He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 830 The Final Battle!Sleeping Kirbymon!

Chapter 830 The Final Battle!Sleeping Kirbymon!
"What a powerful chill."

Such a powerful blizzard made Xiao Mao's eyes tighten.

This Kirby beast is undoubtedly very good at ice and snow attacks, no wonder this guy wants to take it back.

However, even if his wind speed dog had an advantage, Xiao Mao's expression did not relax much when he looked at the flexibly beating Kirby beast on the smooth and thick ice surface in front of him.

"Feng speed dog, use super speed!"

The next moment, the figure of the wind speed dog disappeared again.


The azure light lingered around, and this time, the movements of the Kirby beast were much more flexible.

However, the smooth surface of the ice also made the wind speed dog's super speed, and after a step up, the Kirby beast couldn't penetrate the flaws.


Another headbutt hit.

The Kirby beast was in pain, and immediately turned over and moved in the direction of the attack, and the bear hugged it out.

However, as soon as the blow came out, the wind speed dog had long been ejected backwards, and the Kirby beast fluttered in the air.

"Kapimon, use Blizzard!!"

The whistling wind and snow hurricane spewed out from the mouth of the Kirby beast again, freezing countless air along the way.

"Wind speed dog, hot wind!!"

The wind speed dog can't bear to show weakness, and on the body's fur, fiery red winds fly out of thin air, and they also blast out in front of him.

Chi Chi! !
Ice, snow and flame, also in the storm, collided together.

In the end, two kinds of energies, one ice and one cold, suddenly spread out around, making the entire arena sometimes hot and sometimes cold, which is very contradictory.

Evenly matched!

Even if Blizzard has a disadvantage in attributes, it is still not much inferior.

Even vaguely, to cover the hot air.

"The wind speed dog, the big characters burst into flames!"

In the face of the flames of big characters, this time Kirby did not choose to eat it in vain.

The fist of his right arm was covered with a chilling icy blue light, and then he threw a heavy punch sideways.


It was obviously a big trick with the flame attribute, but under this frozen fist, it burst into countless flames, scattered and disappeared.


Just as the flames dissipated, a violent roar of lions exploded like thunder.

The figure of the wind speed dog, this time, actually rushed forward.

The speed is not as exaggerated as the speed, but the power is extremely fierce and domineering.

The grinning teeth, the majestic lion-headed head biting like that, accompanied by the dancing mane, the kapi beasts were frozen in place for a while.

And the four limbs of the wind speed dog turned into fists, like a gust of wind and rain, madly bombarded the carby beast.

Boom!Boom!Boom! !
Every fist, with a powerful force, made the Kirby beast keep groaning.

Close combat! !

The final blow ended with the fist, and the Kirby beast was violently blasted out several meters, and it slid on the ice.

When it landed, Kirby's face changed back and forth, and half of its knees hit the ice.

The effect is outstanding!

A big move with fighting attributes, this is almost a fatal blow.

Even after the close combat was used up, the surface of the wind speed dog's own body, the tough brown-yellow mane, was visibly withered to the naked eye.

The double defense of the wind speed dog has been reduced.

This is a set of seven wounds.


But looking at the appearance of this kapi beast, Xiao Mao sneered.

This melee attack knocked out at least half of Kirby's stamina!
Not a loss.

Damn, if it weren't for his wind speed dog, he couldn't master the "blocking" move, and he could only choose "bite and hold on", which could not leave the field together.

Now the wind speed dog can already perform a rapid return to exit.

Then it appears again, using the characteristic "Intimidation" to reduce the opponent's output again.


At this time, the Kirby beast suddenly took out a large yellow tree fruit from its own fur and swallowed it directly.

This is an item carried by Kirbymon.

Devouring it down, the original 2/5 of the stamina value is now 3/5.

more than half value.

This also made Xiao Zhi make a decision, and immediately instructed:
"Kapimon, use the belly drum!!"

Kabimon understood, raised its bear paw, and began to slap its belly continuously.


Every time it beats, it will forcefully take away part of its physical strength, and in return, it will increase the physical attack of Kirby beast by one level.

After the five belly drums were beaten, Kirby's 3/5 stamina value also reached the 1/10 position.

It entered the Candle in the Wind reload.

At the same time, Kirbymon's attack power has also reached its peak.

At this moment, the stubby bear's paw contained a frightening physical strength.

Even an ordinary punch has the power of a million-ton boxing!

"Want to decide the winner in one go but did you forget something?"

Xiao Mao suddenly sneered and attacked:
"Feng speed dog, use super speed!"

This is a preemptive move that is faster than a flash of lightning, a god-level harvesting head.

How dare you plan to break the boat in front of an opponent with "super speed"?

"Hmph, I didn't plan to sink the boat."

At this time, Xiao Zhi snorted coldly and quickly said:

"Right now, Kirbymon, use sleep!"

True, the speed of the gods is fast.

However, the speed at which the Kirby beast falls asleep is faster than the speed, which is a memory from the blood.

The speed of the wind speed dog has not been fully displayed, and the heavy body of the beast collapsed to the ground with a pressure on the eyelids.


He fell asleep before he even fell to the ground.

The blessing of the sleep move also made the stamina of the Kirby beast restored to a healthy green blood in an instant.


He came a step late and slammed into the big belly of Kirby, who was sleeping soundly on the ice.

Although the strength is strong, the Kirby on the water is motionless, and even rebounds the attack of the wind speed dog.

"So that's the tactic?"

Xiaomao frowned, swelled up to sleep, then got up and pushed the team with full power?

However, the stamina of the Kirby beast is obviously impossible to receive the two close combat of the lower wind speed dog.
"Wind speed dog, use melee combat!"

After the words fell, the wind speed dog rushed up again, its limbs turned into fists, and it was about to blast towards the kabbi.

"Kapimon, use Snoring!!"

However, at this moment, the Kirby beast opened its mouth, and the snoring sound in its mouth was amplified hundreds of times in an instant, and it was like bursts of explosions.

The terrifying shock was so shocking that the wind speed dog had to stop and froze in place.

Kirby, dragged its first turn.

This is a move that Pokémon can perform while sleeping.

Wait until the wind speed dog wants to perform close combat for the second time.

"Right now, Kirbymon, use Sleep Talk!!"

Xiao Zhi's eyes lit up, and he said suddenly.


The Kirby, who was sleeping soundly on the ice, stood up suddenly like a zombie when the wind speed dog came to him.

He closed his eyes tightly and fell asleep completely, but a cold blue-white light already appeared on the fist of his right arm.
Frozen Fist! !

The Kirby beast punched and slammed into the close combat of the wind speed dog.

The power of the Frozen Fist, which is completely full of physical attacks, has already surpassed this fighting-type big move.

Kirbymon in sleep state is the strongest state!
Boom boom boom! !

The unstoppable force hit, and the dog's eyes widened for a while, and he was a little overwhelmed.

In the next second, the entire body exploded out under the terrifying frozen fist! !
 Thanks for the disillusioned 200 coins reward!
  Thanks for the 100 coin reward of salted fish without culture!
(End of this chapter)

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