He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 770 Vs 3-in-1 Magneto!

Chapter 770 vs. Three-in-One Magneto!
"Please, help me defeat this turtle!!"

Soon, Junyi has his second Pokémon.

Kamui is a Pokémon in the Kanto region, and this is the first time he has seen it.

The red light flashed, and what appeared in front of Chunyi this time was a Pokémon composed of three small magnets, formed in a triangle, with a faint arc lingering on the surface.

"Is it a three-in-one magnet?"

Although it's an Electric-type Pokémon, Ash didn't plan to replace his Kamui.

The reverse attribute is still playing!


But at this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly became suspicious.

An ordinary three-in-one magnet monster, the body surface should be pale silver with a little blue-blue color scheme.

But this three-in-one magnet monster of Chunyi has a pale yellow-green body, which is quite strange.

"A Glitter Pokémon?"

Ash muttered, he was more inclined to this guy, and dyed his Pokémon.

"Kami turtle, let's keep fighting!"

Immediately, Xiaozhi opened his mouth and pointed, Kamui also stared at him, blinking his bright big eyes, looking forward.

The battle begins!
"Magneto, use triple attack!"

Junichi took the lead in attacking.

I saw the three heads of the three-in-one magnet monster, accumulating energy at the same time, turning into a pure white triangular energy cannonball.

At the tip of the triangle, there are energy breaths of "ice", "fire" and "electricity" respectively.

This trick is an old traditional craft of three-headed Pokémon.

"Kami turtle, use the wave of water!"

So Kamui threw a blue water energy bomb with his backhand, which collided with the triple attack in the center of the arena.

Boom! !
In the end, it was evenly matched and turned into a violent explosion.

Kamui's water fluctuations were learned from Xiaoxia.

"Damn, this Cammy turtle."

This scene made Chunyi's face change again.

The level of Kamui Turtle is much higher than his three-in-one magnetic monster, and a single blow of ordinary water fluctuations blocked half of his big moves.

"In that case, use the cannon!!"

Junichi attacked again.


In front of the three-in-one magnet monster, the silver-white metallic silver light condensed and turned into a beam of silver lasers.

However, Kamui didn't dodge or dodge, so he took a full blow with his flesh tortoise shell.


When the smoke cleared, Kamui was still upright and his head was shining brightly.

General effect.

Steel-type has no effect on water-type Pokémon, let alone the level of the two before, there is still a gap.

This is the ultimate humiliation.

"Damn! Then use the electromagnetic gun!!"

Chunyi roared and activated the three-in-one magnet monster's ultimate move.

Following the accumulation of energy in front of the latter, a rough turquoise laser energy beam suddenly blasted out, breaking the sound barrier with majestic power.

This trick is even more powerful than the thunder trick!
This time, Kamui didn't dare to refill the cup, and hurriedly rolled over to the side next to him, easily dodging the lightning laser.

The electromagnetic gun was still on the ground behind him, blasting a huge gap.

Take this blow hard, even if it doesn't feel good.

The power of the electromagnetic gun is strong, but the hit rate is lower than that of thunder, so it should not be too easy to avoid.

In the process of rolling, Kamui opened its mouth and spit out a precise version of the water gun in a posture of falling to the ground.


The water gun was bombarding one of the eyes of the three-in-one magnetic monster, and the hit rate was extremely accurate.

This is the action of a veteran firefighter.

No matter what kind of environment the body is in or what action it makes, the water gun can perfectly hit the target and achieve precise strikes.

"Hey, the hit rate of the electromagnetic gun is useless~"

Chi just chuckled.

This mocking gesture made Chunyi blushed and raised his hand.

"Since that's the case, it's a lock-on trick!!"

After locking, the next trick is guaranteed to hit.

Generally, it is a front swing move with high power and low hit rate.

"Kami turtle, use hot water!"

However, Kamy Turtle moved faster, directly spewing out a stream of water filled with white smoke and steam, pouring out of the sky, covering the front of the three-in-one Magneto.

Zizizi! !

A harsh, high-pitched voice sounded, causing the three-in-one magnetite to let out a whimper.

Although hot water is a water-type trick, the additional scorching effect is like a fire trick that restrains it, and it is extremely painful.

"But it's over, the three-in-one magnet monster, use the last electromagnetic gun!!"

The corner of Chunyi's mouth was raised, fierce light revealed, and he shouted loudly.

The locking trick is completed, and the green light for locking has already lit up on Kamui's head.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, that blue-yellow lightning energy laser beam roared out again!

This time, the angle of the electromagnetic gun is tricky, and it seems to have intelligence, and it is specifically staring at the direction of the Kamy Turtle.

"Kami turtle, use high-speed spin to escape!"

Xiao Zhi quickly instructed.

After eating this blow, even Kamui will have a candle in the wind.


The Kamui turtle immediately retracted its limbs and head into the turtle shell, and rotated at a high speed on the spot.

Whoosh whoosh!
The turtle shell even began to levitate rapidly.

Whoosh! !

And the yellow-green lightning laser in front also shot quickly.

You dodge to the left, it goes to the left, you go to the right, it also goes to the right, giving you no chance at all.

Even the distance between the laser beam and the turtle shell is still getting closer, and it seems that it is about to be caught up.

"Kami turtle, hold on!"

Xiao Zhi's voice sounded from behind.

At this moment, Kamui's body shape and the direction of the electromagnetic gun have been completely reversed.

The rotating tortoise shell in front, and the electromagnetic gun chasing behind, all aimed directly at the source of the three-in-one magnet monster, and flew away quickly.

It seems that Xiaozhi wants to use the way of others to do good to him.

"Humph, no."

Chunyi is full of confidence.

At this moment, the speed of the electromagnetic gun is undoubtedly much faster.

At this speed, it will only hit Kamui first, not its three-in-one magnet.

Whoosh! !

Approaching the limit distance, the distance of the electromagnetic gun is already less than one meter away from the Kamui turtle.

In the spectator seats, many spectators even stood up subconsciously, as if they were Kami Turtles and were racing extreme racing.

At this time, Xiao Zhi raised the corner of his mouth and said:

"Right now, use the water cannon!"

The next moment, several incomparably strong water currents spewed out of the mouth of Kamui's turtle shell.

Boom boom! !

The strong water flow suddenly increased the speed of the Kamy Turtle's high-speed rotation, and suddenly pulled away from the electromagnetic gun.

This is a unique water cannon activation mode only for Ash's Kamui.

High-speed rotation · water cannon!
Immediately afterwards, with the impact of the water cannon, Kamui's figure suddenly rose to a height.

And the electromagnetic gun can't turn the corner at this moment, because the three-in-one magnetic monster is less than one meter away from it.

Boom! !

The powerful electromagnetic gun completely exploded on the three-in-one magnetic monster!

"Three-in-one Magneto!?"

Chunyi was completely dumbfounded by this set of extreme operations by Kamui, and stared blankly at the explosion in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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