He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 850 The capital of water, Aldo Mare!

Chapter 850 The capital of water, Aldo Mare!

"By the way, Master Ah Jin, what are your plans next?"

The egg thing came to an end, Xiao Zhi couldn't help asking.

"Oh, I might go to the Shenno area next, where my parents opened a breeding house and let me take care of it."

Ajin rubbed the back of his head with a troubled look.

It's not that I let myself run the business, but that I use my own incubation power to hatch a few high-quality babies there and make a name for the breeding house.

"Oh, I should also go to the Shenno area. It is said that there are many special Pokémon haunting there~"

Chris glanced at Ajin secretly, then lowered her head and said shyly.

"Chris, you are also going to the Shenao area. I heard that the Fangyuan area next door seems to be trying to capture the god of volcanoes. You should go there."

Akin said casually.

In the end, with Chris leaving angrily, Akin inexplicably chased after him as the ending.

Xiaozhi: "."

But what makes him more concerned is that the Fangyuan area is now arresting Groudon?
"Well, after all, Groudon, as an ancient god, comes with a sunny day, which has a great impact on the surrounding ecological environment."

Xiaogang explained.

Groudon's sunshine is much stronger than that of Mega Fire-breathing Dragon, and its coverage is extremely wide.

Xiaogang just watched the news recently.

It is said that Groudon has been circling the waters near the Uzhong area recently, and it seems that he has lost his way and is completely stuck in it and cannot get out.

The long-term sunshine weather has had a great impact on the local ecology.

Experts in the Fangyuan area, together with the well-known "Weather Research Institute" in the area, tried to attract Groudon back to their Fangyuan area.

This caused quite a stir in the local area.

"Is there such a thing?"

The few people next to him were all amazed.

The third person who came to the door today was Xiao Mao.

"Xiao Mao, I have heard from Dr. Damu, do you really want to retire?"

Seeing the person coming, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but speak bluntly.

"Idiot, what are you retiring? It's just a change of dream path."

Xiaomao waved his hand helplessly.

That doesn't mean he's not doing Pokémon battles at all.

All that has changed is an attitude.

When Zeng Jin was traveling, his focus was on the cultivation and battle of Pokémon.

The focus now is on studying the mysteries of Pokémon and the world.

It is still possible to cultivate and fight Pokémon.

"Xiaozhi, the next you, don't be lazy, be careful that I catch up with you one day, then you will be the one who will lose face~"

Xiao Mao said with a smile, which eased the atmosphere a lot.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Xiao Zhi always felt that Xiao Mao seemed to have changed since the end of the finals.

Become more emotionally intelligent?

The little blue next to him nodded in agreement.

The fleas now look much more pleasing to the eye, at least they won't make her have the urge to step on them to death.

"No matter what, I will never lose to you!"

"Hmph, then let's see if you become the Pokémon master first, or whether I will become the most authoritative elf scholar in the world first!"

In the end, the palms of the two were tightly clasped together.

Even though they are in different fields, the two are still formidable rivals.

After the chat was over, the two returned to the topic.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, have you decided on the rules for fighting pear flowers? How many will you play?"

Xiao Mao couldn't help but ask.

Now the two are temporary teammates, and the common enemy is the king of the alliance.


Wen Yan Xiaomao nodded, this is the best strategy.

There is still some gap between them and the mighty Heavenly King.

The greater the number of Pokémon in battle, the greater the gap.

2v2 is undoubtedly the most likely option to defeat the latter.

However, the battle between Xiaomao and Tianwang Kazuki was not a regular Tianwang Challenge.

It should be called an exhibition match, a Pokémon that can play
"A Pokémon?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

The rules of the exhibition match are to decide the winner and the loser.

"Yes, this guy didn't make it to the finals, I'm afraid he's already suffocated."

Xiao Mao's palm was attached to a Poké Ball around his waist, and his eyes became a lot softer.

Moon Ibrahimovic.

When Zeng Jin was in the state of Ibrahimovic, he was a powerful existence on par with Pikachu. This is also Xiao Mao's signature Pokémon.

Before, in order to challenge Kazuki who was further behind, Xiao Mao forcibly held back his Yue Yibu to show his fighting style.

Evil Moon Eevee can perfectly restrain Kazuki, who is good at super power attributes.

Now it seems that Xiao Mao is too arrogant.

If Ibrahimovic is released in the final, maybe it is really possible to completely defeat Xiaozhi.
"Yue Yibu?"

Knowing this, Xiao Zhi looked a little disappointed.

It's a pity that my Pikachu didn't completely decide the winner and loser with this Pokémon.

"Then keep your eyes wide open. Tomorrow I will fight against Kazuki, and neither I nor Yueyi will lose this battle!"

Xiao Mao's eyes were full of fighting intent.

The time of his Tianwang exhibition match is one day earlier than Ash's championship challenge.

Tianwang Kazuki's initiative to challenge, although on the one hand, means to take care of his own emotions, after all, Xiaomao went to provocatively provoked and declared war before the game.

But those who play with super power attributes have a dirty heart.

Since this guy dared to take the initiative to bump into it, Xiao Mao would never be merciful!

When parting, Xiao Mao suddenly took out a few plane tickets from his arms.

"Oh, this was given to me by my grandfather. Let me hand over the plane tickets to Odomare. It seems that there will be a celebration over there in about ten days."

Odomare is a seaside city.

Due to the low-lying terrain, the roads there are covered by sea water, and you have to row between the alleys to go out.

The city, also known as the Water Capital, is a famous tourist destination.

"Hey, Xiao Mao, aren't you going?"

Seeing that Xiaomao threw all the tickets to himself, Xiaozhi asked curiously.

I seem to have heard Dr. Damu say before that when the game is over, invite everyone to a water city for free to relax.

"Oh, I won't go. After watching your game, I will go to the Fangyuan area immediately."

Xiaomao just replied like this, with a hot expression.

In the Fangyuan area, they are now organizing a joint plan to induce the god of fire, Groudon, to return home.
This is now the only ancient god that has been completely exposed to the public eye. With such a grand occasion, Xiao Mao, who had just changed his dream, decided to make it his first stop!
Relax or something, how can there be scientific research stimulation!

Xiao Mao is now eager to study the body of Groudon, the god of volcanoes, and it is best to pull out one or two scales and nails.

"Fangyuan area?"

There was something more in Xiao Zhi's expression.

The Fangyuan area is also the next stop of Xiaozhi's tentative trip.

It seems that this place is related to me, and everyone is talking about this city.

Xiao Zhi's eyes gradually became hotter.
 Thanks Situ Kongming for the 500 coin reward!
  Thanks to the book friend 202102021* for the 200-coin reward!
  Thanks to Gujar for the 100-coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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