He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 805 Semifinals! vs Maroona!

Chapter 805 Semifinals! vs Maroona!
Boom! !

The flames on the back of the Firestorm Beast burst out.

The terrifying volcanic eruption clung to the bamboo hat mushroom almost at zero distance.

The volcanic flow stones all smashed on the body of the bucket hat mushroom.

With an incomparably tyrannical force, the Dou Li Mushroom couldn't resist at all, and the body flew out so violently.

Although it is not a full-bodied volcanic eruption, such a close distance is not inferior in terms of damage.

"Douglas mushrooms!!"

At one end, Ye Yue shouted anxiously.

It's just that as the bamboo hat mushroom fell, he couldn't get up again, his body was covered with scorch marks from the flames, and his eyes were swirling.

With its fragile body, it simply cannot withstand such damage.

"Battle mushrooms can't fight, Firestorm wins!"

As the referee's voice fell, Xiao Zhi took the lead in winning the first place in the semi-finals.

"Douli mushroom, I made a mistake"

Ye Yue sighed softly and silently took back the bucket hat mushroom.

He was in a hurry.

If he adopts the tactics of steady and steady action before, the victory of this battle should be his.

"It's hard work, Firestorm Beast, come back for the time being."

However, on the other end, Xiao Zhi also took back the Firestorm Beast.

"The strength of this hot beast is so-so, but its explosiveness is not bad."

On the viewing seat, the old god Ah Jin said in a presence.

Soon, the trainers on both ends of the field looked at each other and threw their second Poke Ball at the same time.

The battle has just begun!
With two crisp sounds, two Pokémon appeared in front of them.

The second Pokémon sent by Ash is the grass-type Yusan family in the Seongto area - Geranium.

This guy has yet to appear at this Silver Conference.

It has finally evolved to the third stage. On such occasions, Ash decided to send geraniums as his secret weapon!

This guy, when he was in Silver Mountain, realized new abilities.

As for Ye Yue, there was a pitch-black upright little beast with a red crown standing on its head.

The face is like hair, and the ends of the arms are a pair of sharp scythe claws.


Xiaozhi was surprised.

In the last quarter-final match, when he saw Ye Yue's Majula, it was still Niura's state.

Unexpectedly, it has only been three days, and it has evolved?

Ye Yue touched his nose and smiled smugly.

This wild Pokémon he captured when he passed by the Silver Mountain was originally a very high level.

But a Pokémon like Nura is not a normal level evolution, but requires special evolution conditions.

In order to fight against Xiaozhi, Ye Yue naturally went all out, and spent a lot of money to buy an evolution item - Sharp Claws overnight, and completed the evolution of Majula.

After the evolution, Majula's qualities have been improved in all aspects, especially in the latter's speed and strength.

Marula is an extreme fast-attacker, and her body is even more fragile than the last one.

But looking at the grass-type geranium in front of you, the ice-type Majula is not only a dragon slayer, but a grass-type Pokémon like this one punch!
"I won this game!"

Ye Yue is certain.

"Oh~ yes, my geraniums are very meaty!"

Xiao Zhi on the other end, also said confidently, not to be outdone.


This adjective makes Geranium quite dissatisfied.

It's just that it twisted its slender head and looked at Xiao Zhi's eyes, but it was as tender as a wife.

It's a geranium now, and even if it's angry, it doesn't show it directly as it did in the bay leaf period.

Xiaozhi: "."

The battle begins!
"Majula, use boulders!!"

At the beginning of the game, Marula immediately condensed a slender and sharp ice cone in front of her and threw it out quickly.


The speed is extremely fast, hitting the geranium in an instant, and bursting into ice chips on the latter.

The effect is outstanding!

This move is a flash of lightning of the ice attribute, which is a preemptive trick.

"Next, use Frozen Wind!!"

Ye Yue launched a second attack.

Maroon waved her arm and spit out a cloud of ice-blue mist that covered it away.

"Geranium, use the wall of light!"

Xiao Zhi responded quickly.

Open the defensive wall first.


As Geranium's head flicked, a translucent wall of air condensed in front of her.

The ice fog fell on the wall, and because the power was too weak, it could not even penetrate the wall, and was blocked outside.

Marula is an extreme physical attacker, and the power of special attacks is really fun.

The Frozen Wind originally did not intend to cause damage, but to reduce the speed effect of the latter.

"If that's the case, then use Frozen Fist!!"

So Ye Yue chose a frontal attack!
"Geranium, use reflective walls!!"

Ash hurriedly instructed the latter to open a wall that could resist physical attacks.

But the geranium's head had not yet begun to shake.

Ma Laura's petite figure turned into a black streamer, and within a few breaths, she had already rushed to the front of Geranium.

The right paw clenched into a fist, and the surface was covered with shuddering ice energy
It was with her high speed and frozen fist that Marula became a dragon slayer who was as famous as Mari Luli, and her power should not be underestimated.

Whoosh! !
Frozen fist, is bombarding Geranium's waist.

The latter is not even enough to display a reflective wall.

Marula's speed is definitely not something that a huge Pokémon like Geranium can keep up with.

The effect is outstanding! !

The power of icy cold spread out, from the point where Marula's fist and Geranium's body contacted, it froze into ice and spread around.

"Majula, use Frozen Fist continuously!!"

Ye Yue's attack has not stopped.

Since the effect is outstanding, it will be A until death! !

Maroon let out a low voice, this time both fists were covered with terrifying ice and snow energy and bombarded continuously.

The Frozen Fist hits again and again, and as the ultimate output hand, Majula's damage is extremely objective.

When it was just surprising, the geranium groaned, but why?
Not a single step back?
Frozen Fist, no effect?
The next moment, Xiao Zhi suddenly instructed:

"Right now, Geranium, use Ultimate Drain!!"

Seeing Geranium abruptly resisting the punch of the Frozen Fist, her forelimbs slammed on the ground.

Immediately, emerald green energy vines burst out of the ground at an extremely fast speed, directly entangling Marula's petite body.

As the green vines tightened and exerted force, the red light that the energy sucked also shrouded Marula's body.


The force was not too light, making Niura groan.

It was just about to struggle, but the vines it finally absorbed locked its key parts, and its body couldn't break free at all.

On the contrary, the green light that symbolized healing lit up on the geranium in front of him, constantly recovering the damage of the frozen fist.

And it seems that the effect of the previous frozen fists does not seem to be particularly good?
Such a gesture made Ye Yue vaguely think of a possibility.

"Thick fat properties?"

But soon, he shook his head again.

Geraniums are unlikely to have the property of being thick-fat.

unless hung up.

(End of this chapter)

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