He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 839 The final battle!Come to the desperate Xiaomao!

Chapter 839 The final battle!Come to the desperate Xiaomao!

Whoa whoa whoa! !

In midair, a huge water vortex hit.

The coverage is so wide that it covers almost half of the arena, making it difficult to dodge.

"In that case, Giant Claw Mantis, use the sword dance!!"

The giant pincer mantis knew it, and he chose not to dodge or dodge in the face of the whirlpool, but raised his double pincers high and rotated at a high speed on the spot.

shhhhhh! !

The high-speed rotation of the sword dance turned the giant pincer mantis into a blood-red spinning top.

There is even a phantom of a sword suspended above, which is really infiltrating.

And the strong vortex water flow is constantly being cut apart under the sword dance, completely unable to touch the body of the giant pincer mantis, dragging it into the vortex entanglement.

"Bidi, take a good look at its movements!"

At this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly issued a strange instruction.


Bidiao let out a loud cry, and a pair of eagle eyes were bright and dazzling, embarrassed.

Whoosh! !
The next moment, Bidiao had wings for a while, and his body rushed directly into the whirlpool.

While the giant pincer mantis was still spinning in the sword dance, a figure that looked like a swimming fish quickly attacked from below the whirlpool current.

Wow wow wow!

Carrying the countless water currents around it, it turned into its own propulsion force, and the speed of the latter's upward rush skyrocketed in an instant.

Whoosh! !
In the end, Bi Diao hit the bottom of the giant pincer mantis so fiercely.

Climbing the waterfall! !

Even the whirlpool has been mastered, and Bidio naturally mastered the trick of climbing waterfalls.

Sword Dance defends against attacks from all around and above, but the weakest position is below the giant pincer mantis.

Immediately, countless water droplets burst, and the figure of the giant pincer mantis was smashed and flew out.

Compared with the surrounding audience, he was completely dumbfounded by the move of this big bird.

Xiao Mao's face was much calmer, which was to be expected.

Sure enough tools.

"Giant pincer mantis, hurry up and stabilize your body!"

Xiao Mao quickly instructed.

"Bidiao, use the storm!!"

As Bi Diao continuously flapped his wings, a strong storm flew out of his wings and turned into a spiraling tornado.

Wow wow wow.!!
The wind was so strong that it pushed the body of the giant pincer mantis and retreated to the ground.

"Cannon Cannon!!"

The double pincers crossed by the giant pincer mantis lifted up, the body was in the center of the storm, and it shot up a silver-white laser suddenly!
"Use hot air!!"

The wing movements of Bidiao's wings have not changed, but the color of the flying cyclone has suddenly changed, turning into a fiery red.

The fiery flames and heat waves roared out along with the storm, turning into flaming wind knives.

Pop pop! !

The temperature of the hot air was so high that it pushed the steel-type light cannon backwards.

Finally, when approaching the position of the giant pincer mantis, the hot wind burst violently, and the high-temperature heat wave was immediately at that position, whistling out towards the surroundings.

The effect is outstanding! !
Four times of restraint, even wiping it to the side, made the giant pincer mantis frown, and his whole body was hot.

Whoosh whoosh! !

The hot wind in the sky has just dissipated, and a fiery red, like a flame phoenix, swooped down from the sky.

"Bidiao, use the brave bird to attack!!"

Ash growled loudly.

Along the way, Bi Diao's flight speed accelerated to the extreme, and the color of the flame even changed suddenly, turning into a large blue fireball, which was full of oppression.

This is not the actual flame, but the fierce energy coat generated by the fierce attack of the brave bird, in the form of flame.

"Move at high speed and dodge!!"

Xiao Mao did not dare to face Yong Bird, so he could only choose to dodge.

It's just that the giant pincer mantis has just moved, and the figure of Bi Diao, who has transformed into a big blue fireball, has also changed in the same way, catching up.

The speed of the latter is not inferior to that of the giant pincer mantis.

The figures of the two immediately chased and dodged in the sky, moving quickly.

But the eagle with flight attributes is definitely much higher than a bug in terms of stamina.

After a few minutes of stalemate chasing, the action of the giant pincer mantis slowed down.

Instead, the movement of the eagles doubled, and the blue-colored brave bird attacked and finally caught up with the target!

Whoosh! !

The terrifying power was completely poured out on the giant pincer mantis in an instant.

Brave Birds Onslaught Breaks Out! !
High in the sky, a violent explosion was provoked, and black smoke billowed.

After a few seconds of delay, a crimson figure, even in the smoke, was powerless to fall vertically.

In the end, the giant pincer mantis fell to the rocky ground so violently.

A large gravel pit was smashed, and it was in the center, and its eyes were already swirling. "Bidiaodiao~!!!"

But the eagle in the sky suddenly spread out his wings, raised his head arrogantly, and made a high eagle cry, which is truly extraordinary.

However, Bi Diao also had blue arcs on his body.

This is the anti-damage effect of Brave Bird's Onslaught.

Although successfully took away the other party at one time.

But hitting a piece of steel was not as light as Bibi Diao's injury.

"The giant pincer mantis has lost its ability to fight, this game is a win over the eagles!"

The referee quickly instructed.

This was an extremely long-term 6v6 battle, and he even sweated profusely.

"Take it!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi suddenly waved his fist, his face huge and happy.

Then the current situation is his infinite advantage.

He still has three Pokémon left, Pikachu, Pikachu, and the fire-breathing dragon that has not yet appeared.

Deliberately mastering the mega evolution passed down by Brother Chi, Xiaozhi deliberately left his fire-breathing dragon at the end.

And Xiaomao, but only the last one left.

"Is it Yue Yibu, or is it a water arrow turtle?"

At the last moment, Xiao Zhi did not dare to be careless at all, but held his breath and stared straight at the other party.

This is his closest step to the finish line!

"Come back, giant pincer mantis."

On the other end, Xiao Mao retracted his giant mantis into the Poké Ball.

His eyes swept over the crowded viewing seats around him, and there were bursts of noise.

At this moment, it is undoubtedly the climax of this long game.

Finally, he turned his gaze to the field of rock, opposite Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Mao has come to a desperate situation.

After many battles, Xiao Mao already knew that Xiao Zhi was no less powerful than himself.

Even stronger than he expected.

Under this premise, complete a series of three
"Please, my last partner!!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Mao's eyes narrowed suddenly.

He did not give up, the opportunity still exists!

The Poké Ball in his hand was thrown violently.

The next moment, a huge brown-shell water turtle appeared in front of Xiao Mao.

On both sides of the head, there are also two bunches of huge cannon barrels, and the appearance is sturdy.

Water Arrow Turtle! !

This is Xiao Mao's initial Pokémon and his final choice.

"The battle has just begun, Water Arrow Turtle!!"

Xiao Mao shouted in a low voice, the corners of his handsome face raised.

In the eyes that have always been steady, there is a rare frenzy.


The water arrow turtle also made a low shout, which was in perfect harmony with the former!
This kind of momentum made Xiao Zhi and Bidi in the air not dare to be careless, and assumed an offensive stance.

(End of this chapter)

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