He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 760 Blue's Request

Chapter 760 Blue's Request

2 "Tell me, what's the matter?"

In the soul space, Chi Wen turned to the woman in front of him.

Bi Lan and her are old partners for many years. Although they occasionally stab themselves, they are all companions.

If it was Blue's request, Chi would still agree.

"Hee hee~"

Bi Lan chuckled lightly, without seeing the outside world, her body directly leaned over.

All the way, it was so close to Chi, less than a few inches.

Face to face, a pair of sly and beautiful big eyes, staring straight at Chi.


Chi didn't move, and there was no wavering on his face.

Although the nose seems to be able to smell the faint fragrance of Bi Lan's body.

But now they are clearly in a state of soul without substance, where did the perfume come from?
"Okay, I do have to ask you for a big favor~"

Seeing that Chi was still looking like a piece of wood, Bi Lan finally sighed and said lazily.

Compared to pretending to be a wooden man, no one is the opponent of Chi.

"Didn't you find me a body-building embryo last time?"

Chi nodded slowly.

Even in reality, Xiao Zhi, who was watching the show at the same time, nodded.

Before, Xiaolan went to Manjin City, where there is the largest breeding house in the entire city.

Among them, there is a huge crystal of Variety Monster, which is a special substance accumulated by dozens of Variety Monsters in a few years.

It's useless, but it can be used to create an ever-changing, freely deformable body material.

Blue is naturally very satisfied with this embryo.

Compared with any god-level body, a body that can be deformed at will is the most suitable for her.

It's just a crystal of ever-changing monsters, and it's a dead thing anyway. If you want to truly transform into a body, the first and foremost thing is to give it life vitality.

So Bilan thought of the legendary gods related to life.

One is the King of Gold, the God of Gold.

The second is Xerneas in the Kalos region.

The sky in the Carlos area is far away, so Bilan plans to ask Ho-oh from the Joto area to help.

The last time she heard Ash said that they seemed to have had contact with Ho-oh.

"No problem, Big Blue, I really won Xiaozhi from New Town!"

In the sky above the soul space, there was Xiao Zhi's loud voice, without hesitation.

Bilan's business is Xiaolan's business. As a good friend who has played together since childhood, Xiaozhi is bound to do so.

"Thank you~Xiaozhi~"

Xiao Lan looked at Xiao Zhi gratefully, with a bit of moisture around her eyes.

Before you know it, Xiao Zhi has become very reliable now.

It seems that she thought of something, which made Xiaolan even blushed, but she quickly turned her head and covered it up.

in the soul space.

Red and Blue looked at each other.


Since Xiao Zhi agreed, Chi naturally agreed.

"But this matter should be postponed, at least at the back of the Silver Conference."

Chi suddenly spoke up.

"Hey! Brother Chi, I have two days off after the round robin, and we can stab Ho-wang when we're down."

Xiao Zhi quickly suggested.

With the help of Chao Meng, it is completely possible to teleport freely in the Chengdu area.

As for helping with Ho-oh's arrogant personality, it is estimated that he will not help.

Just stab it to suppress it.


Chi ignored Xiao Zhi and just looked at the woman in front of him flatly.

In this silver conference, he didn't want Xiaozhi to be distracted, thinking of stabbing Howang halfway.

Concentrate on the game, what else is going on, wait until the game is over.

"Then wait until the game is over~"

Bi Lan is an indifferent hand.

She is in no hurry.

As long as Xiaolan can create a body before she gets married, it is enough to separate the family.

Bilan didn't expect that time, Xiaolan's future husband, directly put the two sisters together.

After all, it is estimated that there are still 7, 8 years, or 10 years + time.

"Sister Bilan, what does Shuangfei mean?"

Feeling Bi Lan's thoughts, Xiao Lan couldn't help but wondered ignorantly.

She knew that the "double-wing" trick appeared in the Galar region, but what was Shuangfei?

Blue: "."

Too violent, she didn't explain.
Next, Xiao Zhi and his party went out.

The three of Xiaolan teamed up and began to eat, drink and play in Baiyin Town without any psychological burden.

This time, the celebration of the Alliance Conference gathered here all kinds of delicious and fun things in the entire urban area, and it was a lot of fun.

And Xiaozhi, who had Pikachu on his shoulders, turned to a place where no one was around, and released all the Pokémon he was about to play as a last relaxation.

The group round robin format is divided into groups of three.

Each person fights with the other two people in the group in turn, and each battle is a 3v3 competition rule.

2 points for a victory, 0 points for a loser, and 1 point for a draw. Finally, the cumulative score will be used to determine who will enter the next round.

This will reduce the number of 48 players entering the round robin to the remaining 16, which is the top 16 of the Silver Conference.

What Xiao Zhi pursues is naturally two battles, all victory!


Back at the Pokémon Center, he looked at his three little friends, holding big bags of souvenirs in his hands, and a garland around his neck. His face was flushed, but Xiao Zhi shook it helplessly. Shaking his head.

"Dangdang~! Players, tomorrow's group round-robin match list is out~ Every computer in Baiyin Town can check it~"

Hearing the sound of the announcement coming from above the hall, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly ran to his room.

The three of Xiaogang were also curious and quickly followed.

Turn on the computer, open the official website of the Silver Conference skillfully, retrieve the target, and land on him.

"Xiao Zhi is in the third group, and the opponents are Chunyi and Xiaomeng."

Seeing the opponent's name, which he didn't know, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

He didn't plan to meet Xiao Mao or Ye Yue so early.

So Xiao Zhi hurriedly sat down in front of the computer and began to search for the information of tomorrow's players.

It is estimated that at this moment, the other two are also searching for his information.

"Di. Junyi of Ruoye Town."

This is a brown-green short-haired boy.

This guy is in a small town with Dr. Kongmu. It is estimated that the initial three families were brought from him.

Sweeping the latter Pokémon, the head is a geranium, it seems that this is Junyi's initial three family.

There are nearly 10 Pokémon in the back, there is no specific attribute classification rule, and there are various kinds.

"A polygon trainer like me."

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows and pressed another trainer's name.

"Di. Xiaomeng from Kaji Town."

This time, it was a red-haired girl with double ponytails and a clear blush on her cheeks.

As for her Pokémon, most of them are fiery red, and they are standard trainers who are good at fire attributes.

The head is a second-stage flaming rock rat, which has not evolved into a flaming beast.

Followed by a series of fire Pokémon.

Not only that, but Xiaozhi also noticed that there was an electric shock beast hidden in Xiaomeng's team, which seemed to be a secret weapon for anti-restraint.

Little clever ghost.

"Is this my opponent?"

In Xiao Zhi's heart, the fiery fighting spirit began to ignite.
(End of this chapter)

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