He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 777 vs Nighthawk!

Chapter 777 vs Nighthawk!

"Night owl?"

Xiaozhi looked at the big brown bird in front of him, and then looked at the gray-brown ox with curved horns in front of him.

"Oh~! I didn't expect Ash to send Kentaro, is that the Bull King?"

In the audience, Dr. Ogi's eyes were shining.

Xiao Zhi captured a total of 30 Kentaros, and the strongest among them was this Bull King.

All the other cows barked, but this one barked twice every time.

The three tails forked behind him also have the magical effect of driving the movement of the other 29 Kentaro.

The other people were also interested in seeing Ash using Kentaro for the first time.

on the field.

Before the battle started, Lance's face turned black.

The characteristic of his nighthawk is tinted glasses, that is, when his own trick does not work well for the opponent, the damage will be doubled.

It's just Kentaro in front of him, but it's a pure normal-type Pokémon.

In addition to the attribute restraint of the fighting attribute, the mutual immunity with the ghost attribute
No matter which move is next, it will double the effect of the standard standard.

This is equivalent to directly abolishing the characteristics of his owl nighthawk.

So Lance didn't hesitate, raised his hand to hold the Poke Ball.

"Come back, cat head."

"Kentaro, use the roadblock!"

At this moment, Ash suddenly growled loudly.


Kentaro raised his head to the sky and let out a roar of bull.

The red light of the Poké Ball just acted on Nighthawk Owl, and a large red fork also appeared on the former.

The red light dissipated, and the recovery failed.

Looking at the boy in the peaked cap opposite, his straight eyes seemed to have regarded himself as a Kaizi.

He is the future successor of the Rockets!
"Damn, this kid"

Before Lance could finish speaking, Kentaro had already pressed his head, and his limbs were galloping on the ground.

The tip of the horns on the top of the head flashed with a cold light.

This is its best corner hit trick!
"Owl Nighthawk, use the air blade!!"

Lance quickly instructed.

Xiaozhi: "."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Zhi suddenly looked at the former with the eyes of a fool.

To his Kentaro, cast the air blade?
Are you playing with fire?
Lance: "?"

Nighthawk's wings swung out, and several white energy blades flew out, and then slashed heavily on Kentaro's head!
After leaving a faint white mark, he temporarily interrupted the latter's horn hit trick.

Even though Kentaro was already running fast, he still hit the target, which shows that the owl's eyes are sharp.


Seeing this, Xiao Zhi shook his head in disappointment.


Kentaro let out a high-pitched cry, and this time, he actually used a slamming trick and charged towards Nighthawk Owl again.

"Owl Nighthawk, use supernatural power to control it!"

Lance quickly instructed.

Now he has regarded this Kentaro as a mindless bull, who can only collide.

Owl Nighthawk's eyes glowed, and the blue-light thought power that spread out acted on Kentaro.

The strong control force actually interrupted the latter's sprint and froze in place.

Although Owl Nighthawk is not a super power-type Pokémon, it has a head with extremely high mental power, and it will not lose to the general super power-type Pokémon when it comes to the power of mind power alone.

Xiao Zhi calmly said:

"That is to attack with sacrifice!!"


Kentaro let out a roar, and this time a burst of golden light erupted from the surface of his body, an incomparably tyrannical force that directly broke through the latter's psychic control.

The limbs and iron hoofs ran and trampled quickly on the ground, the whole ground was shaking, and the smoke was billowing.

This looks like a golden light tank, which also made Dr. Damu in the stands nod again and again.

He knows Kentaro best.

A Pokémon like Kentaro, as long as you keep running, the level can be continuously improved
Horsepower, equal to grade.

There is a group of Kentaros running all day, which makes the backyard of his institute always full of enthusiasm.

"In that case, use the power of the moon!!"

Lance tried again to get in the way.

Kentaro's sprint from the horn, to the slam, to the current sacrificial attack, is the same bull sprinting action, but the strength is completely different.


The night owl fluttered its wings, and the tip of the wing condensed a pink energy light ball, and finally hurled it out.

And Kentaro didn't even think about dodging, and performed a self-defeating attack, like a stunned blue.

Boom! !
The power of the moon exploded at Kentaro's head and turned into a good energy smoke.

Whoosh! !
It's just that the smoke hasn't dissipated, and a golden bull figure suddenly burst out of it.

The forelegs stepped on the ground and jumped high, leaping all the way into the mid-air nearly five meters high.

Just rushing straight towards the owl nighthawk, it looks extremely scary.

"Get out of the way!!"

Owl Nighthawk hurriedly used all his strength to flap his wings and lift into the air, which was able to evade this blow and sacrifice himself.

call out.!
It's just that, it was still wiped to the side, making Nighthawk's eyes squeeze.

"The power of this guy"

Lance's face was serious, he was really hit by this Kentaro head on, even if he didn't die, he would be left in the wind in an instant.

"In that case, use hypnotism!"


Owl Nighthawk's eyes shone with a strange light, turning into circles of blue ripples, spreading out towards the surroundings.

Its attack is extremely precise.

Obviously, hypnosis is a trick with a low hit rate, and Kentaro has been running fast on the ground, moving at high speed, and still being successfully hit.

"Moo moo."

The next moment, Kentaro closed his eyes, bent his limbs, and fell asleep on the spot.

It went to sleep.

Seeing this, Lance's eyes began to show the fierce and fierce light of the Rockets.

"Then kill it all at once and use Divine Bird Strike!!"


Nighthawk roared loudly, and this time, it was its turn to burst into a burst of dazzling golden energy.

For a time, this made Nighthawk's posture extremely sacred, like a divine bird.

Wings pressed, constantly accumulating power.

Divine Bird Slam, this is a move that requires one round of charging.

Not only that, Nighthawk's eyes were sharp, scanning the parts of Kentaro's body, as if looking for which part of the latter's body was the weakest.

Lance intends to hit another divine bird that can hit the key by the way, so the time to charge up this time is even more than one round.

He wants to set the battle situation all at once!


On the opposite side, Xiao Zhi just stood there quietly, without saying anything, and his eyes were not shaken in the slightest.

"Strange, I remember that Kentaro, he mastered the snoring trick, right? Why doesn't Ash use it?"

In the viewing seat, Dr. Damu raised his eyebrows in doubt.

Kentaro runs at a high intensity during the day, which also makes him sleep very sweetly at night.

Over time, in his sleep, he mastered the trick of snoring.

This is an attack that can be launched even while sleeping.

Just looking at Xiaozhi's indifferent expression below, Dr. Damu couldn't see what the former was thinking.
(End of this chapter)

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