Chapter 824
At this private celebration banquet, only the two of them came to the king.

Aju doesn't like lively scenes.

Kazuki had an illusion of the future, feeling that he might not be able to see the sun tomorrow when he came here today.

Today is a good day to go to bed and get up early.

Champion Du is going to sit in Baiyin Town and cannot escape.

This is a public place in Baiyin Town, and originally it could not be lent to private parties for banquets.

But at the moment, both protagonists are star players who have reached the finals.

There was even a very high-ranking Doctor Omu, as the initiator of the banquet, he naturally lent them all the kitchen props and so on.

People like Ah Jin, Chrissy, and Ye Yue were all at the banquet.


And Xiaozhi's eyes fell on a certain direction at the banquet.

A brown-haired, spiky-haired boy was shaking a tall wine glass in his hand, looking elegant.

His eyes were also looking at him meaningfully. "Xiao Mao."

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows and walked slowly forward.

If the banquet is held after the end of the final, then there will inevitably be one person destined to lose, and the atmosphere will inevitably look awkward and strange.

Therefore, Hanako and Dr. Ogi chose to advance the celebration banquet before the finals to congratulate them on entering the finals.

Anyway, no matter who wins in the end, the victory belongs to their true new town.

"Yo~ isn't this Xiao Zhi? Long time no see~"

Seeing Xiaozhi approaching, Xiaomao took the initiative to say hello.

However, the faces of both of them had a somewhat unnatural look.

Since the beginning of the Silver Conference, this is the first time the two of them have approached within five meters.

The two seem to have been deliberately avoiding each other, and it is only now that they meet face-to-face for the first time.

"Hmph, Xiao Mao, the winner in 3 days will be me!"

Xiao Zhi directly declared war on the latter.

"The tone is not small, but this time, I will win!"

Hearing that, Xiaomao also put away his frivolous tone and said sternly.

The two stared at each other closely, and the fire ignited, as if they were about to fight on the spot.

"Ehhh~! Now it's the semi-final celebration banquet, not the final Hongmen banquet~!"

At this time, Xiao Lan slammed into the middle of the two, and interrupted the hot atmosphere between the two with a smile.



Only then did Xiaozhi Xiaomao turn his head, and the fighting spirit disappeared.

"These two guys are so gay."

Not far away, Ah Jin whispered to Chris.

Chris: "."

"Everyone, today's banquet is to celebrate Xiaozhi and Xiaomao's finals."

Soon, Dr. Damu stood on the high platform and spoke into the microphone:
"Both of them are my proud juniors. No matter who wins the final victory, they will be the pride of Zhenxin Town!"

"I hope that the two of you will do your best on the final stage, and you will have no regrets whether you win or lose!"

Dr. Damu's generous voice fell, and there were bursts of applause at the banquet.

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao looked at each other, the smell of gunpowder on both sides was not so strong, and turned to each other at the same time, the corners of their mouths raised subconsciously.

This made Ah Jin, who was secretly observing not far away, sweat again.

Xiao Zhi noticed Ah Jin and stepped forward to say hello.

"By the way, Master Ah Jin, my egg."

"I'm not gay!"

Ah Jin's expression tightened, and he blurted out his debut, quickly keeping his distance.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Shouldn't this guy turn his back on him and swallow my eggs?
Chris: "."

After being inexplicable for a while, Xiaozhi said hello to the two heavenly kings not far away.

"Miss Lihua, don't forget our agreement."

Xiao Zhi still didn't forget to remind him.

"Ha ha."

Before Lihua could speak, Xiaogang next to him had already hooked Xiaozhi's shoulder, his eyes narrowed into slits, extremely serious.

"Oh? What agreement? My best friend?"

Xiaozhi: "."

"Dangdang block~!"

At this moment, not far away, at the gate of Baiyin Town, on the huge electronic screen above, a picture suddenly appeared, and a festive sound came out.

On the screen, this is the beginning of an introduction to the customs and customs of the Chengdu Conference, as well as the grand occasion of this Silver Conference.

Next, the flashback screen of each player, Xiao Zhi, Xiao Mao, Ajin Yeyue and others, all appeared above.

This made many people at the banquet put down their food and drink and looked at the huge electronic screen.

It is said that this is a special chapter officially launched by the Silver League, a video for the upcoming finals.

Naturally, the avatars of the two quasi-winners also appeared on the screen in the end.

"Three days later, the two finalists of the Silver Conference are friends and rivals from the same town who grew up together."

Narrator, began to introduce slowly.

"Like fate's strongest battle!"

The screen flashed, and there were even many photos of Xiao Mao and Xiao Zhi, only 4 or 5 years old, playing in the mountains and forests behind Zhenxin Town.

"Haha, these photos are all provided by me~!"

Hanako said quite proudly, but did not care that Ash's face turned red again.


This is for the whole world.

That's how I made my childhood photos public.

There's even a photo in it, of a funny face of himself falling down.


However, this low curse was not from Xiao Zhi, but from Xiao Lan next to him.

Because she noticed that every photo of Xiaozhi and Xiaomao when they were young basically had their own departure.

And it's all in a corner.

As if he was like an intervening third party, he silently watched Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao play from behind.

"Damn, terrifying, terrifying.!!"

Xiaolan slammed into his mouth and stuffed a big bun to vent his anger.

Soon, with the beating of the screen, it came to the last link.

Here are two video clips from Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao respectively.

The trash talk session before the game.

Everything on the screen, Xiao Zhi's big head, appeared on the screen.


Pikachu, who was eating, raised his head in surprise.

It's also photogenic!
"I'm not familiar with that guy Xiaomao, his quality is not good, he's a bad person"

"Haha, Xiao Mao's strength is just a piece of trash."

"I'm already thinking about challenging that king after winning the championship."

Soon, Xiao Zhi's series of trash talk also spread to everyone's ears.

Everyone's eyes at the banquet were all focused on Xiao Zhi's face for a while.

Xiaozhi: "."

Talking bad about others behind their backs was also announced on the spot, which made Xiao Zhi almost die on the spot.

He thought it was just an interview for a few people, how could he know it was for the whole world!

Xiao Zhi's head suddenly turned around.

"Don't panic, Xiaomao's mouth is definitely more poisonous!"

"As long as someone is more ashamed than me, then I'm not ashamed!"

Xiao Zhi's expression pretended to be calm, but in his heart he urged his segment to end quickly.

Soon, it was Xiao Mao's turn to interview.

Xiao Zhi's eyes brightened immediately, full of expectation that Xiao Mao would also follow a series of vicious trash talk and die together.


Just watching, the smile on his face gradually began to solidify
(End of this chapter)

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