He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 789 My Disciple, Isn't It A Satyr?

Chapter 789 My Disciple, Isn't It A Satyr?
"Haha, Xiaogang, this is the second time our master and apprentice meet, let's talk, I can give you any gift you need!!"

Dressed in a white training suit with a shirtless upper body, Master Shiba, with his thick palms, was patting the shoulders of a dark-skinned teenager, speaking arrogantly.

Beside the latter, there were also two young girls standing.

It's just that the expressions of the two of them looked a little stunned.

It is Xiaozhi's good friends, Xiaogang, Xiaoxia, and Xiaolan.

It turned out that King Shiba knew that his apprentice had also come to Baiyin Town, so he came over to say hello.

After all, this was Master Shiba's first apprentice for so many years.

The former is very concerned about Xiaogang.

Xiaogang's aptitude is extraordinary, and the will of the rock is extremely deep and firm, which is very consistent with Xiba himself.

Master Shiba even planned to use the former as his only closed disciple.

No, as soon as he arrived at the Pokémon Center where Xiaogang stayed, he was recognized by a group of people, and there was no small movement.

And in the countless envious eyes around, Xiaogang's eyes narrowed, and he looked at his teacher, his expression suddenly became serious.

"Teacher, I do have what I want!"

Hearing that, Xiba patted his thick chest and said carelessly:

"Come on, even if you want a legendary Pokémon, my teacher will try my best to help you catch one!"

It's not impossible, it's just a little more difficult.

After all, conquering the legendary Pokémon is more difficult than defeating and conquering them is how to encounter these Pokémon in the first place.
So Xiaogang said seriously:
"Yeah! I want your colleague, Tianwang Lihua's autograph and full body photo!"

When the words fell, the previously noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

Even the King of Heaven, Shiba, froze in place, the corners of his mouth twitching.

As expected of the disciple I value, it was a punch, and I was stunned.
The situation seemed a little weird.

Shiba asked Lihua for an autograph. They were all colleagues, but it was not a big problem.

But also a photo.
Or the whole body.?

Looking at his disciple again, with a serious look in his eyes, a drop of sweat suddenly fell on Xiba's forehead.

"My disciple, shouldn't it be some kind of pervert?"

"No, no, it should be pure worship of the strong!"

"My vision can't be wrong.!"

Finally, Shiba nodded and left with a gloomy expression.

He is thinking now, how to ask his colleagues to ask for it
However, Xiao Zhi, who was watching the play in the crowd, had his eyes lit up.

As expected of the teacher Gang that I value, he can make a heavenly king feel overwhelmed by opening his mouth!
"Hey~ Xiaozhi, did you go out to play~"

At this time, Xiaolan noticed Xiaozhi, and smiled and said hello.

"Well, I just went out for a walk, and by the way, I subdued a different-colored nighthawk, and I also met the Tianwang Lihua."

Xiao Zhi replied casually.

The three of Xiaolan: "?!"

You have walked around here, and the things you have experienced are really casual enough!

The next day, afternoon.

On the main arena of the Silver Conference, the remaining 4 battles were still in full swing.

Today is the second half of the round of 16.
As for the morning battle, Ash didn't watch it at all.

He has already determined that the strong Xiao Mao will inevitably defeat all his opponents in the lower half of the competition, so the battles of others are no longer important.

It is worth mentioning that the battle of Xiao Mao was the last match of the round of 16.

It happened that the first sequence with Ash was in the farthest position.

At this moment, on the arena, Xiao Mao, who was covered in a black robe, had already set foot on the battlefield with his opponent at the same time.

Because Xiao Mao only used that terrifying wind speed dog.

Therefore, the opponents sent this time are all water-type Pokémon.

Sun Coral, Octopus Bucket
Just attribute restraint, in the face of the huge disparity in levels, has no meaning at all.

In less than a few rounds, the sun coral and the octopus barrel were easily swept out by Xiao Mao's mighty wind speed dog.

"Is it still that combination of fast and smashing, and the last blow of the big character explosion? It's a terrible person."

Xiaogang frowned.

And that trainer seemed to have long known the strength of his opponent, but he still gritted his teeth and released his third Pokémon.

The third one is a thorn dragon king, which does not seem to be of low level.

"Feng speed dog, use super speed."

This time, Xiao Mao opened his mouth rarely.

At the moment of speaking, the red and black figure of Fengsugou had turned into a blue light, completely disappeared in place, and moved ghostly.

"Thorn Dragon King, use the tide spin trick to protect yourself!!"

The Dragon King was immediately in front of him, causing bursts of water to flow.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

It turned into a monstrous water current and rose into the sky, forming a huge water tornado.

Fully protect your body in it.

"The wind speed dog, the big characters burst into flames!"

The words fell, the blue light flashed, and the wind speed dog seemed to appear out of thin air.

The teeth spread flames, and they opened their mouths and spit out a mighty flame, which turned into a huge flame character and roared out.

Boom! !

The large-character explosion flame and the tide whirl collided together.

The high temperature flame constantly turned the liquid water flow into white steam and slowly flew up.

The white air that filled the sky also covered the entire arena.

In the next moment, a surging crimson light appeared on the surface of the wind speed dog's body.

It looks similar to flames, but completely different.

In an instant, a majestic dragon's roar seemed to be heard in the ears of everyone.

The wind speed dog stepped on, bathed in the terrifying red light of dragon energy, accompanied by the brown-yellow mane that danced backwards, and slammed into the thorn dragon king.

Reverse scale! !
The crimson dragon attribute energy came out in full force and completely acted on the Thorn Dragon King.

The effect is outstanding! !
The huge body of the Thorn Dragon King was suddenly knocked out and smashed heavily on the edge wall.

When the white steam dissipated, there was only a mighty and domineering lion-headed dog left on the field, roaring in the sky.

The Dragon King on the other side had already fallen to the ground, unable to continue fighting.

"The Dragon King lost his ability to fight, and the wind speed dog won. The winner of the eighth round of 16 is Xiaomao from Zhenxin Town!!"

The referee hurriedly said.

The arena, once again entered a noisy and boiling attitude.

Such a battle scene, they seem to have known each other.

"Fast speed, smashing, big characters bursting flames, reverse scales?"

Xiao Zhi temporarily knew the four tricks of this wind speed dog.

It's absolutely violent.
Recalling last night, Tianwang Lihua's evaluation of Xiaomao.

"Damn, how did this guy suddenly become so powerful!"

Xiao Zhi scratched his head, and unconsciously, he became irritable.

 Thanks for the 500 coin reward for the super high school level Tucao! !

  Thanks to the book friend 20180626105* for the 500 coin reward! !

  Thanks to the book friend 201907271192* for the 100 coin reward! !

(End of this chapter)

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