He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 780 Advancement, round of 16!

Chapter 780 Advancement, round of 16!

"Emperor Blue, use frolic!!"

Lance launched a second attack.

The pink-skinned dog roared, and a flash of pink light burst out on the surface of its body, making it look a bit cute.

This is somewhat inconsistent with the ferocious head of Emperor Bruce.
The footsteps stomped on the ground, and the surroundings of Emperor Blu turned into a pink ball of light, rushing towards the target.

It's a pure goblin-type Pokémon, and this trick is quite powerful.

"Stop it, Heracross!"

Xiao Zhi didn't choose to dodge, but took it head on.

Fighting Pokémon is by nature.


Heracross raised the insect arthropod arms in a defensive posture.

Klang Keng Kaka.!

Hilarious slammed into Heracross head-on, and with a strong force, pushed it back three meters on the spot.

The diffused fairy energy made the latter groan for a while.

The effect is outstanding!

Fairy attributes restrain fighting attributes.

Not only can Huang Huang's own attributes perfectly resist the latter's attacks, but his own attacks can also perfectly restrain the opponent.

Even so, Heracross still stood firm.

"Right now, use the double return!!"

After Xiao Zhi's words fell, Heracross had raised his head, and at this moment, the fist part of his right arm had a strange green light energy.

Boom! !
Heracross's fist smashed right into Emperor Bruce's cheek.

It's so close, it's impossible to dodge.

This blow contains the double power of playfulness.


King Blue's big dog's head shifted out a huge arc in an instant.

"Emperor Bruce, then we'll use tit for tat!!"

Lance suddenly shouted in a low voice, his eyes hard.

The next moment, King Blue also waved a fist the size of a sandbag, filled with dark black energy, and punched Heracross on the cheek.

The same tyrannical force made Heracross's head sway sharply.

After the two of them fully exploded their power in their fists, they closed their hands, and their figures flew backwards at the same time.



One move fell, and Heracross and King Blue roared provocatively to each other.

There is a red fist mark on his face.

They are both power-type Pokémon and prefer head-on collisions.

"The strength of this Blue Emperor is not low. It seems to be this guy's trump card."

Xiao Zhi looked up and down the pink-skinned dog.

Although in terms of strength, there is a gap with the Blue Emperor of Hades, but it is already very powerful.

"Emperor Bruce, use flaming teeth!"

At this time, Lance launched the attack again.

The sharp fangs protruding from the lower jaw of the Blue Emperor burst into a violent flame, and his body rushed forward, as if to bite everything.

Although the characteristic of this Pokémon is not the "strong jaw" characteristic that can increase the bite force, the power of this flaming tooth also exceeds the ordinary power.

"Heracross, use brute force!"

Xiao Zhi responded quickly.

Heracross's arm vibrated, and the surface of the dark blue insect shell was fiery red, and transpiring white smoke faintly floated outward.

Facing the flaming fang dog, Heracross narrowed his eyes and raised his palm.

In the extreme state, tightly grasped on both sides of the big mouth of King Bruce.

The strength that brute force gave Heracross to block the opponent's attack so abruptly.

The fierce flames were clearly in front of them, but they were frozen in place, unable to advance or retreat.


Emperor Bruce's face changed, and he found that at this moment, with his own strength, he could not break free.


With a violent roar from Heracross, brute force erupted!

Abruptly, he threw the huge and heavy body of Emperor Blu, which was nearly 2 meters high, and threw it out.

Appearance, extremely fierce.

When Emperor Blue got up again, there were several more scars on the surface of the powder skin.

His tongue stuck out from the corner of his mouth, and he kept breathing.

On the opposite side, Heracross was still standing with a tall horn, his expression unchanged.

"What a powerful force."

Lance's mind was broken by this troublesome bug, and he whispered:

"Emperor Bruce, then use close combat!!"

Full attack!

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up.

"Heracross, we also use close combat!!"

The next moment, the two Pokémon at both ends of the arena sprinted towards each other with a kick at the same time.

Heracross and King Blue waved their bodies and began to attack each other frantically.

fist, arm, head, torso, knee
At this moment, every organ part of the body is turned into a fierce weapon, with terrifying power, attacking each other.

The action is very fast and dense.

In the blink of an eye, the two had collided for several rounds.

None of them retreated, and they used their full force to blast out to maximize the strength of close combat.

The situation has come to a state of turmoil.


It's just that the more he fought like this, the more gloomy Lance's face became.

With the continuous melee combat, the state of his own King Blu continued to decline, and the speed of his movements also became slower.

On the other hand, the big blue beetle on the opposite side has become more and more stable, and its movements are orderly.

The advantages of Heracross are constantly expanding.


Finally, Heracross seized the opportunity and flew forward, hugging Emperor Bruce's thick waist in an embracing posture.


King Bruce still doesn't know what's going on.

The melee combat that lasted for several minutes had already made it a little dizzy.


On the other hand, Heracross spread the insect wings behind him, grabbed Emperor Blu, fluttered his wings, and came into the air.

Then the trajectory turned around and circled under the vertical plane in the sky.

call out.!

call out.!

One lap after another, this also made Heracross's kinetic energy continue to accumulate.

In the eyes of countless audiences, the trajectory of the former seems to draw a blue earth out of thin air in the sky.
Xiao Zhi on the podium stretched his fingers to the highest, and then pointed heavily to the ground.

"It's over, the last blow, use the earth cast!!"

he growled loudly.


Heracross's movements were interrupted, and he flew vertically to the ground with King Blue.

He tightly grasped the black ring on the neck of Emperor Bru, and finally smashed it into the air!

In an instant, the figure of Emperor Bruce fell like a cannonball!

In the end, it fell heavily on the ground.

Bang bang! !

Under the heavy blow, the ground cracked, and the cracks spread around.

The explosion sounded like thunder.

Violent vibrations, aroused thick smoke and sand billows, obscuring everything.
After a few minutes, the smoke cleared.

At one end of the arena was a gravel ruin, and in the center was a big pink dog who fainted.

On the other side of the arena, Heracross raised his arms and stood tall at a right angle that was more than one meter long from the top of his head.

A proud attitude like a gladiator who wins a ring fight!
Victory and defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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