He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 807 Semifinals! vs Big Steel Snake!

Chapter 807 Semifinals! vs Big Steel Snake!
Facing the big steel snake with a terrifying and ferocious body in appearance, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but ask aloud:
"How is it, do you want to continue fighting?"

Successfully taking away a Pokémon from the opponent has met Ash's expectations, and the geranium can be replaced at any time.


Geranium just gave a high-pitched cry, her eyes fixed, and she stared straight at the behemoth in front of her.

Naturally, Xiao Zhi would not reject the latter's fighting intent, and immediately waved his finger.

"Then go on, Geranium!!"

Big Steel Snake, he fought once in the Shallow Onion Gym, so he is quite experienced in dealing with this kind of Pokémon.

On the other side, Ye Yue took the initiative to attack. "Big Steel Snake, use Sandstorm!!"

After the words fell, the steel snake's hideous metal body with thorns began to spin in place.

hoohoohoo! !

Even the dim yellow sand flew out.

Accompanied by strong winds, within a short while, a huge sandstorm engulfed everything on the field and covered up the tracks.

Da da da.!
See the sand of the sandstorm falling on the surface of the geranium's body, causing continuous damage
"Geranium, use a wall of light!!"

Xiao Zhi quickly instructed.

Geranium shook her head, this time the transparent wall was not in front of her.

Instead, it turned into a translucent film, covering the surface of his body.

Da da da.!

The sand in the sky was afraid that it would hit the surface of the light wall and make a crisp sound, but it could not actually land on the geranium.

It's just that although the damage of the sandstorm has been eliminated, the blurred vision problem remains unresolved.


At this time, a huge black shadow suddenly burst out from the sandstorm in front of Geranium.

Unconsciously, the shape of the big steel snake was less than three meters away from the geranium.

At this distance, the big steel snake only needs to bend its head to launch an attack.

"Big steel snake, right now, use flaming teeth!!"

Ye Ye shouted loudly.

The next moment, a raging flame erupted from the jagged teeth of the big steel snake.

The huge figure, condescending, pressed down.

The terrifying flaming teeth bit the geranium directly.

The flame energy spread out, causing a raging hot wind.

The effect is outstanding!


Even the tank, like the geranium, could not help but let out a whimper.


The big steel snake let out a roar, bit the target's head and danced wildly, and finally slammed the geranium out.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yue immediately understood and smiled.

"It seems that the thick fat of this geranium is only aimed at the ice attribute, and the fire attribute is still outstanding."

The effects of the sandstorm have not completely disappeared.

"Big steel snake, use the iron tail!!"

Ye Yue sent out a stormy attack.

The next moment, a thick metal iron tail, carrying a majestic force, hit Geranium's forehead heavily.

Along the way, the air is split, and the momentum is terrifying.

The force of this blow was enough to split the entire arena in half.
"Geranium, use the vine whip to dodge!!"

Xiao Zhi shuddered and gave instructions quickly.

After taking this blow, it is Geranium, and it is estimated that it will not be able to fight on the spot.

This move has nothing to do with attribute restraint, and the power is strong enough to destroy everything!
clap clap!

I saw two vine whips flying out of Geranium's neck, and then slapped the ground violently.

With the reaction force, the geranium suddenly jumped to one side, avoiding the menacing steel tail.

With the current size of Geranium, the speed is not high, and it is difficult to dodge attacks.

And the steel tail fell on the ground, and immediately whipped out a huge gravel gully, the movement was frightening.

This made Geranium and Xiao Zhi couldn't help swallowing.

"In that case, use the heavy step!!"

Ye Yue immediately changed his mind.

In terms of speed, it is also not the advantage of the big steel snake.

The big steel snake nodded, raised its tail again, and hit the ground.


In an instant, the entire arena began to vibrate.

Although the magnitude is not as exaggerated as the previous steel tail.


It's just the geranium that just landed, and the body was receiving such vibrations and fluctuations, and couldn't help but let out a groan.

As the vibration dissipated, Geranium's body lit up with a blue light that symbolized the weakening of her ability.

Its speed dropped.

Stomp is a unique trick, which has the effect of reducing the speed of all targets that are subjected to shock.

Whoosh! !

Before the geranium could react, it was another huge black shadow that suddenly broke apart from the sandstorm.

This time, the big steel snake turned into a golden light tank and charged towards the geranium.

The terrifying force dragged out a ravine half a meter deep on the ground.

Give yourself a collision! !
The power is so great that the sandstorm that filled the air above the stadium disappeared in an instant!

Boom! !
And Geranium's figure was also sprinted by this golden light, like a mantis arm acting as a car, and was instantly knocked out.

The size of the two also makes the strength of the two completely different!

No one can stop the sacrifice of the big steel snake!

Even after the big steel snake dissipated the golden light on its body, it raised its head and roared on the field again.

The shiny metal body structure surface does not even have the arc of retaliation caused by the collision.

"DiDi. The characteristics of a big steel snake, with a hard head, can be immune to the counter-injury effect when performing counter-injury moves."

Xiaozhi's picture book, quickly reminded.

one end of the arena.

"What a powerful force."

Looking at the flamboyant metal snake in front of him, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but admire.


Geranium struggled to get up, and there were already many scars on the surface of her body.

This made his limbs a little weak at the moment.

In the end, he was hit hard, but with the fleshiness of the geranium, he could barely hold on.

But if it hits again, it can't stand it.
"Can you still fight?"

Xiao Zhi asked worriedly.


Geranium straightened her severely injured body, raised her slender head, and her eyes were extremely hard.

It's rare to come out once, how can it take away two Pokémon and end up!

Although the evolved geranium has become soft and tender, but the victorious and stubbornness of the chrysanthemum leaf period is still engraved in the bones.

"Then keep fighting!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were fixed, his body and mind were completely focused on the arena, and his fingers waved violently.

"Use trouble seeds!"

The geranium understood, and with a flick of its head, a brown seed flew out.

Before touching the target, the brown seeds burst open in the air, turning into a strange group of light, covering the big steel snake, unable to prevent it.

Under this group of light, the big steel snake quickly shook its head and blew it away.

The next moment, the heart of the big steel snake became inexplicably excited.

But there seems to be something missing from his head.
Even the silver luster on the big steel snake's head has become a lot dim.

Anxiety Seeds, which can force the target's trait into a "sleepless" trait.

Xiaozhi's idea is very simple, let's get rid of this troublesome stone head feature first.

(End of this chapter)

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