He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 845 The Final Battle!The battle of the king level!

Chapter 845 The Final Battle!The battle of the king level!

The characteristics of the water arrow turtle itself, whether it is torrents or rain pans.

Once the mega evolution is completed, it will be transformed into a super launcher characteristic.

This feature enables oneself to perform wave-like moves, and the power increases sharply!

The fluctuation of the dragon is one of them.

"Fire-breathing dragon, use hot air to block it!"

The mega fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings, and the fiery flames turned into sharp blazing blades that roared out one after another.

In terms of strength, it also far exceeds the hot air move performed by the fire-breathing dragon before.

Boom! !
The two moves collided head-on in mid-air again, and the energy aftermath continued to stir.

However, at this time, the mega water arrow turtle, which was still emitting dragon waves with a cannon on its back, raised both of its arms.


With a low roar, the two small artillery turrets on the back of the hand also spewed out two colorful energy pulses.

Transformed into two smaller energy dragons, surrounded by the waves of the giant dragon, and rushed towards the target.

Dragon Wave! !
With the blessing of the super launcher, not only the strength has become stronger.

With a wave-like move, the mega water arrow turtle can even launch two wisps of attacks through the gun barrel on the back of the hand! !

The sudden surge of dragon waves bypassed the collision with the hot wind in the center, and double-teamed away from both sides of the fire-breathing dragon.

Boom boom! !

In the end, it exploded on the latter's flesh and blood!
Dragon Wave hits!

Around the fire-breathing dragon in the sky, a burst of thick black smoke suddenly erupted, and the figure fell from the air.


Xiao Zhi shouted anxiously.

He had never imagined such a way of fighting.

Although it is not like the X form of the mega fire-breathing dragon, it has increased its own dragon attributes.

However, the damage of the Dragon's Wave still caused a huge amount of output to the Y spray!

call out.
Just when the flame-breathing dragon's figure fell quickly.

"Water Arrow Turtle, use the wave of water!!"

Xiao Mao attacked again.

At this moment, he is extremely serious, and he has not missed any opportunity to attack!


The water arrow turtle immediately raised the barrel and aimed at the falling fire-breathing dragon again.

Boom! !
At the entrance of the cave, a strong pulse of water suddenly spewed out!

The Wave of Water, this time is a wave-type move of the water attribute.



At this moment, not only the large fort in the middle, but the small cannon barrels on both sides of the back of the water arrow turtle also blasted out two strong water pulses.

Features, Super Launcher!
It is different from the huge wave of water that is thick in the middle and rushes straight to the target.

The two waves of water on the back of the hand continued to rotate back and forth in the mid-air, changing the shape of the body, and the trajectory was tricky.

However, as if they were positioned, the targets of the three streams of water were all firmly locating the location of the fire-breathing dragon!

Suffering such a blow may really have an accident!

It is true that the mega evolution has greatly improved the offensive power of the fire-breathing dragon.

But in terms of blood skin and defense, mega evolution has almost no improvement.

"Fire-breathing dragon, face the ground and use the hot air trick!!"

Xiao Zhi responded quickly.

The falling fire-breathing dragon calmed down, and its wings flapped again and again.

Whoohoo! !

The internal measurement of the wings blew out a violent heat breath, and the body shape suddenly rose into the air by the reaction force, and swept towards the sky.

If it is only a few meters away, the fluctuation of water can be firmly locked.

But with Y Spray's slender and fast body, it seemed that he was born to be in charge of the clouds, and the latter rushed up to a height of dozens of meters in an instant.

Three strong streams of water just brushed away.

The wave of water is empty!


The next moment, the fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings, commanding a commanding position, and swooping down in the direction of the water arrow turtle below!

The water arrow turtle just wanted to raise its head to lock on the target, and once again blasted the launcher, the wave of water.

It's just that the sight that catches the eye at this moment is not just a fire-breathing dragon.

And around the fire-breathing dragon, it was a dazzling golden-white sunlight.

It seems that it is completely integrated with the body of the fire-breathing dragon.


The dazzling light made the water arrow turtle's head drop, unable to look directly.

This is a very short time.

Xiao Zhi's eyes were bright, and he seized the momentary opportunity!
"Right now, fire-breathing dragon, use Sunlight Flame!!"

Ash growled loudly.

The next moment, the orange body of the fire-breathing dragon swooping high in the sky turned into a dazzling golden white!
The fiery, high-temperature energy was released from the body in an instant and condensed on the top of the fire-breathing dragon's head.

Whoosh! !
In the end, it turned into a golden-white hot laser beam, whizzing away toward the ground! !
Instant · Sunshine Flames!

It is a sunny day now, and the flames of the sun do not need any buffering and energy storage.

When he was learning mega evolution with his senior, Chibi, Ash had already anticipated his own fire-breathing dragon's opponent.
Xiaomao's initial three families - the water arrow turtle!

Then in the case of unfavorable attributes, the sunshine flame mastered by Chispray is the move that his fire-breathing dragon must master!
Sunlight Flame is a grass-type move, which is difficult for normal fire-breathing dragons to master.

But once the mega evolution is completed, its own characteristics are transformed into sunlight, and the affinity with sunlight is full on the spot.

The study of Sunshine Flames will also push the boat along the way.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, the laser beam of the sun's flames was hitting the water arrow turtle.

The water arrow turtle mega evolved, and it also became a heavy and clumsy fort.

In order to allow himself to perform more powerful moves and offset the powerful reaction force brought by the moves, it almost completely lost his own movement speed.

Boom boom! !

A huge golden explosion erupted around the mega water arrow turtle!

The incomparably scorching heat wave roared out towards the surroundings!

For a time, the faces of all the audience were all hot and fluttering.

Like the sun in the sky, at this moment, it appeared on the field below at close range.

And wait until the smoke from the explosion has completely dissipated.

The Rock Arena, in situ, has become a beach of gravel ruins.

In the center is a huge brown turtle shell.


After a few seconds of delay, the water arrow turtle stuck out its limbs and head and stood on the ground, but at this moment, there were many scars on the surface of the skin.

The effect is outstanding!

This blow of sunshine flames is an absolute blow to it!

On the other side, in midair.


Similarly, Y Fire-breathing Dragon's body also bears the scars left by the enhanced version of Dragon's Wave.

The intensity of the battle between the two was far greater than the high-intensity battle they had been fighting before.
In a viewing seat, at this moment, the champion Du is holding his chest with his arms, his serious and serious face, with a bit of surprise.

In the mouth, it was subconsciously blurted out.

"The battle of the king level!"

(End of this chapter)

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