He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 827 The final battle!The last battle with Xiao Mao!

Chapter 827 The final battle!The final battle with Xiao Mao!
three days later.

The main stadium of the Silver Conference.

Thousands of spectator seats were already filled with spectators.

Little Lanhuazi and the others sat in a line, their faces were rather serious at this moment, and they didn't have the usual giggling at all.

Xiaogang and the others naturally hope that Xiaozhi will win.

As Xiaomao's grandfather, Dr. Damu, although he said that whoever wins is the victory of Zhenxin Town.

But in my heart, I still hope that my grandson can complete this last step.

On the other side, the chairman of the alliance, Damalanqi, and the five champions of the heavenly kings also sat in the center of the stands.

Eyes, also closely watching the field below.

The winner of the two below may challenge one of them to formally challenge the king.

Now just look at their full strength level!
The finals of the Silver Conference are about to begin.

At this moment, the standard ground of the Silver Conference was replaced by a field covered with thick ice after a shock.

The blue-white glacier stone ridges stood up, with a chilling aura.

At both ends of the arena, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao also stood in their respective positions.

Today's Xiao Mao has lost the black cloak he wore in the past.

Wearing the light blue long sleeves, dark blue trousers, and hiking boots at the beginning, the ball-shaped pendant inherited from Dr. Ogi hangs on the chest.



Xiaozhi and Xiaomao didn't say any more trash talk.

no need.

In the eyes of the two, they are extremely determined, and some just have to defeat the latter's fighting spirit!

"The Silver Tournament Finals will be played by Xiao Zhi of Zhenxin Town against Xiao Mao of Zhenxin Town!!"

Soon, a loud narration sounded over the entire arena.

The opponents in the final are two people in the same town, which is extremely rare in the history of the league.

"The rule is a full-scale 6v6 mode. Each player can only actively change the order of Pokemon three times. Once one side loses three Pokemon, it will start to change the venue."

The rules are the same as the games starting from the quarter-finals.

After explaining for a while, standing between Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao, near the edge, the referee also raised his palm.

"The finals, starting now, please release your Pokémon!"

Hearing that, their eyes sank, and in the same way, they threw their Pokémon in front of them.

In front of Xiao Mao was a gray-blue upright Pokémon, huge in size, and the whole body seemed to be covered in ferocious and hard armor.

The abdomen area, with a few light yellow armor.

Thick lower limbs, slender claws arms, and gray-blue thorns on the top of the head and back.

It is clearly in the shape of a monster, but it gives people the feeling of a docile female.

After Nido!
This is a Pokémon from his hometown, a Pokémon that Xiaomao caught near the Viking Forest when he first started traveling.

Because of this kind of Pokémon after Nido, evolution will automatically ligate and cannot reproduce.

Among the ethnic groups, Nido is more responsible for taking care of young children and fighting against natural enemies, and has a strong power in itself.

As for Koichi's side.

A violent roar resounded in the sky above the Ice Arena.

A grey-green giant beast figure stood on the ice.

The gray-blue abdomen and the armor covered on the body should appear thicker.

The thorns and thorns one by one are even more ferocious than Niduo!
With fierce and contemptuous eyes, he scanned the audience.


Xiao Zhi chose to make the quasi-god in the Chengdu area as his first starter.

sassy sassy.!!
Before Banquilas made a move, dim yellow sand was blown up out of thin air on the entire ice surface.

This is the Yangsha nature of Banquilas, and the appearance comes with sandstorms.

Da da da.!
It was just the dim yellow sand that slapped on the two helmeted monsters, Banquilas and Nido, without causing any damage.

The sandstorm has no effect on the ground attribute Nido, everyone is the same.

However, Banquilas has this rock attribute in addition, and his own special defense is due to the increase in the sandstorm.

"Oh, didn't you send your wind speed dog?"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi was taken aback for a moment. The latter was the first time at this conference that the lion-headed dog with wildly dancing mane was not launched.

"Hmph, I said, today I will only do my best"

Xiaomao just answered in such a deep voice, without the slightest smile.

Just as Ash knows the former is powerful.

At this moment, Xiao Mao also knows the opponent in front of him, so he must not be underestimated.

This guy is no longer the character who can catch a carp king in the countryside for a long time.
The battle begins!
"After Nido, use the poison ling!!"

Coming up, Xiao Mao chose the tactic that Ajin Big Needle Bee used before.

After Nido's arm condensed a purple light group, he slammed it to the surrounding ice surface.


Immediately, strange purple energy penetrated into the ice surface.

The Pokémon that Ash will appear next will enter a poisoned state as long as they step on the ground.

"Then try this trick, Banquilas, use the invisible rock!!"

At the same time, Banquilas violently waved his arms and shot out several rubble, and then disappeared into the air without a trace.

The next Pokémon that Xiao Mao appeared on, even if it was flying in the air, would still be hit by the invisible shards and lose part of his stamina on the spot.

The two thought of going together.

"After Nido, use Frozen Wind!!"

At this time, Nito Hou's mouth bulged, and a cloud of blue-white ice mist spit out, spreading it away.It's just that the Frozen Wind hadn't hit yet, and Ash decisively attacked:

"Banquilas, use the wave of evil!!"

Banquilas took a big mouth and spit out countless purple-black annular apertures, which gathered together into a bunch of purple-black laser beams and roared out.

Boom! !

The power is so great that it completely dispels the freezing fog in an instant.

Just as the ice fog dissipated, Nido opened his mouth.

Sizzle bang..!!
This time, it was a blue-white laser snake that was ejected from the mouth by Nido.

Freezing rays! !
Two powerful long-range moves collided head-on in the center of the arena.

The bewitching purple-black and beautiful blue-white finally exploded, turning into thick smoke, spreading from the center of the arena to the surrounding areas.

Evenly matched.

"Is this guy a Pokémon from the main range?"

Before Xiao Zhi finished speaking, a loud noise suddenly came from his ear.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

The next moment, the turbulent waves and the strong water pressure suddenly swept away countless smoke.

After Nido stepped on a huge wave three meters high, he was condescending and came whistling with the waves.


Even though Nido is a ground and poison-type Pokémon, the water-type and ice-type moves are also easy to handle.

In the Kanto region, except for the well-known panacea fast dragon, it is omnipotent and can perform moves of various attributes.

Another Panacea Pokémon is Queen Nido!
In the same way, basically 18 types of moves can be used after Nido.

The surfing trick is a dangerous skill that can produce outstanding effects on Banquilas!
(End of this chapter)

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