verdict fairly.

This game was unexpectedly fast.

What about a one-sided power disparity?
"Well done, Pikachu!"


Ash and Pikachu, who jumped back and jumped up, slapped a slap in the face, which was considered a victory.

As for the next one.
That was the second and third day.

After walking out of the iron fence, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia were already surrounded by them.

"You're off to a good start, Ash."

"Pikachu is in good shape~!"

The two are obviously very confident in Xiao Zhi.

So the three of them walked in the direction of the Pokémon Center lounge.

Pass the iron fence along the way, stopping from time to time to watch other players fight.

For example, on the edge of the arena, the next player and his Pokémon seem to have just played.

Before Xiao Zhi and the others could react, a mushroom kangaroo waved an extremely fast white fist, completely playing the enemy between its palms.

After three rounds, finally, with a sonic punch, he successfully took away the opponent's rumbling stone.

"Longlongshi loses his ability to fight, and Ye Yue player wins!"

Following the judgment of the referee, Ye Yue took back his bucket hat mushroom with satisfaction and walked out of the iron fence slowly.

The high-attack and high-speed Dou Li mushroom is the most suitable for this 1v1 spike flow.

When they went out, they stared blankly at the three of Xiaozhi.

"Xiao Zhi, I'm looking forward to the showdown with you~!"

So Ye Yue greeted the three of them from a distance, and left without stopping too much.

Now it's just an appetizer, and the big challenge that follows has just begun!
(End of this chapter)

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