He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 853 Heavenly King Exhibition Tournament!

Chapter 853 Heavenly King Exhibition Tournament!

The trash talk session between games is over.

"Yue Yibu, use high-speed stars!!"

Yue Yibu's figure swirled in the air, and countless yellow stars flew out with a beautiful luster.

However, the natural bird still moves instantaneously with an easy blow, completely avoiding the high-speed stars.

Even if it is a must-hit move, once the trajectory difference exceeds 90 degrees, the sure-hit effect will disappear.

"Shadow Ball!!"

Xiao Mao continued to attack.

Yue Yibu understood, raised his forelimbs, and threw a dark purple energy bullet again.


The natural bird moved in an instant, falling ten times with one force, causing the dangerous shadow ball to fail again.


At this time, just above the natural bird that had just teleported and appeared, Yue Yibu's figure had already appeared in that position, as if he was already prepared.

The body rotated a few times in the air, and the short tail behind him lit up with a bright silver light.

Finally fell heavily!

Iron tail! !
Yueyi had already predicted in advance the orientation of the natural bird's teleportation.

“Good timing~”

Seeing this, Kazuki's eyes lit up slightly.


However, the natural bird is still a rapid secondary teleportation, avoiding the sharp move of Iron Tail.

The powerful iron tail, even on the ground, made a gap and crater.

"But now Yueyi, it's impossible to touch me~"

Kazuki smiled proudly.

True, everything is impeccable, both in timing and action.

However, Yue Yibu in the paralyzed state was weakened too much, and the speed was a little worse.

Seeing this, Xiao Mao's expression remained unchanged, and he did not stop the momentum of the attack.

"Yue Yibu, use digging!"

Yue Yibu nodded, and as soon as he landed on the ground, his body suddenly drilled into the ground using the gap made by the iron tail.

Immediately, it sprang out from another place, and the sharp claws pointed directly at the head of the natural bird!
"too slow"

At the same time as Kazuki's words, the figure of a natural bird had already appeared behind Yueyibu.

You predicted my teleportation.

It can also predict Yueyi's movements.

Boom boom! !

As the natural bird fluttered its wings, the violent air slashed sharp blades, all of which bombarded Yue Yibu's back.

The strong force immediately threw the latter out.

"Humph, this battle, there is no suspense anymore~"

Kazuki, the king of heaven, said in an aloof voice.


In front of him, Yue Yibu gritted his teeth and forcibly supported him from the ground.

The attack of the king level, even if the effect is not outstanding, is still uncomfortable.

Just the next moment, Yue Yibu's eyes condensed, and a strong fierce light appeared in the blood-red pupils.

On the black lacquered fur on the surface of the body, the circles of pale yellow light circles lit up with a strange light.

This is the physical performance of Yueyi when he is completely excited.

"It's more than that."

In the distance, Tian Wang Lihua smiled and stared at this pitch-black Pokémon.

She is a trainer of Laoyue Yibu, and what Yueyue can show is far more than that.

She seemed to already know Xiaomao's purpose.

"The battle now has just begun!!"

Xiao Mao's face, a rare condensed expression of arrogance.

"Yue Yibu, strange light!!"

But as soon as those words came out, Kazuki couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

The jet-black light that Yueyi threw out fell on the surface of the natural bird.

Bang bang!

But under a layer of pink film, the strange light burst and bounced easily.

Under the effect of the magic mirror, such a move would not have the slightest effect on natural birds.

"No, what's the purpose of this guy."

Even the Heavenly King Kazuki, it is rare to put away the frivolous color of the past, and his face gradually becomes serious.

Xiao Mao's thoughtfulness is far superior to that of his peers, and it is obviously impossible to make such a low-level mistake.

Although he said it was still far behind, the young man in front of him still put a lot of pressure on him.

Kazuki put away his former frivolity, and his face gradually became serious.

Then get rid of him once and for all! !


On the field, the natural bird's figure flashed and appeared behind Yue Yibu in an instant.

With the height of the upper body, the calm face, the sense of oppression is still very strong.

"Right now, use the signal beam!!"

Kazuki shouted loudly.

The dark green laser beam is instantly launched from the mouth of the natural bird!

In the paralyzed state, Yue Yibu couldn't resist such a fierce sneak attack.

Boom! !

Immediately, the worm-type attack roared out, causing a terrifying explosion of smoke at the target.

In the haze, Kazuki could even see Yue Yibu's figure, the appearance of being blown away.

It's just that the smoke in the center of the arena has not completely dissipated.

In Kazuki's ear, a somewhat mocking voice suddenly sounded.

"Have you forgotten my Yue Yibu and teleported as well?"

Xiao Mao asked slowly.

The next moment, behind the natural bird, a jet-black beast-shaped figure suddenly appeared like a ghost.


The blow that was sure to succeed made Kazuki and Naruto too late to react, and Yue Yibu had already attacked.

He grinned, revealing sharp teeth, and jumped high with a kick.

In the end, it bit hard on the back of the natural bird's neck!
Bite! !
The effect is outstanding!

This is also the part where foxes often bite when they hunt birds.

The Achilles heel of the race, it even produced a crit!


The severe pain from the back of the neck made the natural bird struggle and let out a whimper.

Crushing the move will infiltrate a kind of evil energy into the wound, completely disrupting the natural bird's application of superpower moves.

Unable to use teleportation to break free, the natural bird can only struggle like a powerless chicken, flapping its wings.

"Natural bird, use magic to shine!"

Seeing this, Kazuki hurriedly instructed.

Only then did the natural bird calm down, and countless pink energy fragments blasted out from behind, smearing Yue Yibu's face.

The effect is outstanding!

With the strength of the magic shining, the natural bird broke free from the bondage, flapped its wings, and kept a distance from Yueyibu.


This blow shattered, causing the natural bird's bloody skin to slam down a bit, gasping in place.

And Kazuki's gaze was also directed towards the arena where the smoke was spreading not far away.

It was a shriveled moon rag doll, gradually turning into a mass of clay and dispersing.

"Is it a stand-in trick?"

Kazuki came back to his senses.

Sacrifice 1/4 of your stamina, create a stunt doll to attract attention, and wait for an opportunity to attack.

This kid is really ruthless!

At this moment, Yue Yibu was also breathing heavily on the spot.

Its stamina consumption is even more exaggerated than that of natural birds.

"But now the time has come."

At this time, Xiao Mao suddenly waved his fingers and took the initiative to attack:
"Right now, Yue Yibu, use the last treasure!!"

(End of this chapter)

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