He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 795 The top 8 match, vs Ah Jin!

Chapter 795 The quarterfinals, vs Ah Jin! (Four)
"Is it the young Kiras from before?"

Ajin put his eyes on the gray-blue sand chrysalis in front of him.

When the latter was still a Pokémon egg, he had improved his talent by touching it with his hand.

Unexpectedly, today, it will become an opponent against himself.

But if it is the final form of Banquilas, Arkin may still be afraid
It's only Shakilas in the second stage, Akin is full of confidence.

"Shakilas, fight with all your strength!!"

At the rear, Ash cheers for his encouragement.

Now his Shakilas, the experience value has almost reached the threshold before evolution.

Xiao Zhi let it defeat this hot beast and complete the final evolution.

After all, Shakiras is a promising Pokémon in the future. Once he transforms into the quasi-god Banquiras of the third stage, his power will increase by leaps and bounds.


Only 1v1 now!

The fight begins again.

"Firestorm beast, shoot flames!!"

"Shakilas, use the wave of evil!"

When they started, the two stood at opposite ends of the arena, turning the energy in their bodies into violent flames and black folded halos, lashing towards each other.


The flames collided with the black waves, and the air waves were stirred up layer by layer, stalemate in the center of the arena.

"Firestorm, let it see our true power!!"

Following Ajin's low roar, the firestorm beast's gaze froze, and the power of the flame beam in its mouth doubled in an instant.

Bang chi chi.! !
The terrifying flame attack easily resisted the opponent's attack and pushed back abruptly.

Finally, at the location of Shakiras, completely explode and destroy! !
In terms of strength, there is still a big gap between the two.

Just as the smoke dissipated, at that location, Shakilas had disappeared.

In place, only a gravel pit remains.

"Did the digging trick escape?"

Akin calmly raised his hand and pointed.

"Firestorm beast, attack the ground under your feet!"


The firestorm beast roared, raised its fist, and was about to smash it towards the ground below.

This blow wasn't even a unique move, it was simply a physical attack.

Just wait until the fierce fist of the firestorm beast is about to fall to the ground.

The ground several meters around the body, the originally hard rock, suddenly became soft.

It seems to have turned into soft sand, which made the fist of the Firestorm Beast sink in for several inches, completely unable to exert force.


Not only that, but even the ground on the hind legs of his own feet turned into soft sand, which made the Firestorm Beast bewildered.

Xiaozhi raised the corner of his mouth and suddenly said:

"Shakilas, use quicksand hell!!"

The unique trick of digging a hole will cause huge damage to the self in the ground when it encounters ground vibrations.

Then I completely change the composition of the ground so that it cannot cause vibrations!

Xiao Zhi has long thought of a means of defense.

At this moment, Shakilas was completely invisible.

Wow wow wow.!
But the sand and soil on the ground seemed to have wisdom and began to tremble out of thin air.

It turned into a sand claw, clinging to the hind limbs of the Firestorm Beast, and climbing up step by step.

The surrounding ground has gradually turned into a vortex of sand, and the target must be completely dragged under the sand.
Not only that.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Above the head of the Firestorm Beast, countless rubble condensed out of thin air, and just fell from the sky, smashing the former to cover it up.

Rock fall! !
This is a double-sided attack from above and below!
Since the quicksand hell is a continuous attack trick, as long as the initial starting move is released, Shakilas can ignore it and focus on releasing the rockslide.

This is not regarded as releasing two unique moves at the same time.

A rock attribute move that can definitely produce a critical hit on the Fire Beast.

"Hmph, do you think such an attack will be effective?"

However, Ah Jin's expression did not change in the slightest, and he did not take this set of punches in his eyes.

"Then let them see your power, firestorm beast, volcanic eruption!!"


The next moment, the furious low roar of the Fire Beast resounded throughout the entire arena.

Bang chi chi.! !
The flames that erupted from the back, in an instant, stacked up to a height of nearly 3 meters.

The whole body, as if it had really transformed into a ferocious volcano, was filled with a terrifying aura.

The powerful aura made it easy for the Firestorm Beast to break free from the shackles of the quicksand hell.

The flames that burst out from the back, from the center, billows of smoke.

Boom boom.! !
The huge lava flowstones turned into substance like this, and spewed out from the back of the Firestorm Beast.

It collided with the rock avalanche stone above, and under the disparity of power, the rock avalanche turned into pieces in an instant.

These lava flow stones follow a parabolic trajectory, rising to the highest point, and then falling with a strong firelight.

The attack range is the entire field!

Rumble.! !
Rumble.! !
Dozens of lava boulders fell on the ground at the same time, which made the entire arena tremble violently, filled with endless gunpowder smoke.

This stance is more like a firestorm beast, using the "Dragon Star Group" trick, and its power is extremely powerful.

"A terrible power"

It was Xiao Zhi, who couldn't help but exclaim at this moment.

This kind of power completely surpassed his Fire Beast.


The violent shaking of the ground finally made Shakilas frown, and he had to eject from the ground.

It was forced out.

When the target was found, the Firestorm Beast turned into an afterimage and flew away.

He landed on all fours and flew, and when he was close to a distance of two meters, he suddenly raised his forelimbs and jumped high.

"Use Hell Thrust!"

Ah Jin and the Firestorm Beast seem to have merged into one.

The latter's forelimbs and claws are close together, covered with dark black energy rays, in the shape of spikes.

Unable to dodge, Xiao Zhi can only choose to carry it head-on.

"Shaquilas, use the iron wall to block it!!"

Shakilas's eyes narrowed, and a burst of metallic light appeared on the surface of the blue-gray body, turning it into a hard shield!


Infernal thrust hits Shakiras in the abdomen head-on.

Under the iron wall, it was deadlocked for less than three seconds, and the Firestorm Beast's arm exerted force in the second segment, and its fist smashed out, directly smashing the latter out a few meters.

This fierce flame Pokémon, even after the end of the hell thrust, retracted both claws to its chest at the same time, as if gathering energy.

An orange-yellow energy bomb quickly took shape.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Firestorm Beast threw it away!

Infuriating bomb!
There was no stalemate in the movements of the Firestorm Beast.

The same goes for Ah Jin, who is standing behind him. There is an incomparable trust between the two.

Shakilas didn't have time to defend and dodge, and his backward figure was hit directly by the infuriating bullet.

Boom! !
A loud noise exploded, and in the smoke, Shakilas' figure retreated again.

The effect is outstanding!

After finishing the unstoppable combination of punches, Ah Jin finally calmed down a little, and said with a bit of ridicule:
"Xiaozhi, it seems that your Shakilas can't defeat my Firestorm Beast."

(End of this chapter)

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