He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 816 Semifinals!Victory and defeat!

Chapter 816 Semifinals!Victory and defeat!

"Fire-breathing dragon, use explosive flames!!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi chose this fire attribute big trick.

This move is still the ultimate move from Dr. Damu's research on the initial three imperial families in the Kanto region.


The fire-breathing dragon roared, and its figure flew at a high speed in the air for a while, and finally hit the ground, and its raised fist slammed into the ground below.

Boom boom.!!
Immediately, the entire sand ground seemed to be injected with the power of flames, turning into a volcanic purgatory.

Countless clods of lava broke open, revealing the fiery flames seeping below.

In the end, it stretched out all the way towards the Flaming Chicken! !
Ye Yue from the Fangyuan area didn't know about this move, so he quickly said:

"Flaming Chicken, use the sky-high fist to block it!!"

The flaming chicken jumped high, and the raised right fist used all its strength to slam into the ground in front of him.

Immediately, the strong force also blasted out a ruin on the ground, spreading the shock wave toward the front.

The two attacks from the ground collided, but the difference in strength between the two was a little different, and the stalemate was less than a while.


The flame purgatory of the exploding flames slammed open the punch of the soaring fist, and slammed into the flame chicken behind.

"Just peel."

The impact of the scorching heat wave made even the Fire-type Flaming Chicken couldn't help but let out a sullen groan.


It's just that the fire-breathing dragon on the other end froze in place, unable to move.

Although there is no damage from the explosive flame, it will have a stiff time for one round, which is equivalent to destroying the death light.

"Good chance! Flaming chicken, use Flaming Kick!!"

Ye Yue hurriedly attacked.

The flame chicken resisted the pain on his body, and immediately kicked in the air, carrying the flames of the soles of his feet, and kicked the fire-breathing dragon's belly fiercely.


The strength and flames caused the fire-breathing dragon to groan for a while.

But this blow also made it come back from the rigidity immediately.

"Hold it!!"

Ash didn't give up casting on Earth.

The fire-breathing dragon rushed forward, and was about to grab the flaming chicken in his hand.

"Use Bounce to dodge!!"

The flame chicken's body turned into a ball, and it bounced violently and flew backwards, opening a distance in an instant.

"Catch it, don't let it run away, use your wings to attack!!"

However, the action of the fire-breathing dragon is equally tyrannical.

The wings shook, and this time, they kept up with the jumping pace of the flaming chicken.

Immediately, he raised his white light wings, looked down from above, and swept away to the side below.

Boom! !
With a strong roar, the flame chicken's body was immediately smashed into the sand not far away.

The effect is outstanding! !
"Right now, fire-breathing dragon, use Flare Charge!!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi used the fire-breathing dragon's second flame move! !


The figure of the fire-breathing dragon hovered in the air for a while, and the next moment, the surface of the body was covered with a layer of blue dazzling flame coat, and it slammed towards the flame chicken below.

The attack could no longer be dodged, Ye Yue clenched his fists and shouted loudly:
"Flame Chicken, we also use Flare Charge!!"

The next moment, the surface of the flame chicken's body was also covered with blue flames, turned into a big fireball, and blasted towards the attack that fell from the air!
Flare Charge, on the Flare Charge! !
Boom! !

Two fiery blue fireballs collided, and there was a terrifying roar immediately.

Blue flames splashed and danced around.


Covered by the flames, the specific appearance could not be seen at all, but the roar of the fire-breathing dragon could be heard.

The next moment, the fire of the blue flame above doubled, and the blue fireball below suddenly fell down.

"Right now, fire-breathing dragon, hold it!!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly spoke up.

The fire-breathing dragon understood, and the blue flames around his body dissipated instantly, revealing his own fire dragon figure, and dashed out towards the backward flame chicken.

The outstretched dragon claws, this time, finally held the flame chicken firmly in front of him.


The flaming chicken struggled again and again, but the overwhelming force made it difficult to break free.



On the skin of the flaming chicken and the fire-breathing dragon, arcs lit up.

This is the anti-injury effect of Flash Charge, but at this moment, neither of them has time to care about this.


The fire-breathing dragon has grabbed the flaming chicken and flew up to an altitude of nearly 20 meters.

咻. 咻. 咻.! !
The body shape, began to draw vertical circles, and quickly rotated again and again.

The accumulation of each lap also increases the flying speed of the fire-breathing dragon.

An azure blue earth phantom gradually appeared in everyone's sight, which was truly strange.

"Flaming chicken, use the flame vortex!!"

Ye Yue is still trying to struggle.

Throwing on the earth is not a very powerful move, isn't it?
Why does this guy seem to regard throwing the earth as a big move?

But Ye Yue didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly said.

The flaming chicken, which was swirling with it, immediately opened its beak and spewed out a burst of flame, trying to stop it from continuing to fly.

Boom.! !
The flame vortex made the trajectory of the two of them fly, turning into a flame ring, covering them completely.

"Fire-breathing dragon, we also use flame vortex!!"

At this time, the flying fire-breathing dragon with a dragon mouth also spit out a flame.

And the power of the flame is even stronger, even completely swallowing the flame of the flame chicken!

In the end, the flight speed accumulated to the extreme, and the fire-breathing dragon suddenly broke the flight trajectory and charged vertically towards the ground.

Along the way, with a fiery flame halo.

The fire-breathing dragon just held the figure of the flame chicken and slammed on the ground! !

Cast on Earth! !
Boom boom.!!
The deafening roar made the entire Silver Conference venue tremble violently.

The center of the move aroused a strong impact, and the energy turned into black smoke that spread out.

And the flames that followed one after another turned into a huge fire tornado, soaring into the sky.

Everyone was shocked by this exaggerated blow, and they didn't react for a long time.

The trainers at both ends of the arena were just staring at the arena in the black smoke.

They know, maybe it's already decided
After a few minutes, the cloud of smoke cleared.

The entire sand field was smashed into a pit more than two meters deep, and the surrounding sand was even completely washed away, revealing the bare rocky ground.


At this moment, at both ends of the arena, in front of Xiao Zhi and Ye Yue, two figures are also standing.

The flame chicken was covered with scars, gasping for breath, trembling, but his eyes were staring at the fire dragon in front of him.


The fire-breathing dragon also had the same expression.

It's just that there are not many scars on the latter's body.

At this time, the flame chicken suddenly squeezed his eyes, and the flames at his two wrists slowly extinguished. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, and his figure just fell on the sand.


On the contrary, the fire-breathing dragon fluttered its wings violently, and the flame at the end of its tail instantly burst into a fiery fireball.

It can still fight!

Victory and defeat!

"The flaming chicken loses its ability to fight, and the fire-breathing dragon wins!!"

"Because Ye Yue's six Pokémon are all incapacitated, the winner of this semi-final is Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town!!"

The referee's voice sounded meticulously.

(End of this chapter)

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